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性别: 湖南 - 长沙 注册于 2015-08-22


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around 9 a.m. 和 about 3.30 p.m.前面可以加介词at吗

可以上加个介词 at,但也可以省略。正:I was very happy with the school hours inBritainbecause school starts around 9 a.m. and ends about 3.30 p.m.正:I was very happy with the school hours inBritainbecause school starts at around 9 a.m. and ends at about 3.30 p.m.

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child 可以用作称呼语吗

可以的。比如下面的例句:Don’t be silly, child. 别发傻了,孩子。(张道真英语语法)

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不能用 more better 的疑问

你的老师说得没错,不能说 more better,这就是所谓的双重所有格。要表示“更加好”,用 better 就可以了;若要加强语气,可用 much better。如:He’s much better today. 他今天好多了。She is much better at tennis than I am. 她网球打得比我好很多。This bicycle is much better than that one. 这辆自行车比那一辆好多...

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66 赞同

devote oneself to do/devote oneself to doing辨析

▲是的,你说的没错,在 devote…to…中,to 为介词,若后接动词,要用动名词。如:She devoted herself to helping the poor. 她献身于帮助穷人。They devote each weekend to cultivating their gardens. 他们把每个周末用来从事园艺。▲但是,在你的句子中,study 是名词,不是动词,所以句子没有问题。类似的用法如:The st...

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Would you please...?与Please would you...?比较

这类表示请求的疑问句 please 可以放在句首、句中或句末。1. 放在句首:Please would you pass the salt? 请把盐递过来好吗?Please would you put your name down? 请把名字写下来。Please would you look over my essay? 请你烦神把我的文章看一遍。Please would you lend me your pen? 借用一下你的钢笔好吗?2. 放在句...

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请参考英语语法网的以下文章:1. 否定副词之后的倒装http://www.yygrammar.com/Article/200811/791.html2. 副词后的倒装http://www.yygrammar.com/Article/200811/789.html3. 涉及副词so的两类常考倒装http://www.yygrammar.com/Article/200811/729.html关于方式状语、频度状语等移至句首时的倒装问题,不是强制性的。一般...

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on the theory that...是什么意思

on the theory that...的字面意思是“基于……的理论”,但实际上通常表示“基于……的想法、猜测、设想等”,有时也翻译成“认为”。如:He rose early, on the theory that morning efforts are best. 他起得早,因为他认为早晨效率最高。Her method is based on the theory that all children want to learn. 她的方法是基于所有孩...

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“有”的时态表述(do you have和have you got 的区别)


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have yet to be done 如何理解


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wash out 的用法分析

wash out 的本义是指雨水冲毁或损毁,但通常用于引申指活动或比赛等因雨取消或无法进行。如:The match was completely washed out. 这场比赛遇雨而完全取消了。Rain washed out five of the last seven games. 由于下雨,最后的7场比赛取消了5场。Torrential rain washed out most of the weekend’s events. 这场雨很大,...

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