


Three Crash Books for Junior English



Unit 1


Not everyone got something. Someone got nothing.



Kevin’s Lazy Son

As the only trader in the village, everyone knows Kevin. He trades in pigs, hens, ducks, bicycles and umbrellas. He lives in a building on the top of the hill. Kevin is never bored with life and he keeps a diary. When he is free, he will talk to someone about something, and he finds it enjoyable to join in social activities.

Kevin has a son called Tony. Anyone will wonder why there is such a big difference between them. Most of the time Tony plays with the few birds in his home and doesn’t go anywhere. He seems to dislike this wonderful world.  

       On a wet day Kevin decided to have a talk with Tony in the room below. He waited for Tony to come in and then said, “Tony, you know yourself as much as I know myself. I’m kind enough to you, and I always try to make you happy, but you do nothing all day. If you go on like that, you will go hungry in the future.” 172字)



1. Why does everyone in the village know Kevin?

A. Because he is the only man.

B. Because he is the only trader.

C. Because he has a son called Tony.

D. Because he likes to join in social activities.

2. Where does Kevin live?

A. On the hill.                                B. On the farm.

C. In the city.                                D. In an apartment.

3. What does Kevin’s son play with?

A. Hens.             B. Ducks.           C. Pigs.                      D. Birds.

4. What will happen to Tony in the future in his father’s opinion?

A. He will go hungry.                           B. He will go mad.

C. He will fall ill.                                  D. He will fall asleep.



1. as /Az/ conj. 如同;像……一样 prep. 作为;当作

【一词多义】As a student, you should study as hard as he. 作为学生,你应该像他一样努力学习。

2. yourself /jR:5self/ pron. 你自己;你亲自

【造句】Do you often weigh yourself? 你经常称体重吗?

【拆记】your你的+ self(自己)= yourself

【原创神句】You can do it yourself as I did just now. 你可以照着我刚才做的自己去做。



1. anyone /5enIwQn/ pron. 任何人

【造句】She didn’t want anyone to know. 她不想让任何人知道。

【拆记】any任何+ one(泛指一个人)= anyone

【近义】anybody pron. 任何人

2. difference /5dIfrEns/ n. 差异;不同

【造句】What’s the difference between them? 它们之间有什么区别?

【拆记】differ分歧+ -ence(构成抽象名词)= difference

【原创神句】Is there any difference between “anyone” and “anybody”? anyoneanybody有区别吗


1. few /fju:/ adj. 很少的;几个 n. 少量

【造句】Only a few students passed the test. 这次测试只有几个学生通过了。

【辨析】fewlittlefew修饰可数名词,little修饰不可数名词,单独使用时均视为否定:He has few friends, has he? 他没什么朋友,是吗?/ I have little money. 我没什么钱。

2. enough /I5nQf/ adj. 足够的 adv. 足够地;充分地

【造句】We have enough food for the winter. 我们有足够的食物过冬。

3. enjoyable /In5dVCIEbl/ adj. 有乐趣的;令人愉快的

【造句】 Games can make learning more enjoyable游戏可以寓教于乐。

【原创神句】I thinkonly a few of these games are enjoyable enough. 我觉得这些游戏中只有少数几个游戏足够有趣好玩。


1. most /mEJst/ adj. & adv. & pron. 最多;大多数

【一词多义】He likes chess most and spends most of his spare time playing chess. 他最喜欢象棋,把大部分业余时间都用来下棋。


2. diary /5daIErI/ n. 日记;日记簿

【造句】I like to keep a diary of my daily life. 我喜欢写日记,记录我的日常生活。

【拆记】di-+ -ary(构成抽象名词或形容词)= diary

3. dislike /dIs5laIk/ v. 不喜欢;厌恶 n. 不喜爱;厌恶;反感

【造句】I dislike fast food. 我不喜欢快餐食品。

【拆记】dis-表示否定+ like(喜欢)= dislike

【用法】like后可接名词、to dodoing,但dislike后可接名词或doing,不能接to doI like playing(或to playfootball, but I dislike playing tennis. 我喜欢踢足球,但我不喜欢打网球。

【原创神句】Most students in my class dislike keeping a diary. 我们班大多数学生不喜欢记日记。


1. hill /hIl/ n. 小山;山丘

【造句】At last, he got to the top of the hill. 最后他到达了山顶。

【比较】kill v. 杀死

【近义】mountain n. 山;山脉

2. top /tRp/ n. 顶部;顶

【造句】Write your name at the top of the page.  在页面上端写下你的名字。

【反义】bottom n. 底部

3. someone /5sQmwQn/ pron. 某人;有人

【造句】Listen! Someone is calling for help. 听!有人在呼救。

【拆记】some某个+ one(泛指一个人)= someone

【近义】somebody pron. 某人;有

4. myself /maI5self/ pron. 我自己

【造句】I enjoyed myself at the party. 我在聚会上玩得很开心。

【拆记】my(我的)+ self(自己)= myself

【用法】反身代词只能做主语的同位语,不能做主语:I did it myself. = I myself did it(不能说Myself did it. 我亲自做的。

【原创神句】I saw someone climb to the top of the hill myself. 我亲自看见有人爬上了山顶。


1. anywhere /5enIwZE/ adv. 在任何地方 pron. 任何(一个)地方

【造句】Did you go anywhere yesterday? 你昨天去过什么地方吗?

