







▲sign /saɪn/初中单词)


n.[C]1.迹象,征兆 2.标记,标牌 3.符号,记号 4.手势,信号

v.[I,T]1.签(名),签字,签署 2.示意,打手势(表示)


A. 用作名词

1. 词义及与用法

(1) [C]迹象,征兆:

Black clouds are an unmistaken sign of coming rain. 乌云是下雨的明显征兆。

She saw no signs that he would change his mind. 她没看到他任何改变主意的迹象。

There are no signs of forcible entry. 没有强行闯入的迹象。

I couldn't see any signs of progress. 我看不出任何进步的迹象。

The economy is showing signs of improvement. 经济显示出了好转的迹象。

If she can move her leg, that’s a very good sign. 如果她的腿能够活动,那是个好征兆。

(2) [C]标记,标牌:

Pay attention to the traffic signs. 注意交通标志。

The sign reads “No smoking”. 那牌子上写着禁止抽烟

Turn right and follow the signs to the zoo. 往右转,然后按标记指示到动物园。

A red lamp is often used as a danger sign. 红灯通常用来作为危险的标记。

This sign indicates that cycling is allowed. 这个标牌表明可以骑自行车。

Follow the signs to Route 66. 按照标牌的指示上66 号公路。

They’ve put up a sign warning of the danger. 他们竖起了一块警告有危险的标牌。

(3) [C]符号,记号:

What does this sign mean? 这个符号的意思是什么?

You've forgotten to put the dollar sign before the total amount. 你忘记在总金额前面加美元符号了。

The dictionary includes a section on signs and symbols. 词典中有用以说明其所采用的标记和符号的专栏。

(4) [C]手势,信号:

He nodded as a sign of agreement. 他点头表示同意。

He made a sign to me to sit down. 他向我打了个手势,叫我坐下。

She gave me a thumbs-up sign. 她向我翘起大拇指。

They made signs to each other across the cremtecfroom. 在拥挤的房间里,他们相互打手势。

People who cannot hear and talk sometimes use signs. 聋哑人有时采用打手势的办法 (表示思想)

Three short blasts on the whistle was the sign to begin. 三声短哨就是开始的信号。

Wait until I give the sign. 等我给你信号。

2. 惯用搭配

(1) sign language 手语,手势语:

Not all deaf people use sign language. 并非所有的聋人都使用手势语。

The only means of communication was sign language. 唯一的交流方法是手语。

All our staff have been instructed in sign language. 我们的所養员工都受过手语培训。

表示用手语”“用手势语,可连用介词inby (=by means of)。如:

They communicate by sign language. 他们用手语来交流。

He told her to be quiet in sign language. 他用手势语叫她不要出声。

She explained it by means of sign language. 她用手语解释。

(1) a sign of the times 时代的特征;最近趋势:

The rising level of crime is a sign of the times. 犯罪率增高是这一时代的特征。

Having metal detectors in schools is a sign of the times. 学校里配备金属探测器是时下流行的做法。

Nearly empty churches on Sunday are a sign of the times. 礼拜天教堂里空荡荡的现象正是时代的特征。


Check carrots, potatoes, onions and any other vegetables in store and immediately use or throw away any which show signs of rotting. 检查一下储存的胡萝卜、土豆、洋葱以及其他所有蔬菜,然后把任何有腐烂迹象的都立即用掉或扔掉。(2014湖北卷单选)

I often found myself telling my mom to drive more slowly, so that I could read all of the road signs we passed. 我经常情不自禁地叫妈妈开车的时候慢一点,这样我就能看清我们经过的所有路标。(2019天津卷阅B)

He hung a colorful sign on each of the benches. 他在每一张长凳上都挂了一个颜色鲜艳的标牌。(2020天津卷完形)

English weather-speak is a system of signs, which is developed to help the speakers overcome the natural reserve and actually talk to each other. 英国人谈论天气只是一个符号系统,它是为了帮助说话人克服天生的矜持,从而进入实质性交谈。(2013重庆卷阅E)

I never felt an urge to learn any sign language before. 在此之前,我从来没有过想要学习任何手语的冲动。(2017全国卷完形)


B. 用作动词

1. 词义及与用法

(1) [I,T]签(名),签字,签署


Sign here, please. 请在这里签字。

Sign on the dotted line. 在虚线处签字。

Make sure you read the small print before signing. 一定要把小字的附加条款看完再签字。


The papers are ready to be signed. 这些文件已准备好可以签字了。

Should I sign my name in pencil or ink? 我用铅笔还是用钢笔签字?

Where do you want me to sign my name? 你要我在哪里签名?

