蒋红秀 - 英语教师
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性别: 湖南 - 长沙 注册于 2015-08-22


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at less than有哪些用法

at less than 并不是一个固定搭配,它由介词 at 和固定短语 less than 两部分组成。在通常情况下它们不会用在一起,除非有特定语境的需要。比如:A discount store is a store which regularly sells goods at less than the usual price. 廉价商店就是其商品售价比通常的价格要低的商店。Subsonic flying means...

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This country has seen...是什么意思

see有时用时间或地点作主语,表示某个时间或地点遭受或历经了某情况。如:This year has seen a big increase in road accidents. 今年道路交通事故大增。The city has seen plenty of violence over the years. 这些年本市发生多宗暴力事件。 你的句子意思是:They rushed to the scene of what may be the worst hum...

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因为 dr 属字母组合发音,不宜拆开,同时因为 chil 为闭音节(i读[i])。

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答案为 spot,on the spot 是固定搭配,意思是“在现场”。如:The fire brigade were on the spot within five minutes. 救火队五分钟内抵达现场。 on the spot还有两个意思:1. 立即,马上You must make a decision on the spot. 你必须马上作出决定。2. 在原地Running on the spot is good exercise. 原地...

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疑问句中的 Which of...能否将of-短语后移

就本句而言,不可以这样改。但同样的句式,如果 subjects 是一个很复杂的结构,为考虑句子平衡,则可能这样用。如:Which do you like best of the subjects that are listed in the school paper?

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a most 和 the most 的区别

a most +形容词:其中的most相当于very;the most + 形容词:则是最高级用法。比较:She was a most kind teacher. 她是位非常友善的老师。She was the most kind teacher. 她是最友善的老师。再举几例 a most...的用法:       It was a most touching scene. 那是极其动人的场面。She is a...

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首先要弄清什么叫不定式的复合结构,它指的是不定式带有自己的逻辑主语,即“逻辑主语+不定式”这样的结构。弄清这个概念之后,你就会发现不定式的复合结构作宾语是很普遍的用法。如:ask sb to do sthtell sb to do sthteach sb to do sthorder sb to do sthwarn sb to do sth……但有时不定式的复合结构...

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​What I should like most...(如何理解本句型中should之用法和...

What I should like most for a birthday present is a bike.这里的 should like 可看作一个整体,意思是 want,相当于:What I want most for a birthday present is a bike.我最想要的生日礼物是一辆自行车。

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It happened on the Friday before he left for Japan.这里用定冠词,是因为特指,即特指他动身去日本前的那个星期五。We came here the Tuesday before last. 我们是上上星期的星期二来这儿的。“When can I have my birthday party?” “On the Saturday nearest to it.” “我的生日庆祝会可以在哪天举行?”“在离你生日最近的...

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on its launch day 只能用 on,不能用 in。如果用 in,则可用 only in one day 之类的。

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