说说比较分句中than what的错误根源

无意中看到本论坛上曹老师的一篇文章“比较分句than what中的what应该保留还是删去”(https://www.cpsenglish.com/article/219),他是借用Huddleston的“剑桥英语语法”来解释的,我也忍不住想说说这个话题,我尽量用很浅显的语言来描述。

无意中看到本论坛上曹老师的一篇文章“比较分句than what中的what应该保留还是删去”(https://www.cpsenglish.com/article/219),他是借用Huddleston的“剑桥英语语法(2002)”来解释的,我也忍不住想说说这个话题,我尽量用很浅显的语言来描述。

任何一个比较句一般都能拆成两个独立的句子,拆好后的这两句再合在一起就可以变回原先的比较句,只是有2点要注意:一是比较要素(comparative element)在比较分句中必须删除(这是比较句的核心之所在),名词性的主语或宾语换为代词;二是还要注意比较分句的省略问题。


1.You have more books than I (have).正确的标准英语,拆句如下:

You have some books.和 I have some books.

再合并:You have more books than I (have).

注意看后面一句的some books在合并后删除了,因为它是比较要素。其他的都可以保留,只是会显得整个句子没那么简洁,于是have可以省略(不省略也行)。

2. She has more books than me.那这一句是怎么回事?


She has more than 50 books.50只是举个例子)I have 50 books.

可以写成这样:She has more books than me.



其实than what的错误根源也在于此:


She has more than 50 books.I have 50 books.有人说这两句也可以合并成:

She has more books than what I have.(错句)

上面的分析似乎合理,其实是错误的,只是She has more books than me.由于使用非常广泛,所以被接受是正确的,而She has more books than what I have.不能被接受,可被认为是非标准英语(在极不正式的场合还是会有人这么用)

在这本“The Cambridge Guide to English Usage2004”的书中P534

The most extended use of than as a preposition is to be seen in nonstandard usage such as:

He wanted it more than what I did.(非标准英语)

Such constructions provide an empty object for than but ensure the use of the subject pronoun in the following clause. It could thus be seen as a kind of hypercorrective response to the grammaticalproblem” (see hypercorrection). The what is unnecessary because the sentence could perfectly well be:


He wanted it more than I did (or more than me)这一句本来就是正确的,加个what进去实际上是矫枉过正了。


I speak better English than what those foreigners do. (非标准英语)

Fruit is cheaper this season than what it was last year. (非标准英语)

He looks much happier than what he did yesterday. (非标准英语)

The damage was slighter than what Id expected. (非标准英语)


The damage was different from what Id expected.正确from是介词,有what才对



This meat is better than we had last week.(??有问题)

拆句:This meat is good.The meat we had  was good last week.


This meat is better than that meat we had waslast week .

这就是原句完整的样子。that meat是比较的对象,不要省略,而括号的was可以省略也可以不省略。

所以也可以改写成:This meat is better than what we had last week.



The Internet service is better than what we bargained for.

The work you did today is much better/worse than what you did last week.

Mr McGregor's remarks are far worse than what Edwina Currie said about eggs.

This food is so much better than what they usually get.

What is new is not necessarily better than what is old.

She apparently liked it more than what we gave her.



3. The matter was more serious than we had expected.(正确的句子)


[a] The matter was serious. we had expected that the matter would be serious.

[b]The matter was serious.we had expected the matter to be serious.

合并的时候要删除比较要素即serious,后一句的the matter改为代词it(有两种写法)

The matter was more serious than we had expectedthat it would be.

The matter was more serious than we had expectedit to be.



4. The economic situation is as serious as was expected.



The economic situation is serious. The economic situation was expected to be serious.


5.The economic situation is as serious as it was expected to be.


5可以同时省略it wasto be,变为句6

6.The economic situation is as serious as expected.as expeced是个习语)

能不能省略成句4的样子,即省略itto be?我只能说这样做并不错,只是见到的少,不自然。但是以下句7的写法我认为是有问题的:

7.The economic situation is as serious as it was expected.(?)

不能只省略to be,要么都不省略如句5,要么it wasto be一起省略如句6。可以参考Quirk名著“ A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language(1985年)”P1131


Progress with the building of the bridge was not so good as was expected.


这个句子章振邦的解释是:比较分句可以说省略了主语,也可以说是由as充当比较分句的主语,我对这个解释持保留意见。如果是说“省略了主语”,而没省略之前应该是as it was expected to beas作表语,to be不能省略,这才对)。如果是说“由as充当比较分句的主语”,那as引导的限制性定语从句的先行词是什么?说不通嘛,这个说法很怪。我之所以这样质疑是因为这里面涉及到将as/than理解成关系代词充当主语,宾语或表语的用法,属于传统语法,关于这个问题争议很大,支持反对的都有。其实Quirk1985年在其名著“ A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language(1985年)”中只用一句话指出(见P1131):as/than的某些语法结构很像关系代词(然而在他1972年的那本A Grammar of contemporary English中却没有提这种说法,说明从1972-1985这十几年中他的水平仍在不断提高),注意他说是很像,没有说就是,而Swan也是认为很像,但都没有顺着这个思路展开讨论,而国内的语法几乎就把as/than直接当成关系代词来看待并深入研究了,在此我不作细评,很有意思的问题,有时间再聊。

  • 发表于 2021-08-26 16:15
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