蒋红秀 - 英语教师
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性别: 湖南 - 长沙 注册于 2015-08-22


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句子成分分析1:把 back 与 to my office 分开考虑。I (主语) brought (谓语) him (宾语) back (宾补) to my office (状语).句中的 to my office 为地点状语,并非必具性的;若省略,并不影响句子结构的完整性。句子成分分析2:把 back 与 to my office 合在一起考虑。I (主语) brought (谓语) him (宾语) back to my offic...

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be ​adapted for 和 be adapted to 有什么区别

两者的区别为:be adapted for 表示适合某一目的或用途be adapted for 表示适合的对象或适合某一需要以上区别的依据是——T. S. Wood 博士著《英语介词习语词典》(以下为原文照录):1. 试图去适应的东西或情况,用 to 指出。例如:She found it difficult to adapt herself to her new surroundings. 她感到难于适应她周围...

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with 的用法

你的句子中的 with 不是表示伴随,而是表示“与……有关”(= used to say what an action or situation is related to)。即 His business is with other men's money 的字面意思是:他做的生意与别人钱有关。with 表示“与……有关”的更多例句:We have a problem with parking in this area. 我们这里有停车问题。Is there...

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in competition with 的用法疑问

本题答案只能是 with。in competition with 是固定搭配,可当作复合介词使用,意思是“与……竞争”。又如:(1) The two parties were not in competition with each other.  双方非互相竞争。(2) They found themselves in competition with people much more experienced than they were.  他们发现自已是在和...

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ought to的宾语

你引用的句子不完整,我在网上查到了这个句子的完整形式:“I think you ought to have told me, Alan,” said Hughie in a bad temper, “and not have let me make such a fool of myself.”分析:句中的 not 不只是否定 have,而是否定 have let。后半句的 and not have let me make such a fool of myself 是承前面句子的省...

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▲表示“对…的介绍、引见、前言、序言、体验、入门书”等,其后通常都接介词 to。如:one’s introduction to modern jazz 某人对现代爵士音乐的初次接触I have finished my introduction to the book. 我已经写好了该书的序言。This course is designed as an introduction to the subject. 这门课程是作为该科目的入门课而开...

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是的,其中的 above 是副词,意思是“上文”“前文”。句意:因为上文提到的原因。As was stated above 如上所述the two cases described above 上述两例

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him on the sofa 和 me in a chair 是独立主格用法么

是的,是独立主格。按理说,所谓的独立主格,这里的应该用主格 he 和 I,但事实上用宾格的情况也比较普遍,比较典型的是 me included。如:Take all of us, me included. 把我们都带去,包括我。Everyone, me included, would rather have coffee.  每个人,包括我,都想要咖啡。其他例句如:I saw Rob a few minutes...

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动词 remember 后面接动名词只表示这个动作已经发生了,隐含的时态可能是一般过去时也可能是现在完成时——因为它们两者都表示已经发生的动作,只是在是否强调影响方面有区别,而 remember 后面接动名词是与影响无关的。

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关于be difficult to find 的宾语问题

这里的 find 是及物动词,它虽然没有真正的宾语,但有它逻辑宾语 it,即 it 是 find 的逻辑宾语。类似地:The book is difficult to read. ——the book 是 read 的逻辑宾语。The man is difficult to work with. ——the man 是 with 的逻辑宾语。The poem is difficult to understand. ——the poem 是 understand 的逻辑宾语。

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