





Welcome Unit—




3 Read the text again and discuss the questions.

 1 Why did Han Jing feel anxious before school?

 2 How was her first maths class?

 3 What happened in the chemistry class? What would you do if this happened to you?

 4 What did Han Jing learn from her first day at senior high school?


3 重读课文,讨论以下问题。

 1 韩静在上学前为什么感到焦虑?

 2 她的第一堂数学课上得怎么样?

 3 化学课上发生了什么?如果这样的事发生在你身上,你会怎么做?

 4 韩静从上高中的第一天学到了什么?


1. Why did Han Jing feel anxious before school?

句中的 before school 意思是开学前,根据不同的语境,它也可表示上学课”“上学前等,其中的 school 不是表示学校,而是表示上学(指学校的功能和作用),其前不用冠词。类似的有 after school(放学后),since school(自从上学以来),in/at school(在上学)。如:

Come and see me before school. 上课前来找我。

We’re going to play football after school. 我们打算放学后踢足球。

They’ve been best mates since school. 他们从上学时期以来就是最要好的朋友。

She’s still in/at school, but she’s graduating next year. 她还在上学,但明年会毕业。

2. What would you do if this happened to you?

本句用到了虚拟语气,即条件状语从句提出的一个虚拟条件(假设这样的事发生在你身上,你会怎么做,真正的事实是这事并没有发生在你身上)。根据英语语法,如果条件从句提出的是与现在或将来事实相反的假设,则从句用一般过去时,主句用“would+动词原形(根据不同语境的需要,其中的would也可换成should, could, might)。如:

I would complain if I were you. 如果我是你,我就投诉。

If you lived closer, I would see you every day. 要是你住得近一点儿,我就能每天见到你了。



3. What did Han Jing learn from her first day at senior high school?

句中的 learn from 表示……学到(有用的东西或教训等)。又如:

It is important to try and learn from experience. 努力从经验中学习是重要的。

You have to learn from your mistakes. 你一定要从自己的错误中吸取教训。

learn from 除表示……学到外,还有以下用法:

(1) ……学习。如:

We must learn from each other. 我们必须互相学习。

Not feel ashamed to ask and learn from people below. 不耻下问。

介词 from 后面不仅可以接名词或代词,也可以接动名词。如:

She learned from watching others. 她通过观察别人来学习。

(2) ……得知。如:

We learnt from her friend that she was ill. 我们从她的朋友那得知她生病了。

We learnt from his letter that he was in Spain. 从他的信里我们了解到他在西班牙。



4 Fill in the table with the words and phrases from the text, and tell a partner about Han Jing’s day. Then talk about your own first day of senior high schoo.


4 用课文中的单词和短语填好表格,并将韩静这一天的情况告诉一位搭档。然后谈谈你自己上高中第一天的情况。


1. Fill in the table with the words and phrases from the text.

(1) tableform辨析:

两者均可表示表格,其区别简单地说就是:横纵对齐的叫 table,比如大家比较熟悉的花名册、学生成绩单等;而横纵不对齐的叫 form,比如大家比较熟悉的报名申请表、入团申请表等。更详细的介绍请参考:


(2) 句中的 fill in 表示填写(表格等),用于此义时也可说成 fill out。如:

You should fill in / fill out the table in ink. 你应该用钢笔填这张表。

Please fill in / fill out this application form. 请填写这份申请表。

2. Tell a partner about Han Jing’s day.

注意句中的介词 about 不可少。这里涉及 tell sb sth tell sb about sth 的区别问题:

(1) tell sb sth:该结构属于 tell 后接双宾语的情况,也可以说成 tell sth to sb。如:

Tell us your name. 告诉我们你的名字。

Tell me your phone number again. 再给我说一遍你的电话号码。

Tell us the whole story. 把整个情况讲给我们听。

(2) tell sb about sth/sb:意思是将关于某事或某人的情况告诉某人,其中的 about 表示关于。如:

Tell me about your trip. 给我谈谈你的旅行吧。

Tell me about your troubles. 把你的烦恼讲给我听听。

Tell us about your interests and hobbies. 跟我们说说你的兴趣爱好吧。



Word Study

Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words and phrases below.

explore, impression, feel confident, senior, experiment, concentrate on

Tian Hua is a new student in a school in America. She is studying in an America high school for one year. In China, Tian Hua was in Grade 1 at senior high school, but in America, she is in Grade 10! She did not feel confidentat all when she arrived. Her first impression was that English was difficult and people spoke too quickly, but soon she found that if she concentrates onthe ideas, not the single words, she could understand! She also made friends and began to explore the city with them. Her new friends were happy to explain things to her after class. Her favourite class is chemistry because the teacher lets the students do cool experiments! Tian Hua is not sure how well she will do at school this year, but she is not nervous any more. She is excited!







