Funny Joke: English Guru Teased
王汝涛 英译
Prof. Ge Chuangui is a renowned expert in English who has been held in high esteem by a great many English language learners throughout China. Back in the 1940s, he compiled the first volume of A Dictionary of English Usage in China. After the dictionary was published, he gave a copy to his bosom friend Mr Gui Shaoyu for comments. At the time, Mr Gui was already one of China’s foremost English scholars and authored The Concise English-Chinese Dictionary. And, for a time, he was also Ge’s boss and enjoyed a wider popularity in the Republican period.
几天后,桂老见到葛老说道:“小葛啊,‘Every Jack has his Jill.’(“有情人终成眷属。”),这个你没有收录啊?”葛老答道:“这是谚语,我没有收录”。桂老接着说:“没有收录也好,现在时代变化太快了”。这时桂老从办公桌上拿起了一张英文报纸,让葛老看了上面写的这样一句话:My friend Vet Jackson went on a blind date with a Mary Jackson yesterday! 然后问道:“你看,到Jack 儿子(Jackson)这一代,也不找Jill了,开始参加相亲啦(blind date),维特竟然找了个同姓的玛丽,我发现相亲这个词你也没收录啊?”葛老立即回应道:“您此言极是,全怪我疏忽了,不过到了维特这一代也够新潮了”。这时,只听桂老哈哈大笑,得意的说道:“我就知道Vet这个词你也没收录。”这时,葛老委屈地回应道: