





Welcome Unit—





Describe your first senior high school day

1 How did you feel on your first day of senior high school? Cirle the pictures that describe how you feel.





1. Cirle the pictures that describe how you feel.请圈出可以描述你的感受的图片。

(1) 句中的that describe how you feel that 引导的定语从句,修饰前面的名词 the pictures。引导定语从句的 that 叫关系代词,它在定语从句中用作主语,不可省略;被定语从句修饰的名词 the pictures 叫先行词。

(2) 关系代词that的主要用法:关系代词 that 既可用于指人,也可用于指物;从所充当的句子成分来看,它既可用作主语,也用作宾语。

a. 用于指人的用法:

Is he the man that sells dogs? 他就是卖狗的人吗? (that在定语从句中用作主语)

This is the man that I saw yesterday. 这就是我昨天见过的那个男人。(that在定语从句中用作宾语)

(2) 用于指事物的用法:

What did you do with the money that was left? 你对剩下的钱是怎么处理的? (that在定语从句中用作主语)

Fortunately, he found the money that he’d lost. 幸好他丢失的钱找到了。(that在定语从句中用作宾语)




Han Jing’s World

7:00 a.m.

So this is it—senior high school at last! I’m not outgoing so I’m a little anxious right now. I want to make a good first impression. Will I make any friends? What if no one talks to me?








first impression 意为第一印象,不要以为其中有 first 就以前面一定要用定冠词。其实这里的 first impression 可看作是普通的复合名词(可数)不可拆开使用,也不可在中间插入其他词(就像meeting room这样的复合名词一样),可根据语境的需要在前面使用定冠词、不定冠词、物主代词等,也可以使用复数形式。如:

My first impression was that he was a bit full of himself. 我的第一印象是他有点自以为是。

When it comes to job interviews, first impressions are important. 说到求职面试,第一印象十分重要。

◎有关first impression 用法的更多说明,请参见:


2. So this is it—senior high school at last!

其中的 this is it为习语,表示期待的事终于发生了,具体翻译视不同语境而定。如:

This is it, boys, the moment we’ve been waiting for. 时机终于到了,小子们,我们一直等的就是这一刻。

This is it, men. Let’s take home the championship! 关键时刻到了,兄弟们。让我们把冠军奖杯捧回家吧!



2. I’m a little anxious right now.

句中的 a little 起副词作用,用于修饰形容词原级。注意a little修饰形容词原级时,通常只限于那些不好意义的形容词,比如可以说 a little anxious / difficult / ugly / worried / expensive / disappointed 等,但不能说 a little interesting / cheap / instructive / good / satisfied / excellent等。如:

We arrived a little late. 我们迟到了一会儿。

The coat is a little expensive. 这件外套有点儿贵。

Things were getting a little difficult. 事情变得有点难度了。

不过,如果是修饰比较级,则没有以上区别,既可说 a little worse,也可以说 a little better;既可以说 a little more expensive, 也可以说 a little cheaper 等。如:

Mary is feeling a little worse today. 玛丽今天已经有点更不舒服了。

Mary is feeling a little better today. 玛丽今天已经好一些了。

◎有关a little修饰形容词的限制问题,请参考:


3. I want to make a good first impression.


I was very keen to make a good first impression. 我急于想留下良好的第一印象。

The hotel made a bad first impression. 这家酒店给人第一个印象并不好。

表示对某人/某事物的第一印象,通常用 one’s impression of sb / sth。如:

My first impression of him was favourable. 他给我的第一印象不错。

My first impression of England was of a grey and rainy place. 我对英格兰的第一印象是,那是个灰蒙蒙且经常下雨的地方。

4. Will I make any friends?

句中的 make friends 意思交朋友,注意 friends 必须用复数。又如:

He finds it difficult to make friends. 他发现交朋友很难。

As a newcomer to the area, Paul was anxious to make friends. 保罗初来乍到,渴望结交朋友。


By this time he had already made some friends. 到这时他已交了一些朋友。

Sometimes it is hard for children to make new friends. 有时候孩子们很难结交新朋友。

He made few friends and joined few clubs or societies. 他没交几个朋友,也没怎么加入俱乐部和协会。

She made several friends within days of moving into her new apartment. 搬进新公寓没几天她就交了几个朋友。

How can you make any friends if you’re glued to the tube all day? 你要是整天看着电视,你怎么能交到朋友呢?



5. What if no one talks to me?

本句的what if...是英语中的常用句式,意思是要是……怎么办,句意为:要是没有人跟我说话那怎么办?又如:

What if the train is late? 火车要是晚点会怎么样呢?

