蒋红秀 - 英语教师
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性别: 湖南 - 长沙 注册于 2015-08-22


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1. 名词用作主语:The pill is coated with sugar. 这药丸包了糖衣。Black coffee leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. 不加奶的咖啡在嘴里留下了一些苦味。2. 代词用作主语:He is an able lawyer. 他是位很能干的律师。I don’t discuss private matters with my colleagues. 我不和同事谈私事。3. 数词用作主语:Five is...

回答于 2020-12-16 23:32

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过去分词短语,简单地说,就是以过去分词为中心词,连同它的修饰语(比如状语)以及宾语(比如双宾动词)所构成的短语。如:There was a loud explosion, followed by a plume of thick black smoke. 巨大的爆炸声之后,腾起一股浓浓的黑烟。The house stood remote, embowered in trees. 那房子位置偏僻,掩映在树林之中。

回答于 2020-12-09 09:12

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and hence后面的省略疑问

and是并列连词,hence 是副词(因此,= for this reason),其后承前省略了this requires。 Under modern conditions, this requires varying measures of centralized control and hence the help of specialized scientists such as economists and operational research experts. =Under modern conditions, this requ...

回答于 2020-12-09 09:02

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可以说:There are many people in the party, of whom 80% are women.He bought two books, of which both are interesting.He bought two books, of which neither are/is interesting.但不说:There are many people in the party, whose 80% are women.He bought two books, whose both aren't interesting.

回答于 2020-12-06 16:53

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be left doing sth是什么用法

leave 有个用法是用于 leave sb doing sth, 意为“让某人做某事(处于做某事的状态中)”。如:His letter left me feeling pretty bad. 他的信让我感到很难受。They walked off and left me sitting there all by myself. 他们走开了,让我孤零零一个人坐在那儿。你的句子就是这类句式的被动式。

回答于 2020-12-06 16:48

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as much...than的用法正确吗

    不是要将as much 改为 much more,倒是应该将 than 改为 as,构成 as much...as(跟……一样)。

回答于 2020-12-06 15:41

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Is my wish to become an actor possible to realize? --Yes, your wish is sure to be realized. 我怀疑这个句子是国人编造出来的,不符合英语惯用法。从语法结构上分析,在Is my wish to become an actor possible to realize?中的不定式 to become an actor 是修饰名词 my wish 的定语,该句若变成陈述句,则是:My wish...

回答于 2020-12-06 14:54

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decide which evidence to believe是什么结构

你的理解不对。In a trial, a judge must decide which eyewitnesses to believe and which not to believe. = In a trial, a judge must decide which eyewitnesses he/she should believe and which eyewitnesses he/she should not believe .

回答于 2020-12-02 21:43

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someone believe做什么成分?

what someone believes is true but has not been proved 是表语从句,但在这个表语从句中,what someone believes 是主语从句,what 在这个主语从句中充当宾语。

回答于 2020-12-02 21:41

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是的,younger 后面有所省略——省略了 workers。

回答于 2020-12-02 21:29