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是的,网友的句子是一个全部倒装句。这种倒装句是表语(主语补语)前置引起的全部倒装,多因尾焦(end-focus),尾重(end-weight),或二者兼而有之,而将主语置于句末,使之成为语义焦点,信息核心。所以,网友的句子把表语(主语补语)equally important前置于句首,句末的the mental aspect便成为了语义焦点,信息核心。对于这种使主语成为信息核心的解释是有的。夸克等人的CGEL18.23有这样的解释:… ln consequence,such fronting naturally carries with it the inversion that puts S in final position, and indeed it is to achieve end focus on the S that the fronting is generally undertaken:CVS: Especially remarkable was her oval face. [1b]CVS: Faint grew the sound of the bell. [2b]AVS: ln a distant grave lies his beloved body. [3b]此外,章振邦老师的《新编高级英语语法》46.4C特定情况下主语补语的前置也有说明(摘录部分内容):主语补语的前置通常并不引起倒装,但在某种情况下也可能引起倒装,这有时是因为主语较长或结构较复杂。例如:More serious was the question of how the President would present the joint announcement.有时为了上下文衔接紧密而把主语补语移至句首。例如:What Uncle Conroy did was important, but more important was the way he did things.表语(主语补语)前置引起的全部倒装这一语法内容,在Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English Fronted predicatives一节有比较系统的阐述。感兴趣地话,可以阅读。最后补充一下Bas Aarts对end-focus和end-weight的解释:1. end-focus: A term used in CGEL to refer to the placing of the most important information in a sentence or clause (the focus) at the end.2. end-weight: A term used in CGEL to refer to the tendency of longer (i.e. heavier) units of information to come at the end of a sentence or clause. Since new information may need more detailed explanation than given information, end-weight often goes hand-in-hand with end-focus.以上内容,仅供参考。

2天前 回答问题

网友所说的get far (with)和get sb far (with)在词典中是有说明的,仅以韦氏高阶词典get词条为例:always followed by an adverba [no object] : to make progress in some activityHe hasn't gotten far with the essay. [=he hasn't made much progress with the essay]b [+ object] : to cause or help (someone) to make progressAll that effort didn't really get us very far.所以,网友句中的further应该解释为副词far的比较级形式。韦氏词典的“取得进步,进展”和“使…取得进步,进展”应该是一种引申义。牛津高阶(9版)get词条17解释为:[l]+adv./prep. to arrive at or reach a place or point 其例句为: I haven't got very far with the book I'm reading.这里的get far可以字面理解为“到达很远距离”,可引申为“取得进步,进展”。此外,韦氏高阶对get有这样的解释:always followed by an adverb or preposition,[+object]: to cause (someone or something) to move or go,如果根据这个义项,get sb far可以解释为“使…移动很远距离”,引申为“使...取得进步,进展”。至于句中get us any further,倾向于把any further解释为状语,表示抽象意义的距离长度,或一种程度,根据韦氏词典的解释,这种状语应该是必具性的。如果把any further解释为宾语补语,一般来说,宾语与宾语补语会构成逻辑上的主谓或主表关系,如果单独说we are far/further,可能不会成立。至于with词组,可以解释为谓语动词get或谓语动词及其补足成分get us any further的方面状语。个人看法,仅供参考。

2024-09-10 09:44 回答问题

正如网友所言,几部主流词典都把peek处理为不及物动词。在The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language中对peep一词这样处理:v. tr. To cause to emerge or become partly visible: He peeped his head through the door.外国论坛也有过讨论,不过,结果不太尽人意,可参考:https://forum.wordreference.com/threads/transitive-peep-vs-peek.3460721/post-17559325

2024-09-08 22:11 回答问题

同意奉老师的解答。顺便补充一下Michael Swan的英文解释,供参考:Quite is not used directly before comparatives.She's rather/much/a bit older than me.(BUT NOT She's quite older …)But we use quite better to mean 'completely recovered' (from an illness).所以,可以转换为:Don’t start work again until you’re quite better.(= … until you're completely recovered.)此外,王福祯主编的《英语词语用法详解词典》p.764也有类似的解释(节选要点部分):一般说来,quite不可修饰形容词的比较级,但却可以说quite better。quite虽然不可修饰形容词的比较级,但却可以修饰形容词的最高级。例如:You are quite the most exciting man l've ever known.You're quite the funniest guy in Minnesota.

2024-09-08 19:01 关注了问题

2024-09-08 12:46 回答问题

在It is important that…句式中,that分句中的谓语动词多用be-型虚拟式或推定式should,即动词原形或should+不带to的不定式。正如牛老师所言,动词原形多用于美国英语,而should do多用于英国英语。牛津高阶的解释:it is important to somebody that…It's very important to me that you be there.(British English) It's very important to me that you should be there.但是,葛传椝老师的《简明英语惯用法》p.142有如下例句:It is important that every one of us (should) do the best he can. (should主要用于英国英语)lt is important that every one of us does the best he can.此外,Longman Collocations Dictionary and Thesaurus (p.1111):lt is important that the patient understands the risks.朗文英语词典Examples from the Corpus:lt is important that everyone understands the risks involved in this plan.不过,在考试英语中,建议使用动词原形或should do,最好不用陈述式动词。个人看法,仅供参考。

2024-09-06 12:37 发起提问

2024-09-04 10:42 发起提问

2024-09-01 13:26 发起提问

2024-09-01 13:05 发起提问