What if we can’t get tickets? 我们要是搞不到票怎么办?

归纳what if...句式的主要用法:

(1) 表示疑问:意思是如果……将怎么办或会怎么样。如:

What if it rains? 要是下雨会怎么办?

What if they find out? 如果他们发现真相怎么办?

What if this doesn’t work out? 如果这个不行怎么办?

What if the parachute doesn’t open? 降落伞打不开怎么办?

(2) 表示建议:意思是“……怎么样/好不好,其后的句子通常用一般现在时。如:

What if you go instead of me? 你代替我去,好不好?

What if we all meet up this evening? 我们大家今天晚上见面怎么样?

What if we invite your mother next week and go away the week after? 如果我们下星期请你母亲来,再下星期走,怎么样?

(3) 表示不重要:意思是即使又有什么要紧。如:

“He’s nice enough, I suppose. But he’s poor.” “What if he is poor? I love him!” “他人挺好的,我认为。但是他穷。”“即使他穷又怎样?我爱他!

“They might find out.” “So what if they do? I don’t care.” “他们或许会发现的。”“即使他们发现又有什么要紧的?我不在乎。

注:关于what if...句式的时态和语气问题,大致可以这样理解:what if 通常可视为 what will happen if...的省略形式,所以 what if...后面的时态,本质上是 if 从句(条件状语从句)的时态。根据一般的语法规则,如果 if 从句的情况确实有可能发生,则句子用陈述语气,if 从句用一般现在表示现在或将来意义;如果从句明显是不可能发生的情况或没有发生过的情况,则用虚拟语气。如:

What if we can’t get enough clean water? 要是我们弄不到足够多的干净水怎么办?

What if there were no water on the earth? 要是地球上没有了水那怎么办?

另外,根据《牛津英语用法指南》等,当what if...表示建议时也可使用一般过去时,这样会使语气更委婉。如:

What if I came tomorrow instead of this afternoon? 要是我今天下午不来,明天来,怎么样?(《牛津英语用法指南》第571节)





12:30 p.m.

I just had my first maths class at senior high school! The class was difficult, but the teacher was kind and friendly. He even told us a funny story, and everyone laughed so much! I found most of my classmates and teachers friendly and helpful.





1. I just had my first maths class at senior high school!

句中 at senior high school 意为在高中,其中的介词也可用in。又如:

She learned to act when she was in senior high school. 她在高中时学过演戏。

We first met at senior high school and we’ve been good friends ever since. 我们上高中时开始认识,从此我们就成了好朋友。

2. He even told us a funny story, and everyone laughed so much!

(1) 句中的 funny 意思是有趣的”“好笑的,用英语解释是 making one laugh,与interesting=attracting one’s attention)的意思是稍有不同,前者重在令人发笑,后者重在吸引人们的注意力。又如:

He is one of Britain’ s funniest comedians. 他是英国最搞笑的喜剧演员之一。

If this is your idea of a joke, I don’t find it at all funny. 你觉得这是个玩笑,我却一点也不感到好笑。



(2) so much 表示程度,laugh so much的字面意思是笑得很多,具体翻译时需根据不同语境灵活处理,比如翻译成笑得很开心”“笑得很厉害等(有时也可不译出)。

◎有关laugh so much的用法请参考:


3. I found most of my classmates and teachers friendly and helpful.

本句涉及“find+宾语+形容词作宾补句式,即其中的 friendly and helpful 为宾补。类似的用法如:

I find her attitude strange. 我发现她的态度很怪。

I found him rude and uncooperative. 我发现他这人粗鲁,不愿与人合作。

I read right through the article but found it uninteresting. 我从头到尾读完了这篇文章,但发现没什么意思。


I find it difficult to talk to you. 我觉得同你谈话很难。

I find it strange that she doesn’t want to go. 她居然不想去,我觉得奇怪。



5:32 p.m.

This afternoon, we had our chemistry class in the science lab. The lab is new and the lesson was great, but the guy next to me tried to talk to me the whole time. I couldn’t concentrate on the experiment. I really wanted to tell him to please be quiet and leave me alone!





