蒋红秀 - 英语教师
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性别: 湖南 - 长沙 注册于 2015-08-22


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我觉得答案有误。正确答案应该是 computers。请看来自词典的例句:When you say you dislike computers, you’re really showing your age.(韦氏高阶英语词典)Just because I don’t like computers, everyone thinks I’m a bit peculiar.(朗文正误词典)注:computer 只有在某些表示抽象意义的短语中才是不可数的。

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你说的“主动”通常是意译出来,不一定要直译。“他总是主动学习”用actively来翻译主动是可以的,actively的意思是in an active manner。所以把“他总是主动学习”翻译成He always studies actively是可以的。“他从不主动联系我”可以考虑翻译成He never begins to get in touch with me.  另外,表示主动做某事,英语有两个...

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你怎么会想到所有形容词都作后置定语呢?单个的形容词作定语,通常是前置的,这不用说;只有少数形容词或在少数特殊情况下,形容词作定语才后置。但是形容词短语作定语时,原则上是要后置的。 相关详细说明可参考:http://www.yygrammar.com/Article/201106/2286.htmlhttp://www.yygrammar.com/Article/200905/1193.ht...

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why is it that...中it是形式主语吗

这里的 it 不是形式主语。本句的 why is it that... 其实是强调句 it is because... that...的特殊疑问句形式(即对 because 从句提问得来)。举个简单的例子来说明:It is because it is too cold that I want to leave here. 是因为这太冷了我才想离开这里。—Why is it that you want to leave here? 是什么原因让你想离...

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1. Thank you for offering inviting me to the free summer English course organizing in your school.改正的办法:(1) 将 inviting 改为 to invite,因为 offer 后面接不定式。(2) 将 organizing 改为 organized,用过去分词表被动。Thank you for offering to invite me to the free summer English course organized i...

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come off as的用法

come off as 是固定短语,其英语释义是to give the impression of possessing certain qualities,翻译成汉语是“给人的印象是”“看上去似乎是”。如:I don’t want to come off as desperate. 我不想给人很绝望印象。I didn’t want to come off as weak. 我不想给人很弱的印象。Wilbur is often disliked because he has a te...

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第三、四段用 Paragraph 3 and 4 表示对吗

正:pages 3,4 and 5误:page 3,4 and 5正:chapters 10 through 20误:chapter 10 through 20正:Paragraphs 3 and 4误:Paragraph 3 and 4正:Grades 5 and 6误:Grade 5 and 6正:lines 7-10误:line 7-10正:Days 5-8误:Day 5-8正:Books 2-3误:Book 2-3正:on Saturday and Sunday mornings误:on Sa...

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代词的问题(which, it, what, that引导定语从句)

请核实:原句的 concerning 似乎用得不妥,宜改为 concerned about。分析:答案选 it。在这里,it 用于指代前面的 the Internet,在定语从句中做主语,定语从句中动词 caused 的宾语为省略的关系代词 that 或 which。即:Experts are concerned about the Internet and the troubles (先行词) (that / which) it has caused...

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German is one of the widely spoken languages in the history, used by about one out of nine human beings in the world. = German, used by about one out of nine human beings in the world, is one of the widely spoken languages in the history. 即 used by about one out of nine human beings...

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This is little if anything to suggest that this success is not set to continue.句子有错,句首的 this 应该是 there 才对。句中的 that 为从属连词,引导宾语从句,作 suggest 的宾语。

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