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性别: 湖南 - 长沙 注册于 2015-08-22


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【问题讨论】分析 It came time (for sb.) to do sth. 的结构

谢谢刘老师出题!好像在某本原版语法上见过相关分析(但不记得是本什么书了,有时间找一下):句中的 it 为虚义的 it 或泛指的 it,句中的 come 可视为系动词,其后的 time...为表语。

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定语从句的正误判断(where he was 等)

1. This is the room in which he was.2. This is the room which/that he was in.3. This is the room where he was.4. This is the cage in which a dog was.5. This is the cage which/that a dog was in.6. This is the cage where a dog was.并不奇怪,以上各句均正确。

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这个when引导的既不是定语从句,也不是状语从句。这里的 when 是并列连词,相当于and at that time,意思是“这时(突然)”,句意为:在那天上学的倒数第二节的体育课上,我正一边走一边看书,这里我突然看到一个女孩独自一人走着,也在埋头看书。以下句子也属类似用法:I was taking a walk, when I came across him. 我在...

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least regard 有错吗

这里不用定冠词与 there be 句式有关,因为 there be 句式作为存在句,其后接的名词通常是非特指的。比如通常说 There are some people in the room. 而不说 There are the people in the room. 当然这说的是通常用法,不包括特殊用法,比如 There are the people who want to see you. 可视为 The people who want to see...

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be busy with doing sth的搭配对吗

以下搭配都对:正:be busy with sth——常用正:be busy doing sth——常用正:be busy with doing sth——少用正:be busy in doing sth——少用用 doing 时,其前的介词通常是省略的。

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▲答案是 whatever,老师解释说因为 the price 是名词所以直接填 whatever。但如果说这个句子:The price is high. 这时便是主系表结构,就是 however 了呀!答案确实应填 whatever,但原因不是“the price 是名词所以直接填 whatever”。这里的 whatever 引导让步状语从句,相当于 no matter what。即:I will buy the car, n...

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be busy doing sth中的doing是现在分词还是动名词

be busy doing sth 中的 doing sth 是现在分词:I’m busy cooking (the) dinner. 我正忙着烧饭。She was busy weeding the garden. 她在花园里忙着除草。若在 doing 前面使用了介词 with / in,则 doing 为动名词:I’m busy in / with cooking (the) dinner. 我正忙着烧饭。She was busy  in / with weeding the...

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bus No.26 前面为什么没有冠词

bus No. 26 前面完全可以加不定冠词。另外,句子中的 alone 有误,应该是 along。

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表示“流口水”时,drool与dribble 的区别是:1. 两者均主要用作不及物动词,没什么区别(只是 dribble 多用于英国英语):Babies dribble constantly. 婴儿总是流口水。The dog lay drooling on the mat. 狗躺在垫子上流着口水。I drooled all over my pillow. 我把枕头上弄得到处是口水。2. 除表示“流口水”外,dribble 还可用...

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为什么 from place to place 与 over time 之间要用 and 连接

用 and 连接更强调。相当于下句的省略:People's ideas about a normal colour for food can change from place to place and change over time.

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