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性别: 湖南 - 长沙 注册于 2015-08-22


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as many as ten times 还是 as much as ten times

我觉得这个句子只能用 as much as,不能用 as many as,至于原因,刘老师已给出了说明。但是不是 as much as 就一定不能修饰 ten times 呢?也不一定,要看情况。比如:正:He has been there as many as ten times. 他去那儿的次数高达10次。误:He is as many as ten times richer than all of us. 正:He is as muc...

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▲Those same toys can be found put away in the basement. 的意思是:那些同样的玩具会被发现放在了地下室。注意这里的 be found 为被动语态形式,它的主动语态形式可能是:You can find those same toys put away in the basement. 你会发现那些同样的玩具被放在了地下室。▲在主动句中,过去分句 put away 是宾语补足语,...

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I'm sorry to do sth与I'm sorry to have done sth比较

问题一:His proposal is doomed to fail. 不可以改写成 It's doomed for his proposal to  fail. 或 For his proposal to fail is doomed.一个简单的原因是:doomed是否完全形容词化语言学家们都意见不一(有的词典收录了形容词doomed,有的词典没有收录doomed这个形容词,而只收录其动词用法)。而你说的It'...

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in payment of... 在句子中做什么成分

介词短语 in payment of...可看作定语,修饰 cheque,意思是“付……钱的支票”,相当于不定式 to pay for。in payment of... 也可说成 in payment for...,两者意思相同。

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To think...是一个固定句型吗(2018年北京高考完形填空)

To think...用于表示惊讶,意思是“你想想看(竟然)”“真没想到(竟然)”。如:To think of his not knowing about it! 真没想到他对此事竟一无所知!I can still hardly believe it! To think that the President stayed at my hotel! 我到现在还不太相信!想想看,总统居然和我在同一家宾馆里下榻! To thin...

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She suffered no ill effects from the experience分析

1. 句子成分分析:She (主语) suffered (谓语) no ill effects (宾语) from the experience (状语).句意:这次经历没有使她受到不良影响。2. 语言知识点分析:这里的 ill 意思是 bad,即表示“坏的;有害的;不良的”。用于此义时,只用于名词前作定语。如:Many people consumed the poisoned oil without ill effects. 很多...

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并列句省略主语的疑问以及代词it的指代(2018 高考英语北京卷阅...

Anger is rarely looked upon as a beneficial character trait, and is usually advised to reduce it.网友的质疑是对的,这是一个“问题句”。就本句而言,从语法上看,后面部分 is usually advised to reduce it 省略的主语只能是 anger,但如果说成 anger is usually advised to reduce it,意思显然不通,因为我们不能说...

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all, very表示程度时的区别

网友句子中的 all 确实表示程度,但主要用于非正式英语,与 very 同义,但不如very 正式。如:Bill is all friendly with Ben. 比尔对本非常友好。He was all interested in the opposite sex. 他对异性很感兴趣。He is all ill and unlikely to recover. 他的病很重,不大可能会康复了。In such a close-run race as this...

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第一问:两个不定冠词,均不能改为定冠词,这显然是第一次提到,你说“应该是指上文已经交代过的,应具有特指意义”,这是你自己的想法,不是原文体现的意思。第二问:这里的 is 可理解为 becomes。类似的例子如:Bake until the pastry is golden and crisp. 把油酥糕点烤至金黄酥脆。(摘自牛津 crisp 词条)Cook the pastry...

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would like to do与would like to have done的区别

would like to do sth = 想要做某事——用于现在I would like to see the person in charge of personnel. 我想见管人事的负责人。I'd like to go, but I 'm awfully busy. 我很想去,但我实在太忙了。would like to have done sth = 本来想要做某事(但实际上没有做成某事);真想做某事(但实际上不可能做某事)——均...

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