1. The guy next to me tried to talk to me the whole time.

(1) 句中的 next to 为复合介词,next to me 为介词短语,用作后置定语,修饰 the guy。又如:

I introduced myself to the girl next to me. 我向邻座的姑娘作了自我介绍。

He copied the answer from the girl next to him. 他抄袭旁边女孩的答案。

有关next to的词性与语法分析请参考:


(2) try to do sth 意思是设法做某事”“试图做某事。如:

We tried to complete the task in time. 我们设法按时完成任务。

I’ve tried phoning her dozens of times. 我试着给她打了很多次电话。

注意try to do sthtry doing sth的差别:try to do sth表示设法或尽力去做某事;try doing sth表示试着做某事看是否会有什么结果或效果。如:

I’ll try to be more careful next time. 下次我要更小心一些。

Try holding your breath to stop sneezing. 试着屏住呼吸以止住打喷嚏。
◎关于try to dotry doing的理解与翻译,请参考:


关于try to dotry doing的语法分析,请参考:


(3) the whole time 意思是一直,与all the time, all along 同义。如:

He worries about her the whole time / all the time. 他一直在担心她。

We thought that he disliked her, but all the time / all along / the whole time he was in love with her. 我们以为他不喜欢她,然而他一直都爱着她。



2. I couldn’t concentrate on the experiment.

句中的concentrate表示专心”“集中注意力,为不及物动词;若表示专心或集中注意力做某事,后接介词on (doing) sth。注意不能说 concentrate to do sth。如:

Stop talking and concentrate on your work. 别说话了,专心工作。

She couldn’t concentrate on the film. 她无法全神贯注地看这部电影。


误:We need to concentrate to find ways to work more efficiently.

正:We need to concentrate on finding ways to work more efficiently.

3. I really wanted to tell him to please be quiet and leave me alone!

(1) tell sb to do sth,意思是叫某人某事物。如:

Tell him to wait. 叫他等一等。

He told the boy to go away. 他叫这个男孩走开。

(2) 句中的 to please be属于分裂不定式,在不定式中间插入 please 是为了使句子语气稍客气些。如:

Tell your parents come to the meeting in time. 告诉你的父母叫他们及时来参会。

I ask you to please help us with the task. 我想请你帮我们做这项工作。





10:29 p.m.

What a day! This morning, I was worried that no one would talk to me. But I was wrong. I didn’t feel awkward or frightened at all. I miss my friends from junior high school, but I believe I will make new friends here, and there’s a lot to explore at senior high. I feel much more confident than I felt this morning. I think that tomorrow will be a great day!





1. What a day! 这一天过得真开心!

这是一个感叹句。由于 day 前面没有形容词修饰,所以它的实际意思需根据上下文来判断(即判断是还是不好)。根据 What a day 后面的内容来看,作者这一天过得很开心,所以这里的 What a day! 相当于 What a nice / wonderful / good / great day! 意思是:今天过得真开心!



2. I was worried that no one would talk to me. 我担心没有人会跟我说话

本句涉及 be worried 后接 that 从句。又如:

I was worried that you had forgotten our date. 我担心你已经忘了我们的约会。

The police are worried that the man may be armed. 警方担心那个人可能携带着武器。

其他值得注意的搭配是 be worried about(为……担心)。如:

We are very worried about our future. 我们对前途忧心忡忡。

I’m not worried about her—she can take care of herself. 我不为她担心,她能照顾自己。

3. I didn’t feel awkward or frightened at all. 我一点不觉得不自在或害怕。

(1) feel awkward 的意思是感到不好意思”“感觉不自在”“觉得窘迫不安。如:

I often feel awkward in a group of people. 我在人群中常常感到不自在。

Do you feel awkward in social situations? 在社交场合中你会感觉不自在吗?

(2) not…at all 意思是一点也不”“毫不,语气很强的否定。如:

He hasn’t changed at all. 他一点没有变。

I don’t mind cooking at all. 我一点也不介意做饭。

有时not at all连在一起用。如:

I wasn’t tired at all. = I wasn’t at all tired. 我一点都不累。

口语中单独说Not at all可以用于回答感谢。如:

“Thank you for all your trouble.” “Not at all.” “谢谢,让你费心了。”“不用谢。

4. I miss my friends from junior high school. 我想念读初中时的朋友。


One of my friends from Japan came to see me. 我日本的一个朋友来看了我。

I went out with the guys from work last night. 我昨晚和公司的同事们出去了。

5. I feel much more confident than I felt this morning. 我现在觉得比今天早上有信心得多了。

(1) 句中的 much 修饰比较级 more confident,表示强调,意思是有信心得多

I’m much more confident about my ability. 我对自己的能力自信多了。

This exam is much more difficult than the last one. 这次考试比上一次要难得多。

(2) 句中出现了两个feel,其实第二个feel(用的是过去式 felt)也可换成do(在此用did)。如:

I feel much more confident than I did (=felt) this morning. 我现在觉得比今天早上有信心得多了。

He studies much earlier than he did (=studied) two years ago. 他学习比两年前努力多了。





Ann, 15

Lakeside High School


My name is Ann Wells and I’m a Grade 10 student at Lakeside High School. I’m an active person and I love sports. I’m curious about everything. I often ask questions, but I learn best by doing. My favourite subject is physics. Dancing and skating are my hobbies, and I also like to read short stories. I plan to become an engineer in the future.







