说说My flat is twice bigger than yours这个句子

英语中关于倍数的比较我们仍有很多习惯用法似懂非懂。以My flat is twice bigger than yours这个句子为基础,今天略谈一二。

说说My flat is twice bigger than yours这个句子



My flat is twice bigger than yours. 我的公寓比你的大两倍。


首先,倍数比较级用法不当。用twice(还有half)表示倍数进行比较时,应该用as …as或twice the...结构,而不是more than结构,这是英文的习惯用法。有些英文词典直接把twice as much/manytwice as作为句式结构列出。

CGOEL明确告诫:Twice is used with as many as or as much as rather than more.


She's twice as lively as her sister.

但不说*She's twice livelier than her sister.


I ’m not going out with a man who’s twice as old as me.

但不说*I’m not going out with a man who’s twice older than me. 

所以,《语法无敌全答》的例句本身就不符合英语习惯用法。其中的twice bigger than应该改为twice as big as,或者全句改成My flat is twice the size of yours。

遗憾的是像twice bigger这种不符合英语惯用法的例句在国内英语语法和教参中屡见不鲜。例如《高中英语语法全解》(安徽科学技术出版社2016第八次印刷)有例句I’m twice older than you;《常考英语语法手册》(石油工业出版社,2008)有例句This room is twice larger than that one;《高中英语语法表解大全》(中央编译出版社2008第3版)有The road is twice longer than that one,等等。

其次,对倍数比较句式的意思理解有误。国内基础英语语法和教参中这类理解错误很常见,即使专业性很强的辞书中也同样存在。例如,葛传槼先生的《英语惯用法词典》在time词条中指出:Your house is three times as large as mine和Your house is three times larger than mine两句意思不同:前者意为“你的房子是我的房子的三倍大小”,后者意为“你的房子比我的房子大三倍[就是我的房子的四倍大小]”。

但是实际上,无论是N times more…than还是N times as…as,意思都一样,按汉语的表达习惯,都是“ N倍那么大(多、长)”,或者 “比…大(多、长)N-1倍”。


Chambers Essential English Dictionary(1995)在定义times (倍数) 时说:One thing is a certain number of times greater than, or as great as, another if it is equal to the other multiplied by that number(如果说A is N times greater或as great as B,那么A=B ☓N)。

CGOEL指出: Count as many ( . . . ) as  and noncount as much ( . . . ) as are equivalent to more ( . . . ) than when they are premodified by a times-phrase(前有倍数短语修饰时,as many/much as与more...than相等)。例如:

Five times as many people came to the demonstration as (did) last time。

= Five times more people came to the demonstration than (did) last time.

Swan的PEU和国内章振邦《新编英语语法》系列也有相关的、更为详细的阐述。而且,他们的观点在英语的实际中也能得到证实。例如,英文版《大英百科全书》在介绍澳大利亚昆士兰州时写道:The state is more than twice the size of the U.S. state of Texas and seven times larger than the United Kingdom.

我们知道,Queensland面积是172.72万平方公里,United Kingdom面积是24.41万平方公里。也就是说,前者是后者的7倍多(而不是8倍多)。这表明seven times larger than=seven times as large as。

由此可知,《语法无敌全答》上的My flat is twice bigger than yours一句,即使不考虑其语法缺陷,其真实含义也只能是“我的公寓=你的公寓☓2”。所以,在纠正英文的同时,汉译也应改为“我的公寓是你的两倍大”,或“我的公寓比你的大一倍”。

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