


A Crash Book for Junior English



Unit 1


Sick Jack hit his neck on the rock.   



Unlucky Emily

I got to know a passenger on the bus. She was called Emily and was a climber. We got off at the same bus stop. Later we made a decision to lie on the grass for a rest and then helped ourselves to the food she brought. However, I found her in low spirits. I asked her what was the matter and what her trouble was. She said she used to be a nurse and saw lots of deaths, and sometimes she lost control and cried in that situation. She knew a life is of great importance to a family. Then she told me an unlucky experience of hers.

       One windy day Emily decided to take a risk by climbing onto the top of a hill. She set off with a backpack(背包) of 10 kilos. After a while she coughed and felt sick. Then she began to have a fever, a toothacheheadache and a stomachache. She had to take a break. Later she was hit by some rocks from above, and she hurt her kneethroat and stomach, and almost had her neck broken. Worse still, she stepped onto a rusty(生锈的) knife and it cut her foot and blood came out. She felt so sad that she even meant to kill herself. In the end she was taken to hospital to have an X-ray.226字)  


1. The writer got to know Emily on the _____________.

2. Later they made a decision to lie on the grass to_____________.

3. Emily used to be a _____________ and saw lots of deaths.

4. Worse still, a knife cut her foot and _____________came out.

5. In the end she was taken to _____________.




1. cough /kCfv. & n. 咳嗽

【造句】He coughed all night long. 他咳了一个晚上。

3. break /breIkn间歇;休息 v. 破;裂;碎

【一词多义】He broke a glass during the break. 他在休息期间打碎了一个杯子。

【近义】rest n休息

【比较】bread n面包

【原创神句】He coughed so badly that he had to take a break他咳得很厉害,只好休息一下。


1. trouble /5trQbln. 问题;苦恼 v使苦恼;麻烦

【一词多义】Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. 麻烦不找你,你就不要去找它。

2. nurse /n\:sn. 护士

【造句】She is a nurse in the hospital. 她在医院当护士。

3. control /kEn5trEJln. v. 限制;约束;管理

【造句】Bob could not control his feelings. 鲍勃无法控制自己的情绪。

【原创神句】The trouble is that the nurse can’t control his nosebleed. 问题是护士无法控制他的鼻血直流。


1. ourselves /7aJE5selvzpron. 我们自己

【造句】We need to cook by ourselves. 我们得自己做饭。

【拆记】our我们的+ selves(“自己”的复数)= ourselves

2. situation /7sItFu5eIFnn情况;状况

【造句】This situation is very difficult. 这种情况很艰难。

【拆记】situate使处于某境地+ -tion(名词后缀)= situation

3. spirit /5spIrItn. 勇气;意志

【造句】They broke his spirit他们摧垮了他的意志。

【原创神句】In this situation, we should keep up our spirits ourselves在这种情形下,我们自己应该保持高昂的情绪。


1. stomachache /5stQmEkeIkn胃痛;腹痛

【造句】Tom has a stomachache汤姆胃疼。

【拆记】stomach(胃)+ ache(疼痛)= stomachache

2. stomach /5stQmEkn. 胃;腹部

【造句】My stomach is completely full. 我吃得非常饱。

【用法】注意stomach的复数形式为stomachsA cow has two stomachs. 牛有两个胃。

3. matter /5mAtEn. 问题;事情

【造句】What’s the matter with him? 他怎么了?

【原创神句】He had a stomachache, so he asked the doctor what was the matter with his stomach他肚子疼,因此他问医生他的肚子有什么问题。


1. kilo /5ki:lEJ /=kilogramn. 千克;公斤

【造句】This kind of apple is eight dollars a kilo这种苹果8美元1公斤

2. neck /nekn. 颈;脖子

【造句】Peter often wears a red scarf around his neck彼得脖子上经常戴着红领巾。

3. knee /ni:n. 膝;膝盖

【造句】She hurt her knee when she fell. 她摔倒的时候伤到了膝盖。

4. mean /mi:nv. 意思是;打算;意欲

【造句】Robert didn’t mean to make fun of you. 罗伯特并不是有意取笑你。 

【原创神句】I mean I hurt my neck and knee after I carried the 50 kilos of rice home. 我的意思是我把那50公斤大米扛回家后,我的脖子和膝盖受伤了。


1. foot /fJtn.pl. feet)脚;足;英尺

【一词多义】Each of his foot is one foot long. 他的每只脚有1英尺长。

【比较】food n食物

2. onto /5Cntuprep. 向;朝

【造句】The new teacher walked onto the platform. 那位新老师走上讲台。

3. blood /blQdn. 