1. My name is Ann Wells and I’m a Grade 10 student at Lakeside High School.我叫安韦尔斯,是湖滨高中10年级的学生。

句中的 a Grade 10 student 意思是“10年级的学生,可视为 Grade 10 之间省略了连字符,即 a Grade-10 student;也可以说成 a tenth-grade student a student in / of Grade 10。类似的表达如:

She is a first-year college student. 她是大学一年级的学生。

Students in seventh and eighth grades will have a test today. 七年级和八年级的学生今天将参加测试。

The students of the senior grade can take part. 高年级学生可以参加。

His son is a twelfth-grade student. 他儿子是十二年级的学生。


The hotel is only a five minute walk from both the beach and the nightlife. 这家宾馆距离海滩和夜生活区步行都只要五分钟。(《朗文高级英语词典》)[句中的 a five minute walk a five-minute walk 省略连字符得来]




Students are allowed to drop history in year 9. 九年级的学生可以不学历史。(《朗文》)

The play is open to all seventh and eighth graders. 所有七、八年级的学生均可观看此剧。(《牛津》)



2. I’m curious about everything.我对什么都感到好奇。

句中的 be curious about 意思是……感到好奇,其后可接名词、代词或wh-从句。又如:

They are curious about other people’s lives. 他们对于他人的生活很好奇。

He was curious about how she would react. 他很想知道她会有什么反应。

We’re curious about why you never called us. 我们很想知道为什么你从来不给我们打电话。

We were curious about what was going on next door. 我们很想知道隔壁出了什么事。



3. I often ask questions, but I learn best by doing. 我经常问问题,但我通过实践来学习效果最好。

句中的 by doing 意思是通过做的方式,其中的 by 表方式。又如:

I avoided her by leaving by the back door. 我从后门离开,以免碰上她。

I helped my friend by giving him some money. 我帮助我的朋友,给了他一些钱。

She showed that she wasn’t happy by leaving the room. 她离开房间以示不满。

4. My favourite subject is physics. 我最喜欢的学科是物理。

句中的 favourite 意思是最喜欢的,由于本身已含有的意思,注意不要再在其前使用 most 来修饰(写作时需特别注意)。如:


误:Apples are my most favourite fruit.

正:Apples are my favourite fruit.


误:He sat in his most favourite armchair.

正:He sat in his favourite armchair.

5. I plan to become an engineer in the future. 我计划将来要成为一名工程师。

句中的 in the future 意思是将来,注意它与 in future 的区别:虽然两者均可表示将来,但in future多用于提警告、建议、要求、打算等;而in the future多指纯粹的将来,其含义较广。比较:

Please be more careful in future. 今后请多加小心。(提出警告)

In the future people may live on the moon. 在将来人们可能生活在月球上。(纯粹将来)




Thando, 16

South Hill High School

South Africa

I’m Thando Gowon. I’m 16 this year. I come from South Africa. I’m a Grade 10 student at South Hill High School. I look good, think fast, and play hard. You’ll never see me without a book or a pen. If I’m not in class, I’m either in the library or in the computer lab. At the weekends, I play computer games if I’m not busy studying. My dream is to start my own IT company!


桑多: 16





1. I come from South Africa.

句中的come from意为来自,注意两种不同的用法:

(1) 若表示出生或出生地,若没有特定的过去时间背景,通常用一般现在时。如:

She comes from London. 她来自伦敦(即她是伦敦人)。

He comes from a famous family. 他出生于名门望族。

(2) 若表示某次特定的行为,表示出发地点,则根据情况可用一般过去时或一般将来时。如:

I came from New York yesterday. 我是昨天从纽约来的。

He came from abroad yesterday. 他昨天从国外回来了。

Next week about 300 tourists will come from Japan. 下周将大约有300游客从日本过来。

2. I look good, think fast, and play hard.

句中的look good, think fast, play hard为三个并列的动词,在最后两个成分之间加并列连词and。又如:

He fired, missed and loaded again. 他开了枪,没有打中,再上子弹。

Mr. Brown cooked, cleaned and washed clothes. 布朗先生做了饭,打扫了房间、洗了衣服。

The teacher came into the classroom, opened the textbook and started the class. 老师走进教室,打开课本,开始上课。

We gathered the firewood and dead branches together, bunched them up and carried them home. 我们把劈柴和枯树枝聚到一起,捆成捆,搬回家中。

3. You’ll never see me without a book or a pen.


She was never without reading material. 她身上随时都带着阅读材料。

At one time men never went out without a hat. 有一个时期男人外出都戴帽子。

I would never go to bed without locking my door. 我从来不会不锁房门就去睡觉。

We should never have won without your help. 如果没有你的帮助,我们决不会羸。

You should never ride your bicycle without lights at night. 你千万不要在晚上不开车灯骑脚踏车。


They never met without quarrelling. 他们一见面就吵架。

He never goes out without losing something. 他每次出去都会丢东西。

She never passed without stopping to say hello. 她每次经过总停下来打招呼。

4. If I’m not in class, I’m either in the library or in the computer lab.


You can have either this one or that one. 你拿这个或那个都可以。

You must either go at once or wait till tomorrow. 你要么马上走,要么等到明天。


(1) either…or…连接两个成分作主语时,谓语动词通常与其靠近的主语保持一致。如:

Either you or I am to go. 你或我必须有人去。

Either he or you are right. 要么他对,要么你对。


If either David or Janet come, they will want a drink. 大卫或珍妮特来的话,是会要喝酒的。

(2) either…or…除可连接两个词或短语外,有时也可连接两个句子。如:

Either you must improve your work or I shall dismiss you. 要么你改进工作,要么我就辞退你。

Either you’ll leave this house or I’ll call the police. 你要是不离开这座房子,我就叫警察来。

(3) either…or…的否定式可以是not either…or…,也可以是neither…nor...。如:

He didn’t either write or phone. = He neither wrote nor phoned. 他既没写信又没打电话。

注意,正如不能说either…not 一样(但可说not…either),英语习惯上也不说either…or…not,如不能说:Either he or his wife hasn’t come. 可改为:Neither he nor his wife has come.

5. At the weekends, I play computer games if I’m not busy studying.

(1) 表示在周末,英语可用 at / on the weekendat / on weekends(用介词 at 为英国英语,用 on 为美国英语),但习惯上不说 in the weekend in weekends。如:

We usually do our shopping at the weekend. 我们通常利用周末采购物品。

They like to go ballooning on the weekend. 他们周末喜欢乘气球玩。

Traffic on the roads is heaviest at weekends. 周末的交通最为繁忙。

The library is closed on weekends. 周末图书馆关门。


He works weekends. 他周末工作。

I go yachting most weekends in the summer. 在夏天,我大多数周末都乘快艇游玩。


The weather ought to improve after the weekend. 过了周末天气应当好起来。

Tom is always going away for weekends. 汤姆每个周末总是外出。

Why don’t you and I go away for the weekend? 咱们俩何不到外地去度周末呢?

The weather is stormy and will remain so over the weekend. 今天是暴风雨天气,整个周末都会是这样。

Could you oblige me with five pounds until the weekend? 能借我5英镑吗,周末还你?

(2) be busy doing 意思是忙于做某事,注意其中的现在分词不能换成不定式。如:

Farmers were busy getting in the crops. 农民在忙着收庄稼。

He was busy packing, for he was leaving that night. 他那时正忙着打点行李,因为那天晚上他就要走了。

有时可后接in doing sth。如:

She was busy (in) preparing lessons. 她忙于备课。

6. My dream is to start my own IT company!


Her dream is to be a film star. 她的梦想是成为电影明星。

My duty is to protect my sisters. 我的职责是保护我的妹妹们。

Her work is to look after the child and cook. 她的工作是看孩子做饭。

Your role is to welcome guests as they arrive. 你的任务是迎宾。

His ambition is to build his own house. 他的愿望是要建一幢自己的房子。

My aim is to start up my own company. 我的目标是开办一家我自己的公司。

My advice is to sell your old car and get a new one. 我建议你卖掉旧车,买辆新车。


My duty is looking after children. 我的职责是照顾孩子。

Her hobby is growing roses. 她的爱好是种玫瑰花。

Her hobby is photographing landscapes. 她的爱好是拍描风聚照。







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