1. She is studying in an America high school for one year.

(1) 本句时的现在进行时态其实是表示将来意义,所句子意思不是她正在一所美国高中学习一年,而是她要在一所美国高中学习一年

(2) 根据Michael Swan & Catherine Walter 编著《牛津英语语法教程·初级》,用现在进行时表示将来的用法主要用于谈论已经安排好时间和/或地点的计划。以下例句均摘自《牛津英语语法教程·初级》:

Where are you going on holiday? 你计划去哪里度假?

Joe’s coming to the theatre with us tomorrow. 乔明天和我们一起去看戏。

I’m starting a new job next week. 我下周将开始新工作。

What are you doing this evening?—I'm staying in! 你打算今晚做什么?——我会待在家里。

2. In China, Tian Hua was in Grade 1 at senior high school, but in America, she is in Grade 10!




3. She did not feel confident at all when she arrived.

句中的 not...at all 表示语气很强的否定,意思一点也不”“根本不。如:

I don’t like him at all. 我根本不喜欢他。

There is no blue sky at all. 天空一点也不蓝。

She doesn’t look her age at all. 她一点儿也不像那么大年纪(显得年轻得多)

有时不用not,而用no,即说成no...at all。如:

She has no worry at all. 她没有一点烦恼。

I feel no pity for you at all. 我一点也不同情你。

4. Her first impression was that English was difficult and people spoke too quickly.

句中的that 引导表语从句。如:

Her first impression is that he is too lazy. 我的第一印象是他太懒了。

My belief is that the visiting team will lose. 我看客队会输。

The trouble is that he doesn’t have enough money. 困难在于他没有足够的钱。

The trouble is that he doesn’t have enough money. 困难在于他没有足够的钱。

My suggestion is that we (should) start a little earlier. 我建议我们早点出发。

5. ...but soon she found that if she concentrates on the ideas, not the single words, she could understand!

(1) 句中的 that 引导宾语从句,if引导条件状语从句。按理说,if引导的条件状语从句应该放在句末的,但在本句中被移到了宾语从句中间。原句也可写成:

...but soon she found that she could understand if she concentrates on the ideas, not the single words!


I knew that if I made any sound, they would find me. 我知道我一发出声音,他们就会发现我。

He said that if we started at dawn, we would be there by noon. 他说,我们要是黎明出发,中午就能到。


I tell my mom that if we’re forced to eat things, we may become ill. 我告诉我妈妈,如果我们被迫吃东西,我们可能会生病的。(2020全国卷改错)

He said that if he quit the job, he would lose his drive to work and succeed. 他说如果辞职,就会失去工作和成功的动力。

Her mother told her that if she did something to change the problem that made her sad, she wouldn’t feel as bad. 她的母亲告诉她,如果她做一些事情去改变这个令她难过的问题,她就不会感觉那么糟糕了。(2017北京卷完形)


(2) 句中的 not...用于否定名词短语。类似的用法如:

It’s a cat, not a dog. 那是猫,不是狗。

He was in the library, not the living room. 他在书房,不在起居室。

He is one of the local men, not a visitor. 他是本地人,不是游客。

He was wounded in the leg, not the body. 是他的腿而不是身体受了伤。

A government should serve the many, not the few. 政府应该为多数人,而不是少数人服务。

6. She also made friends and began to explore the city with them.

句中的 explore 意思是 to travel over or through (a place) in order to learn more about it or to find something,一般的词典将其翻译成勘查”“探测”“实地考察,其实用这些意思来翻译 explore 时,常常觉得很别扭。其实可根据语境翻译成探访”“游逛”“游览等。如:

They set out on foot to explore the city. 他们步行出发去探访这城市。

In between two meals we explored the city. 我们在两顿饭之间的时间游览了那个城市。

Our tour guide was nowhere to be seen, so we set off to explore the city alone. 我们的导游不见了,所以我们就自己在城里游逛。


7. Her favourite class is chemistry because the teacher lets the students do cool experiments!

注意,句中的 cool 不是表示凉的;凉爽的,而是表示酷的。句意:她最喜欢的课是化学课,因为老师让学生做很酷的实验!


You look cool in those jeans. 你穿这牛仔裤看起来很酷。

He is one of Britain’ s coolest young designers. 他是英国最酷的年轻设计师之一。

注意,cool 表示酷的”“极好的在高考题中也经常出现。如:

I wanted to be a fireman, whose uniform looked so cool. 我想成为一名消防员,消防员的制服看起来很酷。(2019全国卷改错)

Tom Cruise made being a secret agent seem like the coolest job ever. 汤姆克鲁斯把做特工看起来是有史以来最酷的工作。(2020新全国卷A)

8. She is not nervous any more.

句中的 not...any more 是习语,意思是不再,相当于 not...any longer。如:

He doesn’t love you any more and I can’t help it. 他不再爱你了,我也没有办法。

We don’t live here any more / longer. 我们不住在这里了。

He wasn’t cool any more. 他不再酷了。(2020天津卷完形)

I’m not ashamed any more. 我不再感到不好意思了。(2020天津卷阅表)

I’ll throw it away. I don’t need it any more.我会把它扔掉。我不再需要它了。(2017北京卷听力)







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