蒋红秀 - 英语教师
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性别: 湖南 - 长沙 注册于 2015-08-22


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band在此表示“乐队”,为集合名词。这样用的 band 用作主语时,其谓语动词可用单数(视为整体)或复数(考虑其个体)。即你的句子用 is 或 are 都可以。1. 主谓一致用单数谓语的例句:The band is playing live in Birmingham tonight. 今晚乐队将在伯明翰现场演出。The band is currently on tour in the States. 乐队目前...

回答于 2021-01-22 13:41

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Neither 是代词。用作主语时,谓语动词用单数或复数均可。又如:Neither is / are correct. 两个都不对。Neither is / are eligible for a US visa. 两个都没有资格得到美国签证。

回答于 2021-01-22 13:36

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下列表达方式都完全可以:1. How kind of him it is to help us.比较:It is kind of him to help us.2. How kind of him to help us. (可视为上面一句省略了 it is)比较:It is kind of him to help us.3. How kind he is to help us.比较:He is kind to help us.

回答于 2021-01-22 13:32

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have it to fix是否正确

你的理解是错误的。此题只能选择A,你引用的解释说得很清楚了。你说的“修这件事情发生在明天,用 to do 是否会更好一些”,不对。“明天”的意味在句中已由将来时态体现了。

回答于 2021-01-21 13:28

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not do sth simply because...

是的,这里有否定转移:don't fear... simply because...but because 的意思是:人们不仅仅是因为……而害怕……,而是因为……

回答于 2021-01-21 13:25

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两者同义,如下面的例子摘自《韦氏高阶英语词典》,该词典用等号来解释 quotation 和 quote:literary/illustrative quotations [=quotes]  文学隽语;说明性引语

回答于 2021-01-21 13:19

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你的问题只要查一下英英词典就清楚了:passage:a usually short section of a book, poem, speech, etc.段落;章节 He quoted a passage from the Bible. 他引用了《圣经》中的一段话。The book's main theme is reflected in the following passage. 这本书的主题在下一段落中得到反映。paragraph:a part of a piece of...

回答于 2021-01-21 13:16

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回答于 2021-01-21 13:04

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谁说集合名词就不用复数啊。集合名词指的许多个个体的集合体。比较:an army 指一支军队two armies 指两支军队注意体会:The battling armies agreed to a truce. 交战双方同意休战。Two great armies met on the battlefield that day. 那天两支强大的军队在战场上交战。All the combatant armies went to war with machin...

回答于 2021-01-19 11:24

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by的用法(by about 2 cm across)

介词by在这里表示测量长宽时的大小,如:The photographs should measure 3 cm by 2 cm. 照片尺寸应为3厘米x 2厘米。It measures 15 cm long by 12 cm wide. 经测量,它长15厘米,宽12厘米。I need a piece of clear glass 22 cm by 35 cm. 我要一块长35厘米宽22厘米的透明玻璃。

回答于 2021-01-16 12:17