“so that”, “so…that” 和 “such…that”

“so that”, “so…that” 和 “such…that”

“so that”, “so…that” “such…that”


在学习so that so…that从句时,有相当一部分人认为:so that 是用来构成目的状语从句的,而so…that则是用来构成结果状语从句的。其实,情况并不是这样。

一、   so that同样可以用来引导结果状语从句,无论是否有副词作状语或形容词作表语,这就要得从意义上和so that从句的结构上来考虑,表目的的so that状语从句中通常情况下都含有一个情态动词。试比较:

He hurried to the station so thathe could catch the early bus. (表目的)

= He got to the station hurriedly so that he could catch the early bus.


He hurried to the station so thathe caught the early bus.  (表结果)

= He got to the station hurriedly so that he caught the early bus.

= He got to the station so hurriedly that he caught the early bus.


但若副词或形容词是放在so …that之间,就算that从句中含有情态动词也只能表示结果。

The boy was so stupid that he couldn’t work out the maths problem.


注:表目的的so that 从句可以用in order that 替换;若主句和从句的主语一致的时候还可以用so as toin order to将其转换为简单句。如:

                I got up early so that I could be in time for the morning exercises.

                I got up early in order that I could be in time for the morning exercises.

                I got up early so as to / in order to be in time for the morning exercises.

    有时为了加强语气,in order that 从句或in order to短语还可以放到句首,但so that so as to通常不位于句首。如:

                In order that I could be in time for the morning exercises, I got up early.

In order to be in time for the morning exercises, I got up early.

         so…that(或so that)结构的主句中有副词作状语或形容词作表语时,必须用so + adv. / adj. + as to才可以将其转换为简单句来表示结果,否则是表示目的。试比较:

                I spoke so loud as to be heard by everyone. (表结果)


                I spoke loud so as to be heard by everyone.  (表目的)


         so + adv. / adj. + that所构成的结果状语从句中,人们常常把so + adv. / adj. 移到句首并将谓语动词倒装来表示强调。例如:

                So hard did the boy study that he passed the exam.

                So clever is the boy that he can answer the question.


                She was so excited (that)she could hardly fall asleep.

                She was (so) excited that she could hardly fall asleep.


                She was so excited, she could hardly fall asleep.

二、   so…thatsuch…that都可以构成结果从句,所不同的是so…that之间接形容词或副词,而  such…that之间接名词。一般情况下,即使名词前有形容词修饰也不能换用so…that。例如:

The boy is so clever that everyone likes him.

The boy is such a fool that he can’t understand it.

Titanic is such a moving film that all of us want to see it.

The teacher gave the children such wonderful picture books that they got wild with joy.

注:such…that之间用“不定冠词 + 形容词 + 单数名词”时,可以用so…that替换,但得将不定冠词和形容词颠倒位置。例如:

                That was such an important party that I had to take part in it.

                That was so important a party thatI had to take part in it.


                I’ve got so few apples that I cannot divide them among the children.

                I have so much homework to do that I can’t go to the cinema with you.

            little表示“小”而不是“少”的意思时,仍然用such…that. 试比较:

                They are such little children that they cannot do the work well.


                I have so little money that I can’t buy the computer.


三、   such…that万不可与such…as混用。such…that中的that是连词,用来引导状语从句,在从句中不充当任何成分;而such…as中的as是关系代词,用来引导定语从句并在从句中担当主语、宾语或表语。试比较:

Zhangjiajie is such a marvelous place that everyone wants to visit it. that引导状语从句)


Zhangjiajie is such a marvelous place as everyone wants to visit. as引导定语从句并作宾语)


  • 发表于 2020-11-16 09:45
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