


1. 湖南长沙市

As a university student, I decided to learn German. For some reason I really liked the language, but I was not very good at learning it. The grammar ___31___ me a lot and even drove me crazy. My only advantage was___32___ —I got an A on every word test I took. After two years of studies, I struggled(挣扎) to communicate in ___33___ German and signed up to study in Germany to complete my degree. It was the ___34___ term I would ever have.

The moment I arrived in Germany, I felt like I was starting from scratch(从头开始). The German I’d learned in university wasn’t ___35___ for everyday conversation. My book knowledge fell by the wayside as I thought about the basics of getting around, reading emails and talking with my classmates, I was often nervous at school, worried about whether the teachers would call on me in class and whether I’d understand their questions. I only ___36___ a little around my eight roommates, who were willing to speak German slowly to me and didn’t seem to mind my ___37___.

I chose to study three courses—reading & writing, grammar and history. All were in German and difficult, but the history class was the worst. The teacher spoke so ___38___ that almost everything he said flew right over my head. I sat in the front, took notes and even recorded every single word he said in class, but ___39___ helped. I had no idea what the class was really about…

Years have passed, but I still remember how it felt to struggle so hard at ____40____ another language. That trip was a difficult but valuable lesson. I think my failure that term taught me just as much as my success.

31. A. gave                            B. helped                               C. troubled

32. A. listening                      B. spelling                             C. speaking

33. A. perfect                        B. broken                              C. beautiful

34. A. hardest                       B. easiest                             C. happiest

35. A. useless                       B. meaningless                   C. practical

36. A. relaxed                       B. feared                              C. wondered

37. A. purposes                   B. progress                          C. mistakes

38. A. slowly                         B. quickly                              C. clearly

39. A. nothing                       B. anything                           C. everything

40. A. creating                     B. teaching                           C. learning



31. C【解析】句意:语法让我很苦恼,甚至快把我逼疯了。gave 给; helped 帮助; troubled 折磨。根据 even drove me crazy,可知,语法让作者很苦恼,都快把他逼疯了,表述过去发生的事情,句子用一般过去时,所以空格处填 troubled

32. B【解析】句意:我唯一的优势是拼写——我在每次单词测试中都得了 Alistening 听力; spelling 拼写; speaking 说。根据 I got an A on every word test I took 可知,作者在每次单词测试中都能得到 A可见单词拼写是他的优势,所以空格处填 spelling

33. B【解析】句意:经过两年的学习,我努力用蹩脚的德语交流,并报名去德国完成我的学位。perfect完美的; broken 残缺的; beautiful 漂亮的。根据 struggle to communicate“挣扎着去沟通可见作者的德语并不流利,所以空格处填 broken

34. A【解析】句意:这是我经历过的最艰难的一个学期。hardest最艰难的; easiest最简单的; happiest 最高兴的。根据 I was often nervous at school, worried about whether the teachers would call on me in class and whether I’d understand their questions可知,作者在学校经常紧张,担心老师是否在课堂上提问他,他是否明白他们的问题,由此可见,作者在德国学习的那段时期过的很艰难,所以空格处填 hardest  

35. C【解析】句意:我在大学学的德语在日常会话中并不实用。useless 无用的; meaningless 无意义的; practical 实用性的。根据 My book knowledge fell by the wayside知,书本上的知识半途而废了,之前所学的德语并不实用,所以空格处填 practical

36. A【解析】句意:我只有在八个室友面前会放松一点,他们愿意和我慢慢说德语,似乎不介意我的错误。relaxed 放松; feared 害怕; wondered 想知道。根据 who were willing to speak German slowly to me可知,室友愿意慢慢地跟作者说德语,这让作者感到放松一些,没有在课堂上那么紧张,所以空格处填 relaxed  

37. C【解析】句意:我只有在八个室友面前会放松一点,他们愿意和我慢慢说德语,似乎不介意我的错误。purposes 目的; progress 过程; mistakes 错误。根据 I only relaxed a little around my eight roommates, who were willing to speak German slowly to me可知,作者在室友面前感到轻松,是因为他们愿意慢慢地跟作者说德语,并且不介意作者的错误,所以空格处填 mistakes

38. B【解析】句意:老师讲得那么快,几乎他说的每一句话我都听不懂。slowly 缓慢地; quickly 快速地; clearly 清楚地。 so…that 引导结果状语从句,根据 almost everything he said flew right over my head可知,老师上课说得太快了,以至于作者一句也听不懂,所以空格处填 quickly  

39. A【解析】句意:我坐在前面记笔记,甚至记录他在课堂上说的每个字,但是没有任何帮助。nothing 没什么事; anything 任何事; everything 每件事。根据 I had no idea what the class was really about可知,尽管作者在课堂上努力地记下老师说的每个字,但这对他来说没有任何帮助,他还是听不懂课堂是讲什么内容,所以空格处填 nothing

40. C【解析】句意:许多年过去了,但我仍然记得努力学习另一种语言的感觉。creating 创作; teaching 教; learning 学习。根据第一段 As a university student, I decided to learn German可知,整篇文章都讲的是作者学习语言的经历,所以空格处填 learn


  • 发表于 2021-04-22 18:43
  • 阅读 ( 4030 )
  • 分类:中考英语

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