●通常的表达是:learn sth from sb 向某人学习某事物study sth under sb 在某人的指导下学习某事物 ●例句:1. learn sth from sbHe learned carpentry from his father. 他是从父亲那儿学的木匠手艺。She learned embroidery from her grandmother. 她从祖母那儿学会了刺绣。You were lucky to learn English fro...
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如果网友是想应付考试,最好不要说 most favourite,如果是搞研究,则是另外一回事。我觉得尽管语料里有不少相关说法,但许多国外出版的用法词典都是认为 most favouriet 的用法是错误的,尤其是在考试中会被认为是错误的。下面的内容摘自《朗文高级英语应试词典》(第2776页)的附录部分,其上明确说明剑桥高级英语证书考...
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有一种情况可以补充:当 every 后面接有数词或few时,数词或few后面可以接复数名词。如:1. We meet every few days. 我们每隔几天就会一次面。2. Every few days there seemed to be another setback. 每隔几日似乎就有一次挫折。3. We take classes in chemistry every three days. 我们每隔两天就上化学课。4. You...
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你“希望听听陈老师的看法”,不知你是想听听哪个陈老师的看法。我不是陈老师,但看了你的问题,也想说说自己的“看法”,因为你的问题太“有趣”了!你这样的问题估计任何陈老师也解答不了。如果有人能解答,我也可以提出很多类似的问题请他来解答。比如:1. 词变复数为什么是加s或es,而不是其他?这有什么依据或原则吗?2. 现...
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Visa Card 意思是“维萨卡”,是一种信用卡。例句如:What’s the credit limit on your Visa card? 你的维萨卡的信用额度是多少?When she travels,she charges her expenses on her Visa or Visa card. 她旅行时用信用卡付款。Firstdirect, Midland Bank’s telephone banking offshoot, has cut its Visa card ra...
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The best is eventually the cheapest.字面意思是:最好的最终是最便宜的。实质意思是:买最好的,最终会用得久,自然也就是最便的了。其实也就是:一分价钱一分货;好货不便宜。
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根据夸克的《英语语法大全》,英语中可表示位置和方向的副词主要有:aboard, about, above, abroad, across, ahead, aloft, alongside, anywhere, around, ashore, astern, away, back, behind, below, beneath, between, beyond, down, downhill, downstairs, downstream, downwind, east, eastward(s), southward(s), wes...
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分词短语作状语时,它的逻辑主语原则上应是句子的主语。但如果是介词加动名词短语作状语,则其逻辑主语不一定是主句的主语。如:His legs ached after playing football. 踢完球后他感到腿疼。Her hips had spread since having a baby. 生孩子后她的臀部变大了。
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▲答案为 B。没错,是考查take trouble to do do sth 这一搭配。又如:He took a lot of trouble over the design. 他花了许多工夫 设计这份图样。I took great trouble to put them at their ease. 我费了好大劲儿,才解除他们心中的忧虑。I took a great deal of trouble to read this book through. 我费了很大的劲读完这...
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the literal meaning 字面意思(名词)The literal meaning of "telephone" is "far-away sound". telephone的字面意思是“远处的声音”。The word has a metaphorical as well as a literal meaning. 这个单词除了字面意思还有一层比喻意思。 the conveyance of meaning 表达意思(名词)/ convey me...
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