【拆记】any(任何)+ where(哪里)= anywhere

2. everyone /5evrIwQn/ pron. 每人;人人

【造句】Everyone here can speak English. 这儿人人会说英语。

【拆记】every(每一个)+ one(人)= everyone

【近义】everybody pron. 每人;人人

【用法】everyone与否定词连用时,表示部分否定:Everyone doesn’t care for money. = Not everyone cares for money. 不是人人都爱钱。

3. wait /weIt/ v. 等;等待  

【造句】He is waiting for the bus. 他在等公交车。

4. building /5bIldIN/ n. 建筑物

【造句】There are many high buildings in the city. 城市有很多高楼大厦。

【拆记】build(建造)+ -ing(名词后缀)= building

【原创神句】Everyone must wait in this building and shouldn’t go anywhere. 大家必须在这栋楼里等,哪儿也不能去。


1. wonderful /5wQndEfJl/ adj. 精彩的;极好的 

【造句】We had a wonderful time last Saturday. 上周六我们过得很愉快。

【拆记】wonder惊叹+ -ful(形容词后缀)= wonderful

2. bicycle /5baIsIkl/ n. 自行车 

【造句】I go to school by bicycle every day. 我每天骑自行车上学。

【拆记】bi-(二)+ cycle(循环)= bicycle

3. activity /Ak5tIvEtI/ n. 活动;活跃

【造句】I hope you’ll join us in the activity. 我希望你能参加活动。


4. decide /dI5saId/ v. 决定;选定

【造句】We decided to go home. 我们决定回家。

【用法】decide后面跟动词作宾语时只能接不定式:He decided to go abroad. 他决定出国。

【原创神句】He decided to ride his bicycle to join in the wonderful activity. 他决定骑自行车去参加那个精彩的活动。


1. bored /bR:d/ adj. 无聊的;厌烦的;郁闷的

【造句】I’m bored with this TV show.这档电视节目我看厌了。

【拆记】bore(使厌倦)+ -ed(形容词后缀)= bored

2. trader /5treIdE/ n. 商人 

【造句】His father is a trader. 他父亲是个商贩。

【拆记】trade(贸易)+ -er(表示相关的人或物)= trader

3. duck /dQk/ n. 鸭肉;鸭 

【造句】Shall we have chicken or duck for dinner? 晚餐我们吃鸡肉还是吃鸭肉?

4. seem /si:m/ v. 似乎;好像

【造句】She seems happy with her new job. 她似乎对新工作还满意。

【原创神句】The trader seems bored with eating duck every day. 那个商人似乎厌倦了天天吃鸭肉。


1. pig /pIg/ n.

【造句】The farmer raises twenty pigs. 那位农民养了20头猪。

2. wonder /5wQndE/ v. 惊奇;想知道;怀疑 

【造句】I wonder why he helped me. 我想知道他为什么帮我。

3. wet /wet/ adj. 湿的;雨天的 

【造句】She got wet yesterday. 她昨天淋湿了。

【反义】dry adj. 干燥的;干涸的

4. umbrella /Qm5brelE/ n. 伞;雨伞 

【造句】Down came the rain, and up went the umbrellas. 下雨了,人们撑起了雨伞。

5. bird /bɜ:d/ n. 鸟;禽 

【造句】Kill two birds with one stone. 一石二鸟。

【原创神句】On a wet day, the little bird wondered why the little pig didn’t open his umbrella. 在一个下雨天,那只小鸟对于那头小猪为什么不打开雨伞感到迷惑不解。


1. something /5sQmWIN/ pron. 某事物

【造句】I have something to ask you. 我有事要问你。

【拆记】some(某个)+ thing(东西;事情)= something

2. nothing /5nQWIN/ pron.=not…anything)没有什么 n. 没有

【造句】There’s nothing in the room. 房间里什么也没有。

【拆记】no(没有)+ thing(东西;事情)= nothing

3. hen /hen/ n. 母鸡;雌禽 

【造句】Mrs Brown killed a hen to treat me. 布朗夫人杀了只母鸡招待我。

4. try /traI/ v. 尝试;设法;努力

【造句】I will try my best to learn English. 我会尽力学好英语的。

5. below /bI5lEJ/ prep. 低于;在……下面 adv. 在下面  

【造句】Fish were swimming below the water. 鱼在水下游。

【近义】under prep. 在……下面

【拆记】be-(在)+ low(低的)= below

6. hungry /5hQNgrI/ adj. 饥饿的

【造句】I’m very hungry now. 我现在好饿。

【拆记】hunger(饥饿)+ -y(形容词后缀)= hungry

【原创神句】The hungry hen tried to find something to eat below the stone, but it found nothing. 那只饥饿的母鸡试图在石头下面找到一些吃的,但它什么也没找到。


1. quite a few相当多;不少

【造句】There are quite a few trees in the park. 公园里有不少的树。

2. of course当然 

【造句】Of course I’ll help you.我当然会帮你的。

3. feel likedoing想要

【造句】I feel like going to the movies. 我想去看电影。

4. because of因为;由于

【造句】I caught a cold because of the rain. 因为淋雨,我感冒了。

I felt like eating something because of hunger. Dick had quite a few eggs. I asked him if he could give me one, and he said, “Of course.”



A. 不定代词

1. All men are brothers in the world. 四海之内皆兄弟。

2. All is well that ends well. 结果好一切都好。

3. Everyone will succeed if they work hard. 任何人只要努力就会成功。

4. Nothing is impossible to a willing mind. 天下无难事,只怕有心人。

B. 一般过去时

1. I borrowed a book from Mike yesterday. 昨天我从麦克那里借了一本书。

2. He often came late to school last year. 他去年经常上学迟到。

【语法总结】1)不定代词包括作代词的限定词(all, both, each, another, much等)和由one, body, thing构成的合成代词(everyone, somebody, nothing等),其中的合成代词总是单数。(2)过去时态是表示在过去某个时间所发生的动作或所处的状态,常与 yesterday, last week, in 2008, just now等连用。


paragliding /5pArE7glaIdIN/n.滑翔伞运动

【造句】Paragliding is a dangerous activity.滑翔伞运动是一项危险的活动。



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