【造句】Lucy saw a lot of blood on the floor. 露西看到地板上一大滩血。

4. knife /naIfn

【造句】My mother used a knife to cut the cake. 母亲用刀切蛋糕。

【原创神句】When he jumped onto the grass, his foot was cut by a knife and blood came out. 当他跳到草地上时,他的脚被刀子割伤,血流了出来。


1. throat /WrEJtn咽喉;喉咙

【造句】He often has a sore throat他经常喉咙疼。

2. toothache /5tu:WeIkn. 牙痛

【造句】My grandmother had a toothache我奶奶牙疼。

【拆记】tooth牙齿+ ache(痛)= toothache

3. passenger /5pAsIndVE/ n. 乘客;旅客

【造句】All the passengers got off the bus. 所有的乘客都下车了。

【拆记】passage(通道)+ -er(表示相关的人或物)= passenger

4. sick /sIkadj. 生病的;有病的

【造句】It was very cold, and Tom got sick天很冷,汤姆生病了。

【比较】pick v捡起

【原创神句】The sick passenger had a toothache and a sore throat这位生病的乘客牙痛,而且嗓子发炎。


1. fever /5fi:vEn. 发烧

【造句】The baby has a high fever婴儿在发高烧。

2. X-ray /5eksreIn. X光线;X

【造句】Tom went to the hospital and had an X-ray汤姆去医院做了X射线检查。

3. headache /5hedeIkn. 头痛

【造句】I have a bad headache我头疼得厉害。

【拆记】head+ ache(痛)= headache

4. decision /dI5sIVnn. 决定;抉择

【造句】When did they make this decision他们什么时候做的这个决定?

【拆记】decide决定+ -sion(名词后缀)= decision

【原创神句】He has a headache and a fever, so he made a decision to have an X-ray他头痛发烧,因此决定做X光检查。


1. hit /hItv.(用手或器具)击;打

【造句】Tom hit John on the head with a tennis ball汤姆用网球打中了约翰的头。

2. death /deWn. 死;死亡

【造句】The death of her cat made Lucy sad. 猫死了,露西很难过。

【拆记】dead死的+ -th(名词后缀)= death

3. risk / rIskn. & v危险;风险;冒险

【造句】There is a risk of hurting yourself. 可能会伤着你自己。

4. importance /Im5pC:tnsn. 重要性;重要

【造句】Lily knows the importance of English. 莉莉知道英语的重要性。

【拆记】import进口+ -ance(名词后缀)= importance

【原创神句】The man stole the data of great importance at the risk of being hit to death那个男子冒着被打死的危险偷走了那些非常重要的资料。


1. lie /laI/lay, lainv. 躺;平躺  

【造句】Mother lay on the sofa and fell asleep. 母亲躺在沙发上睡着了。

【用法】lie的现在分词为lyingHe was lying on the grass. 他躺在草地上。

2. rest /restv. & n放松;休息

【造句】I took a rest after I finished my work. 干完活我休息了一下。


3. hurt /h\:t/ v.hurt, hurt)(使)疼痛;受伤

【造句】Jack hurt himself when he ran away. 杰克在逃跑时受了伤。

4. off /Cvadv. & prep离开(某处);不工作;从……去掉

【造句】The teacher asked a day off那位老师请了一天假。

5. herself /h\:5selfpron她自己

【造句】Helen herself knows the way home. 海伦自己知道回家的路。

【拆记】her+ self(自己)= herself

6. climber /5klaImEn. 登山者;攀登者

【造句】The climber felt very tired. 这位登山者感觉特别累。

【拆记】climb+ -er(表示相关的人或物)= climber

7. rock /rCkn. 岩石

【造句】He had to stand on a rock to watch the show. 不得不站在石头上看表演。



【原创神句】The climber fell off the rock and hurt herself, so she had to lie down and take a rest那位登山者从岩石上跌下来,伤了自己,她只好躺下休息。


1. What’s the matter? 怎么了?出什么事了?

【造句】What’s the matter with you? 你哪里不舒服吗?

