
性别: 注册于 2021-05-06

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谢邀答。这些句子的含义应该很容易理解。上面曹老师已经写到了,扣语法貌似不是这个扣法儿,扣的方向不太对。字典亦把此种more than, as long as视为整体对待,愣要把它们拆开分析,这么做也没啥子意义吧。以下是我自己的理解:1.an area twice the size of Wales=an area (that/which is) twice the size of Wales. twice...

回答于 2022-02-15 09:52

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曹老师,我搜集到了一个理解思路,您看一下是否合适:1. 这个句子本身应该是没有错误的,查了一下,这句话出自《卫报》里的一篇文章,The Observer—Can you think yourself young? 2. 在WR上试着问了一下,有以下两条“母语者”的信息:逗号前的句子实际上包含了两层“difference”的含义:difference 1是people’s attitudes on...

回答于 2022-01-06 17:40

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its most famous application being in the recursive geometry of fractals, images that, when broken down, are created by exact copies of the whole, a continuing process. 整体视为独立主格结构,作状语images that, when broken down, are created by exact copies of the whole, a continuing process.视为the re...

回答于 2022-01-03 22:08

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A truly useful reference book that any white-collar worker s...

整体上这就是个名词词组,that后面是个定语从句,作为先行词book的后置修饰成分。关系代词that指代book,在定语从句中作have的宾语,have the book close to hand,close to hand,形容词短语作为宾语的补足语。句意:一本真正有用的参考书,每个白领手头都应该有一本。

回答于 2021-12-30 12:34

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the hurt apparent in her eyes在语法上如何解释

the hurt apparent in her eyes,独立主格结构(Independent Structure),作为状语成分分析。语义上,She turned to look at Jun, the hurt apparent in her eyes.=She turned to look at Jun, and the hurt was apparent in her eyes. 她转过身看着Jun,眼神里流露出了明显的受到伤害的表情。

回答于 2021-12-24 20:18

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查看了原文,句中的where应该可以理解为=on condition that/if,“如果”,“在.....情况下”的意思,从属连词,引导“条件状语从句”,在从句中不做成分吧。就本句而言,无论主从句哪个在先,最好都加一下逗号吧,这样子清晰明了些。

回答于 2021-12-21 13:27

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milk shake的可数问题

a banana milk shake=a (cup of) banana milk shake 这显然是个很口语化生活化的句子,有些说法大家用习惯了也就普遍接受了呗,当说话人说a banana milk shake的时候,听话者自然就明白了是“一杯香蕉牛奶昔”的意思,奶昔一般就是用cup来盛的,尽管这个"cup"没有说出来。类似的说法还有:a drink, a coffee, a beer, a coke,...

回答于 2021-12-21 11:51

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关于四级作文格式 用商务英语报告的方法写了四级作文 请问能拿及...

120多字的小文章,就几句话,按照常规思路写就行,最好不要标新立异吧,否则不但不会加分很可能会减分。审题不清,题目要求写的很清楚:Suppose you have just participated in a school-project of......,you are now to write a report about the project.,这个project已经发生过了,然后写个总结报告,不是要策划一个p...

回答于 2021-12-19 11:10

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表语不是people,而是people being left to their own devices at home and government wishing the pandemic away. 这是两个并列的动名词复合结构。

回答于 2021-12-16 23:14

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剪掉枝叶,句子主干就是:His elaboration(主语) was to mention(谓语动词) a exchange(宾语). “on the cliché of the speaker modestly boasting that he is not very good at public speaking”,这一大坨为介词短语作为后置定语修饰elaboration,意思是:对于.....的详述;“with his old management communications teach...

回答于 2021-12-15 17:27