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性别: 湖南 - 长沙 注册于 2015-08-22


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句子结构分析(be ours to make)

这里的 ours 相当于 our judgement。The judgment isn't ours to make.=The judgment isn't our judgement to make.

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at all cost还是at all costs(2018高考英语天津卷)

两者都可以,不算错,但 at all costs 远比 at all cost 用得普遍。下面是一句用 at all cost 的例句:He wanted her at all cost(s) / at any cost / whatever the cost, even if it meant giving up everything he had.——摘自《剑桥国际英语词典》

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这没什么特别的规律,主要靠记忆。有两种拼写形式的类似有:analyze / analyse 分析apologize / apologise 道歉authorize / authorise 授权;批准capitalize / capitalise 使资本化civilize / civilise 教化;使开化economize / economise 节约fertilize / fertilise 施肥于;使肥沃legalize / legalise 使合法化materializ...

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fall a prey与fall prey(系动词后接名词用不用冠词的问题)

1.  prey 是不可数名词,为什么可以加a? 是什么意思呢?《朗文当代英语大词典》(英汉汉英)第4版给prey标注的语法特点是[sing, U],即用作不可数名词或用单数(包括连用不定冠词)。但《朗文当代英语大词典》注明be / fall prey to sb / sth为习语(相当于 if someone falls prey to someone or something bad, they ar...

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come up with /catch up with 是不是整体是一个谓语

只能把 come up with, catch up with 看作一个整体,否则意思就变了。

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1. 你的题目只能选 D,因为根据句意,排除的是时间,即“除了当它们……外”“除非……”。2. except后可接哪几种宾语从句,归纳如下:▲that 从句:I would lend you the money except that I don’t have any. 我是肯借给你钱的,只是我没有钱。▲when 从句:He usually goes to work on his bike except when it rains. 除了雨天,...

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▲不太明白你第一个问题是什么意思,如果你是指“let+名词或代词+can”这类句式,肯定是错的。▲let it go 有两个常见的用法:一是用于本义,表示“让它走”“让它离开”;二是用作习语,表示“不理会,不追究,不理睬,不介意”。如:I'm quite happy really to net a fish and then let it go. 网到鱼后又把它放生,我挺开心的...

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since attained的用法分析(since后接过去分词)

同意钟老师的看法,since attained 的用法有点难,也比较少见,我提供另外一种解释,供参考:since attained = which was attained since(后来实现的……)另外,句中的 conflicting 理解为动词 conflict 的 -ing 形式更合适,因为其前有个频度副词 often 修饰。

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you girls, they girls中人称代词的用法

▲you girls, we girls, they girls 都可以说,其中的 girls 是其前人称代词的同位语(当然其中的 girls 也可根据需要换成其他名词)。如:You girls, stop talking! 你们这些女孩子,别说话了。You lawyers are paid to take the tough choices. 你们律师拿了报酬要作困难的选择。We girls often go to the movies together...

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drink water与drinking water的区别

网友说得对,汉语说的“饮用水”不是 drink water 而是 drinking water。1. drink water=喝水——动宾结构。如:I drink water every day. 我每天都喝水。You mustn’t drink water from the river. 你们绝不要喝这河里的水。Instead of tea or coffee, drink water to quench your thirst. 渴了喝水,别喝茶或咖啡。2. drinking...

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