2. have a cold 感冒

【造句】You might have a cold if you wear a shirt. 如果穿衬衫的话,你可能会感冒的。

3. have a stomachache 胃痛

【造句】Mary began to have a stomachache玛丽的胃疼了起来。

4. lie down 躺下

【造句】You should lie down on the bed and have a rest. 你应该去床上躺着休息下。

5. take one’s temperature 量体温

【造句】The nurse took his temperature护士给他量了体温。

6. have a fever 发烧

【造句】Alice didn’t come because she had a fever.爱丽丝没有来是因为她发烧了。

7. take breakstake a break休息

【造句】You must be tired, so just take a break你肯定累了,休息一下吧。

8. get off 下车

【造句】All the students got off the train. 所有学生都下了火车。

9. to one’s surprise 使……惊讶的;出乎意料

【造句】To his surprise, his parents came back. 让他惊讶的是,他父母回来了。

10. right away 立即;马上

【造句】His parents came to the school right away他父母立刻赶到了学校。

11. get into 陷入;参与

【造句】I do not want to get into trouble. 我不想陷入麻烦。

12. be used to 习惯于……;适应于……

【造句】She is used to getting up at 6:00 every morning. 她习惯于每天早上六点起床。

13. take riskstake a risk冒险

【造句】You should not take risks你不应冒险。

14. run outof用尽;耗尽

【造句】They ran out of water. 他们的水用完了。

15. cut off 切除

【造句】The old man cut off a small piece of bread. 老人切下一小块面包。

16. get out of 离开;从……出来

【造句】It seems impossible to get out of it. 要摆脱此事似乎不大可能。

17. be in control of 掌管;管理

【造句】One is in control of one’s own life. 一个人的生活可以自己掌控。

18. give up 放弃

【造句】Larry didn’t want to give up拉里不想放弃。

Bill is used to driving his car to work. Today when he got into the car, he began to have a cold and also have a stomachache. He couldn’t be in control of the car, so he had to get out of the car right away. Then he got on the bus and got off at the hospital.

The doctor asked him what was the matter. He told him his trouble. The doctor told him to lie down and take a break. He took Bill’s temperature. To his surprise Bill didn’t have a fever. After he went home, he found his money was running out and his water supply cut off. He thought of stealing but he dare not take that risk. He gave up the idea.


A. have用于疾病名词前

1. I have a bad cold today. 我今天得了重感冒。

2. She is having a fever. 她正发着烧。

B. should

1. I should study hard. 我应当努力学习。

2. You should make a decision at once. 你应该马上做决定。

【语法总结】 have用于疾病名词前意为“患(病)”或“遭受(病痛)”;情态动词should表示建议,在句中意为“应该;应当”。


1. sore /sC:adj. 疼痛的;酸痛的

【造句】Jack felt sore all over. 杰克觉得全身酸痛。

2. bandage /5bAndIdVn. 绷带 v. 用绷带包扎

【造句】The doctor put a bandage on his leg. 医生在他腿上缠了一条绷带。

3. press/presv. 压;挤;按

【造句】She pressed her face against the window. 她把脸贴在窗子上。

4. nosebleed /5nEJzbli:d/ n. 鼻出血

【造句】You have a nosebleed你流鼻血了。

5. breathe /bri:Tv. 呼吸

【造句】Joe had problems breathing乔伊呼吸困难。

6. sunburned /5sQnb\:ndadj. 晒伤的

【造句】She got sunburned. 她被晒伤了。

7. accident /5AksIdEnt/ n.(交通)事故;意外遭遇

【造句】Mr Smith saw a car accident. 史密斯先生目睹了一起车祸。




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