so as (not) to…能否位于句首

国内多种英语教参都告诫:so as to不用于句首。果真如此吗?

so as (not) to…能否位于句首




曾获全国“优秀畅销书奖”的《薄冰高中英语语法详解》(山西教育出版社,2008p.208)明确指出:so as to不放在句首。并给出例句和说明如下:

In order not to forget it, Ill write down his post code.  (此句中的in order not to不能用so as not to代替,因为in order not to能位于句首,而so as not to不能位于句首)


《英语惯用法大词典》(吕志士、袁锡兴主编,中国科学技术出版社,19942月第一版)在介绍in order to用法时指出:in order to可放在句首或句中,一般不用于口语,在口语中通常用so as to,且不置于句首。

so as (not) to不能用在句首的说法在国内英语教学届盛行已久,其始作俑者已难考证,但大量的教辅和部分专著的推波助澜已使广大师生和读者深受影响。

so as (not) to果真不能位于句首吗?答案显然是否定的。

英国English Teaching杂志的Question Box专栏是由A.S Hornby等英语专家主持答问的。Hornby曾编写过中国英语学习者熟悉的Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current EnglishA Guide To Patterns And Usages In English等工具书和专著。该专栏在回答in order toso as to 有什么区别这一问题时说:两者没有区别,即使有区别,也只是so as to稍比in order to更口语化一些(《巧解君之疑—A.S荷恩毕现代英语问答》西安交通大学出版社1988p.168)。假如so as to不能用于句首,Hornby对两者的这一重大区别不会不提。 

由《新概念英语》的编者L G AlexanderReference Grammar for Students of English的编者R A Close等四位英国语言专家编写的English Grammatical StructureLongman Group Limited,1975 )也说so as to可以放在句首,给出的例句是So as to be heard, he spoke through a microphone。(EGSV17

A J ThomsonA V Martinet合编的语法专著 A Practical English Grammar (Fourth Edition 1986,§33)33章论述“目的”时明确指出:in order to/so as to可以放在句首。并给出以下例句:In order/ So as to show his boss what a careful worker he was, he took extra trouble over the figures.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English(2001,第三版)有例句:So as not to cause offence many of the mourners stood at the back of the church.

Advanced Grammar in Use (Cambridge University Press 1999)在练习部分给出的答案中有下例句子:So as to reduce traffic noise, the council have planted trees at the side of the road. (AGIU)



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