受汉语思维影响而可能误用的v+sb+to do sth


受汉语思维影响而可能误用的v+sb+to do sth


英语中的v+sb+to do sth是中一个非常常见的结构,不仅是考试中的重要考点,而且在口语中也用得非常广泛。可用于该结构的常用动词有 advise, allow, ask, bear, beg, cause, command, encourage, expect, forbid, force, get, hate, help, intend, invite, leave, like, mean, need, oblige, order, permit, persuade, prefer, request, remind, teach, tell, trouble, want, warn, wish 等。如:

I hate young people to smoke. 我讨厌年轻人抽烟。

The doctor advised me to stop smoking. 医生建议我戒烟。

We don’t allow / permit students to eat in the classrooms. 我们不允许学生在教室吃饭。

What caused your wife to change her mind? 是什么使你的妻子改变了主意?

He ordered the work to be started at once. 他命令马上开始工作。

He expected her to go with him. 他期望她同他一起去。

They invited her to go for a walk. 他们请她一起去散步。

Ann warned me to read the instructions. 提醒我看看说明书。

He encouraged me to apply for the job. 他鼓励我申请干这项工作。

They forced her to sign the paper. 他们强迫她在文件上签字。

Each tried to persuade the other to stay at home. 两人彼此劝说对方留在家里。


汉语可说害怕某人做某事,但英语不说 fear sb to do sth。如:


误:I fear him to find us.

正:I fear that he will find us.

汉语可说原谅某人做某事,但英语不说 excuse [forgive] sb to do sth。如:


误:Excuse me not to answer your letter earlier.

误:Excuse me not to have answered your letter earlier.

正:Excuse me for not answering your letter earlier.

正:Excuse me for not having answered your letter earlier.

正:Excuse my not answering your letter earlier.

正:Excuse my not having answered your letter earlier.

汉语可说拒绝某人做某事,但英语不说 refuse sb to do sth。如:


误:He refused me to use his bike.

正:He refused to let me use his bike.

正:He didn’t allow me to use his bike.

汉语可说惩罚某人做某事,但英语不说 punish sb to do sth。如:


误:The teacher punished him to sweep the floor.

正:The teacher punished him by requiring him to sweep the floor.

汉语可说建议某人做某事,但英语不说 suggest sb to do sth。如:


误:His wife suggested him to give up smoking.

正:His wife suggested that he (should) give up smoking.

正:His wife suggested his [him] giving up smoking.

正:His wife advised him to give up smoking.

汉语可说同意某人做某事,但英语不说 agree sb to do sth。如:


误:They agreed me to do it.

正:They agreed to let me do it.

正:They agreed to my doing it.

汉语可说通知某人做某事,但英语不说 inform sb to do sth。如:


误:I've informed them to leave at once.   

正:I've told them to leave at once.

正:I've informed them that they must leave at once.

汉语可说欢迎某人做某事,但英语不说 welcome sb to do sth


误:Welcome you to come to our school.

正:Welcome to our school.


误:Let’s welcome Mr Smith to speak.

正:Let’s welcome Mr Smith and ask him to speak.

汉语可说坚持某人做某事,但英语不说 insist sb to do sth。如:


误:He insisted me to stay there.

误:He insisted on me to stay there.

正:He insisted on my staying there.

正:He insisted that I (should) stay there.



  • 发表于 2020-12-07 22:23
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