Read the contract carefully before signing it. 仔细阅读合同之后再签字。

Don’t sign anything until you’ve consulted a lawyer. 未请教律师,不要随便签字。

(2) [I,T]示意,打手势(表示)


The teacher speaks and signs at the same time. 老师一边说一边做手势。

The child is learning how to sign. 这个孩子在学习如何打手势。

He signed to the waiter to bring the bill. 他做手势让服务员拿账单来。


He signed me out. 他打手势让我出来。

He signed to me to help. 他做手势叫我帮忙。

The policeman signed me to stop. 警察做手势让我停下来。

She signed us to wait. 她打手势让我们等。

2. 值得注意的用法

(1) 及物性与用法

a.表示签名时可用作及物或不及物动词,所以下面一句中的介词to, on也可省略:

Has he signed (to, on) the cheque? 他在支票上签名了吗?

b. 表示打手势时,可及物或不及物;表示打手势叫(示意)某人做某事,可用sign sb to do sth(及物用法),也可用sign to [for] sb to do sth(不及物用法)

The policeman signed (to, for) me to stop. 警察示意我停下。

The policeman signed (to / for) me to stop. 警察打手势要我停下来。


I’ve signed an agreement with ABC Company. 我和ABC公司签了一份协议。(2014北京卷听力)

Six First Prizes: The book Sky Pioneer: A Photo biography of Amelia Earhart signed by author Corinne Szabo and pilot Linda Finch. 6个一等奖:(获奖者)将获得由作家科琳萨博和飞行员琳达芬奇亲笔签名的《天空先锋:阿米莉亚埃尔哈特的摄影传记》一书。(2020新全国卷A)

(2) 可能用错的词性


Can you read this signature? 你认识这个签名吗?

Someone forged my signature. 有人假冒我的签名。

There’s a space here for your signature. 你可以在这空白处签字。

We will send you a copy of the agreement for signature. 我们将把一份协议送交你签字。

3. 常用短语及用法

sign away / over 签字放弃:

He signed away his rights / he signed his rights away. 他签字放弃自己的权利。

She signed away her share in the property. 她签字放弃属于她名下的那份财产。

He signed away his share of the house to his daughter. 他签字把房产中自己的一份让给了女儿。

He signed over the property to his brother. 他签字把财产转让给他弟弟。

sign for 签收:

A registered letter must be signed for by recipient. 挂号信须由收件人签收。

You have to sign for it in person. 你必须亲自签收。

He asked me to sign for the parcel. 他叫我签收包裹。

I signed for the package when it was delivered. 包裹到时我签收了。

This is a registered letter—someone will have to sign for it. 这是封挂号信,必须有人签收。

Make sure you inspect the goods before signing for them. 各必在签收货物之前进行检验。

sign in (使)签到,(使)登记:

You must sign guests in when they enter the club. 客人进入俱乐部你得为他们登记。

Remember to sign in at reception. 别忘了在接待处签到。

The receptionist signed the guests in. 接待员为来宾签到。

All visitors must sign in upon arrival. 所有来访者一到达就必须签到。

sign off 停止播送,结束:

He signed off early to go to the dentist. 他提前结束去看牙医。

The radio station signs off [=stops broadcasting] at midnight. 广播站在午夜结束播音。

As it’s Friday, I think I’ll sign off early today. 今天是星期五,我想我会早点下班。

Because of the snowwe signed off at three o’clock. 由于下雪,我们3点钟就下班了。

sign on


He signed on several good players. 他雇用了几个不错的演员。

There was an attempt to sign up more men for the police force, but not many signed up. 警方本来准备雇用更多的人,但是报名参加的人不多。


He signed on as a sailor. 他签约受雇为海员。

I tried to sign on as a medical assistant. 我试图报名当医务助理。

She signed on as a customer-support officer. 她签约受雇为客服主管。

He signed on as a soldier in the US army. 他签约在美国军队里当士兵。

sign out


Did the visitors sign out? 来访者签退了吗?

Don’t forget to sign out when you go. 离开时别忘了签退。

Soldiers sign out when they leave the barracks. 士兵离开营房得登记签字。


He signed out a book from the library. 他登记从图书馆借出一本书。

Bernstein signed out a company car. 伯恩斯坦登记借用了公司的一辆汽车。

sign up


He signed up for tennis lessons. 他报名参加了网球课。

Students can now sign up for classes. 学生们现在可以报名参加课程。

Ten people signed up for the trip to Paris. 十人报名参加去巴黎的旅行。

I just signed up for an exercise class at the gym. 我刚刚报名参加健身房的健身课。

(2)签约雇用;签约受雇(=sign on

The team signed up [signed on] several new players. 球队签约雇用了几名新球员。

He signed up as a flight attendant with Korean Air. 他与大韩航空公司签了约,成为了一名乘务员。


participants signing in at the gym 参加者在体育馆签到(2019天津卷阅A)

When I first got it home that I would keep it on until stations signed off for the night. 我开始把它(指电视机)搬回家时,我会一直让它开着,直到晚上电视台所有节目都播完。(2015全国卷A)

More than 120,000 people signed up for the first MITX course. 超过12万的人报名参加了首次MITX课程。(2012四川卷阅D)

Her mom signed her up for gymnastics when she was three. 在她3岁时,她妈妈给她报了体操训练班。(2013北京卷完形)




□signature n.[C,U]签名,署名;鲜明特色:

Ask a friend to witness your signature. 请一位朋友给你的签名作证。

Each person’s signature is unique. 每个人的签名是独一无二的。

The form has a blank for your signature. 表格上留有一处空白供签名。

The simple design and bright colours became the signature of all their products. 简洁的设计和明亮的色彩成为他们所有产品的鲜明特色。


Joni praised him, telling her husband this could be his signature piece. 乔尼称赞了他,告诉丈夫这可能是他的招牌曲目。(2019江苏卷阅D)



















  • 发表于 2021-09-12 22:46
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