





Text 1

W: I was in Mallorca last week. 我上周在马略卡岛。

M: Oh, what were you doing there?哦,你在那里做什么?

W: My best friend worked there and I went to visit her. It was a good chance to practice my Spanish. 我最好的朋友在那里工作,我去看望她。这是练习西班牙语的好机会。


Text 2

M: Ruth, I’ve got this terrible cold, and I have to see a doctor. I’m afraid I can’t go to the class. Could you help me hand in my lab report to Dr Davidson? 鲁思,我得了这种可怕的感冒,我得去看医生。我恐怕不能去上课了。你能帮我把我的实验室报告交给戴维森博士吗?

W: Sure, no problem. Just take care of yourself and don’t worry about the class. 当然,没问题。好好照顾自己,不用担心上课。


Text 3

M: Marie, if no one takes care of your children while you’re away, Jennifer and I will be glad to have them stay with us. 玛丽,如果你外出的时候没有人照顾你的孩子,我和珍妮弗会很高兴让他们和我们待在一起。

W: That’s very kind of you, but they’ve already left for their grandma’s.You know, Suzy lives close by. 你们真是太好了,但他们已经离开去他们祖母家了。你知道,苏西就住在附近。


Text 4

M: Hurry up with your food, Sally. They say there’s a big storm coming. We’d better get home before that. 快点吃,莎莉。据说会有大风暴。我们最好在此赶回家。

W: Okay, I’m done. Let’s get back to the car. Could you carry these shopping bags? 好的,我吃完了。我们回到车上吧。你能提一下这些购物袋吗?

M: Oh, sure. 哦,当然。


Text 5

M: We deep fried fish three days ago in the kitchen, but the unpleasant smell stays. 三天前我们在厨房炸过鱼,但难闻的气味仍然存在。

W: There’s a method you can try. Every time you make coffee, dry the leftover coffee grounds and keep them in small balls, then place the balls in the kitchen. 有一个方法你可以试试。你每次煮咖啡时,把剩下的咖啡渣凉干,做成小球,然后把小球放在厨房里。


Text 6

W: Are you a football fan, Gomez? 你是足球迷吗,戈麦斯?

M: Yes, I go to the stadium whenever there’s a good game. And if I can’t get a ticket, I watched the game on TV. That way they are less exciting, though. 是的,只要有好看的比赛我就会去体育场。如果我买不到票,我会在电视上观看比赛。虽然这样没那么刺激。

W: Is the ticket expensive? 门票贵吗?

M: It depends. It usually costs about twenty to fifty dollars. Last time I paid twenty-five. 这要看情况。它通常要花大约2050美元。上次我付了25美元。

W: That’s not very expensive. Maybe we can go together sometime. 那不是很贵。也许哪次我们可以一起去。

M: Great. It’ll be more fun to watch the game with a friend. 太好了。和朋友一起看比赛会更有趣。


Text 7

W: You were out the whole afternoon, Alex, what did you do? 你整个下午都在外面,亚历克斯,你做了什么?

M: I took a walk by myself. 我一个人散步。

W: You just kept walking and walking for four hours? 你就这样不停地走了四个小时啊?

M: Actually, it’s not so boring. Walking in the woods is a grand adventure. Your feet can take you to the most amazing places. 其实也没那么无聊。在树林里散步是一次大的冒险。你的脚可以把你带到最神奇的地方。

W: What did you do in the woods? 你在树林里做了什么?

M: I smelt the flowers, looked at the birds, and yeah, I picked many tree leaves. I will make bookmarks with them. Look! 我闻花,观鸟,哦,我还摘了很多树叶。我会用他们做书签。你看!

W: Aren’t they beautiful? 太漂亮了!

M: Then I met Bob at the lake. He was fishing while his kids were having a swim. 然后我在湖边遇到了鲍勃。他正在钓鱼,他的孩子们在游泳。

W: Did you talk to him? 你跟他谈过吗?

M: No, I walked on and took a lot of pictures. There’s just so much out there to see. 没有,我继续往前走,拍了很多照片。有很多值得看东西。


Text 8

W: David, how was your holiday? 大卫,你的假期过得怎么样?

M: Great. I climbed Mount Fuji. It was really beautiful. Now I can check one more thing off my list. 太棒了。我爬过富士山。真的很漂亮。现在我可以在我的清单上再检查一样东西。

W: Your list? 你的清单?

M: Yes. When I was twelve, I made a list of things I wanted to do some day. 是的。当我12岁的时候,我列了一张清单,列出我有一天想做的事情。

W: That’s interesting. How many of the things on your list have you done so far? 这很有趣。到目前为止,您完成了清单上的多少件事?

M: Almost half. I have pictures. Would you like to see them? 差不多一半了。我有图片。你想看看它们吗?

W: Yes, sure. 当然啦。

M: Here I am on top of Mount Fuji, and here I am in a hot air balloon. 这是我在富士山上,这是我在热气球上。

W: When did you do that? I’ve always wanted to go up in a hot air balloon. 这事你是什么时候做的?我一直都想坐热气球。

M: It was two years ago, in August in California. 那是两年前的八月份,在加利福尼亚。

W: What are your plans for the next holiday? 下一个假期有什么计划?

M: I’m thinking of deep sea diving in Australia. Do you have any other suggestions? 我正在考虑在澳大利亚进行深海潜水。你有什么其他的建议?

W: You really ought to take a boat down the Amazon. You’ll see a lot of interesting animals and beautiful trees. It’s one of the best places I’ve been to. 你真的应该乘船沿着亚马逊河而下。你会看到很多有趣的动物和美丽的树木。这是我去过的最好的地方之一。

M: Okay, I’ll put it on my list. 好的,我要把它放进我的清单。


Text 9

W: Hello, Michael!你好,迈克尔!

M: Hi, Sarah!你好,莎拉!

W: Are you attending the conference tomorrow morning at the Shelton Hotel? 你会参加明天早上在谢尔顿酒店举行的会议吗?

M: Yes, are you? 是的,你去吗?

W: Yeah. But when I arrived home five minutes ago, I found that my car wouldn’t start. And John is in Brighton on business. 是的。但是当我五分钟前回到家时,我发现我的车无法启动了。约翰去布莱顿出差了。

M: Do you know what’s wrong with the car? 你知道车子是出了什么问题吗?

W: I’m not exactly sure. I think there’s a problem with the engine. I wonder if you could give me a ride to the hotel tomorrow morning. 我不太确定。我想是发动机出了问题。我想知道你明天早上能不能载我去宾馆。

M: Sure, when shall I be at your place? 当然可以,我什么时候到你那接你?

W: Well, what about eight o’clock? From my place to Shelton, we have to drive through the quarters, so we’d better leave early to avoid the traffic. 嗯,八点怎么样?从我家到谢尔顿,我们得开车穿过宿舍,所以我们最好早点动身好避开交通拥堵。

M: Okay, no problem, it takes twenty minutes to reach your place, so I’ll set off at seven forty. By the way, do you also need me to drive you home tomorrow afternoon? 好的,没问题,去你住的地方要20分钟,所以我740出发。对了,明天下午还需要我送你回家吗?

W: No, John will be back then, and he’ll get me home. Thank you, Michael. 不用了,那时约翰会回来了,他会来接回家。谢谢你,迈克尔。

M: That’s okay. See you tomorrow. 没关系。明天见。


Text 10

Hello, everyone. Today I’ll talk about how to improve your pronunciation. Language researchers say pronunciation and fluency are the biggest barriers, followed by grammar in effective spoken English. However, most people don’t regard pronunciation as a very important part of communication skills. They’re more focused on vocabulary. One reason is that most people are not even aware of their mispronunciations. So it’s important to first find out the words you mispronounce. You should listen to experts. By experts, I mean those who are less likely to make pronunciation mistakes. When listening to them, pay attention to words that sound strange. Strange, because you pronounce the same words differently. When you come across such words, check a dictionary to confirm their exact pronunciations. You can also search for difficult-to-pronounce words and names and make a list of them. The last suggestion is to read aloud. Now you’ve got the correct pronunciations of the words. It’s time to practicereading them every day.





  • 发表于 2021-08-09 08:07
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