






【问】 20181231日,新年前夕,中国国家主席习近平在北京通过中央广播电视总台和互联网,发表了二〇一九年新年贺词。其中有一句话是“我和同事们出访五大洲,参加了许多重要外交活动,…。”中国国际广播电台国际在线(CRI Online)提供的英语同声传译是:Me and my colleagues visited five continents and attended many important diplomatic occasions.

请问英译文句首为什么是Me and my colleagues visited…而不是 I and my colleagues visited? 人称代词宾格可以作主语吗?



He says he saw John and I last night. CGOEL

It would be an opportunity for you and I to spend some time together.CGEL

Balthazar says that the natural traitors like you and I are really Caballi. LGSWE

Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English认为这是由于矫枉过正(hypercorrection)而在口语中偶尔发生的主格误用。本人在《Mike saw Peter and I 还是 Mike saw Peter and me?》一文中已有分析,恕不赘述。


Him and Ed stink, both of them. (LGSWE)

Tina and me sat by the window looking down on all the twinkling lights. (CGEL)

Me and the kids spent Sunday at the swimming pool.PEU

尽管这种现象在口语中的确存在,但学者们一致认为这是非标准用法(nonstandard usage)。

The Cambridge Grammar of the English LanguageA Comprehensive Grammar of The English Language均指出:类似Tina and me sat…或 Me and Mary are going…都是非标准用法而饱受指责。尤其是后者, 既突破了语法规则,同时还违反了“第一人称应出现在并列结构末尾”的礼貌规则(the rule of politeness)。

Practical English Usage对此的总结则是:限于在非常不正式的口语中。在笔语和正式的口语中这种用法是不正确的。(They are, however, restricted to a very informal style. They are not correct in formal speech or writing.

这也就解释了为什么在同声传译中出现了 Me and my colleagues visited …。一是因为口译本身具有口语性质,表意的流畅和准确是第一位的;二是同声传译具有即时性特点。译员口耳并用,难免无暇顾及语法细节,有时甚至出现信息漏译的情况。例如,本次同声传译将“国产大型水陆两栖飞机水上首飞”译为 our domestically-made large amphibious aircraft took to the skies for the first time,显然没有译出“水上”两字,造成表意失真。因为事实上,该型飞机的陆上首飞早在201712月就已经完成。

考虑到同声传译的工作特点和难度,出现的上述现象并不奇怪。而作为我国重要对外宣传窗口的《中国日报》(China Daily)在其正式发布的英文书面译稿中,Me and my colleagues已被改为 I and my colleagues;而our domestically-made large amphibious aircraft took to the skies for the first time也被纠正为our domestically-made large amphibious aircraft performed its first water launch


  • 发表于 2020-11-15 13:46
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