



A British woman who won a $1 million prize after she was named the World’s Best Teacher will use the cash to bring inspirational figures into UK schools.

【翻译】一位英国女子被评为全球最佳教师并获得了 100 万美元的奖金,她将利用这笔钱将一些有感召力的人物引入英国学校。

Andria Zafirakou, a north London secondary school teacher, said she wanted to bring about a classroom revolution (变革). “We are going to make a change,” she said. “I’ve started a project to promote the teaching of the arts in our schools.”


The project results from the difficulties many schools have in getting artists of any sort—whether an up-and-coming local musician or a major movie star—into schools to work with and inspire children.


Zafirakou began the project at AlpertonCommunitySchool, her place of work for the past twelve years. “I’ve seen those magic moments when children are talking to someone they are inspired by—their eyes are shining and their faces light up,” she said. “We need artists, more than ever in our schools.”

【翻译】扎菲拉库在阿尔珀顿社区学校开始了这个项目,这是她过去 12 年的工作的地方。我见过一些神奇的时刻,即当孩子们与令他们鼓舞的人交谈时,他们会两眼放光,满脸的高兴,她说。我们的学校比以往任何时候都更需要艺术家。

Artist Michael Craig-Martin said: “Andria’s brilliant project to bring artists from all fields into direct contact with children is particularly welcome at a time when the arts are being downgraded in schools.” It was a mistake to see the arts as unnecessary, he added.


Historian Sir Simon Schama is also a supporter of the project. He said that arts education in schools was not just an add-on. “It is absolutely necessary. The future depends on creativity and creativity depends on the young. What will remain of us when artificial intelligence takes over will be our creativity, and it is our creative spirit, our visionary sense of freshness, that has been our strength for centuries.”


28.What will Zafirakou do with her prize money?

A. Make a movie.

B. Build new schools.

C. Run a project.

D. Help local musicians.


A. 拍电影。

B. 建新学校。

C. 运营一个项目。

D. 帮助当地音乐家。

29.What does Craig-Martin think of the teaching of the arts in UK schools?

A. It is particularly difficult.

B. It increases artists’ income.

C. It opens children’s mind.

D. It deserves greater attention.


A. 它特别困难。

B. 它可以增加艺术家的收入。

C. 它可以打开孩子们的心扉。

D. 它值得更多关注。

30.What should be stressed in school education according to Schama?

A. Moral principles.

B. Interpersonal skills.

C. Creative abilities.

D. Positive worldviews.


A. 道德原则。

B. 人际交往能力。

C. 创造能力。

D. 积极的世界观。

31.Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?

A. Bring Artists to Schools

B. When Historians Meet Artists

C. Arts Education in Britain

D. The World’s Best Arts Teacher


A. 把艺术家引进学校

B. 当历史学家遇见艺术家

C. 英国的艺术教育

D. 世界上最好的艺术老师

答案:28—31 CACA



  • 发表于 2021-10-23 08:21
  • 阅读 ( 26589 )
  • 分类:高考英语

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