

对于应试,我一直奉行不求甚解,但求正解的态度,也就是追求所谓答题技巧,能不能看懂文章,无关紧要。不过最近有位学生转给我一篇文章,就是难到上了热搜的今年英语高考新一卷的语法填空。不过她不是要知道如何破解题目,而是想知道如何真正看懂全文。我立马想到本站大拿huck finn老师对这篇文章的点评“难度颇大,第一遍看得头晕脑胀——话题新,生词多,句子长,考查‘偏’”,心中不由得开始打鼓,硬着头皮,把全文浏览一遍,果然是黄鹂与白鹭齐飞,翠柳共青天一色!重回当初英语小白看语法大全的感觉—totally confused. 怎么还会有儿时的感觉?是不是要看医生了?








白胡子老头没有直接回答:“Long time ago,因特网存在大量放置众多广告的SEO流量网站,然后通过机器人自动抓取网上内容,来丰富网站,提升网站的排名,以吸引流量点击各个广告牟利。狗哥按次支付网站主费用。狗哥可比度娘大方多了”










明白了。national trust为李逵本尊,Inhabitat山寨了李逵,是为李鬼。可怜高考出题人一时失察(实菜?),套娃了李鬼。




Heatherwick Studio has unveiled its latest project, a kinetic glasshouse set on the edge of the gardens here at Woolbeding.

Heatherwick Studio recently unveiled a new project, a kinetic greenhouse at the edge of the National Trust’s WoolbedingGardens.

Heatherwick Studio recently built a greenhouse at the edge of the National Trust's WoolbedingGardens.

白讲:相比李逵,李鬼改得没大问题,而高考原题的改动几乎和李鬼一模一样,可以初步判断高考题是套娃李鬼,而不是改自李逵。其中改on the edge at the edge,个人觉得不妥,虽然二者单独拎出来意思相差不大,但应用于文章,二者的细微区别还是有,如果能准确把握onat内涵的童鞋,应该会知道on强调与平面的接触,所以on the edge不仅仅表示在边缘,而隐含“占有一席之地”的意味。而at定点,at the edge传达的不过是某个角落而已。文字解释起来比较繁琐。直接看官方配图,看给你的感觉是on 还是 at。注意,这里谈论的是onat谁最佳的问题,而不是谁对谁错的问题。感觉不出来也不要紧,这里没有深究的必要。




This unfolding structure provides the focal point to a new garden that reveals how much the ancient Silk Route – which linked the Western world with the Middle East and Asia – has influenced English gardens of today.

It is also part of a historic estate in West Sussex. This beautiful unfolding structure is at the center of a new garden that shows how the Silk Road influences English gardens even in modern times.

This beautiful structure, named Glasshouse, is at the centre of a new garden that shows how the Silk Roadinfluences English gardens even in modern times.

白讲:这里开始就出幺蛾子了。首先李鬼出现了李逵没有的“It is also part of a historic estate in West Sussex”,West SussexWoolbeding花园所在的一个郡。正在描述温室和花园的时候,中途突然扯到West Sussex,显得相当突兀,不知道作者是在写文章,还是在东一句西一句地凑字数。这就好像当“我们坐在高高的谷堆旁边,听妈妈讲那过去的事情”的时候,本应该听到的是“那时候妈妈没有土地,全部生活都在两只手上……”之类过去的事情,结果你听到的是“等明天妈妈有房有车,银行存款一辈子都花不完……”.这个说好听点,叫两个黄鹂鸣翠柳,一行白鹭上青天。说直白点,写作叫跑题,上课叫走神,俗称开小差……好在文章刚开篇,高考出题人坚守不忘初心,面对如此突兀的语句,直接一删了之——搞不懂,我还删不了吗?可怜李鬼当初的改写,只考虑如何改得面目全非,哪想得到日后会被人用来套娃?

接下来,李逵的provides the focal point指的的是玻璃建筑提供了一个焦点,也就是我们俗称的打卡景点。李鬼改为is at the centre of。如果是小人之心,可以说是误解了focal point的词意,如果是君子之腹,也可以理解为李鬼是另起炉灶,以新的视角/角度来讲述一件新的事情——大路朝天,各走一边,你走阳关道,我走独木桥,狗哥爬虫自然不会判定为雷同。不过既然这里是the centre of,童鞋们可以回过头再想想第一句是用at the edge好,还是on the edge好?或者说李逵为什么会用on而不是at

这还没完,李逵用的时态是现在完成时,这个古代的丝绸之路 has influenced 当代的英国花园。过去造成的影响至今存在---现在完成时写入教科书的标准用法。结果李鬼直接改为一般现在时。这改得那叫一个低级——真正的丝绸之路早已不存在了,不存在的东东,何来influences一说?可怜高考出题人才出虎口,又入狼窝,一坑接一坑,坑坑不相同。估计已经被撞得七荤八素了,仍强行挣扎,结果闹出了第一个笑话,是的,你没看错,是笑话:

This beautiful structure, named Glasshouse.这里的structure指什么?指glasshouseglasshouse何意?忘记了的童鞋,可以温习下上句的“涨姿势”。对,glasshouse就是温室的意思。所以高考出题人的这句话就是笑话,类似凡哥被命名为凡哥,柯帕斯英语网被命名为柯帕斯英语网,A被命名为A这不是笑话是什么话?呵呵,画蛇添足,结果砸了自己的足……细心的童鞋可能刚回过味来,第一个笑话?是的,有第一,就有第二,还有更可笑的在后面。


It features ten steel ‘sepals’ with glass and aluminium façade which take four minutes to open, creating an immense 141m2 space in the shape of a crown.

The latest engineering techniques are used to create a protective functional structure that is also beautiful. The design features ten steel “sepals” made of glass and aluminum. These sepals open over four minutes to reveal a 1,517 square foot space shaped like a crown.

The latest engineering techniques are used to create a protective functional structure that is also beautiful. The design features ten steel “sepals” made of glass and aluminum.

白讲:李鬼的“The latest engineering … is also beautiful.”并非凭空出现,它是把李逵后面的语句提前,打乱顺序为的是不与原文雷同,而不是为了日后高考出题。实际上,李鬼的这篇山寨文,经常打乱李逵原文的顺序,不是一句两句,严格说起来,已经不能说是真正意义上的文章了,除了作为写作的反面教材。


The design features ten steel “sepals” made of glass and aluminum





It features ten steel ‘sepals’ with glass and aluminium




On warm days, the glasshouse opens its ‘sepals’ using a hydraulic mechanism to allow the plants access to direct sunshine and ventilation, while in colder weather the structure will remain closed, providing shelter to a collection of subtropical species.

The Glasshouse opens on warm days using a hydraulic system to give the inside plants sun and ventilation.

These sepals open on warm days giving the inside plants sunshine and fresh air. In cold weather, the structure stays closed to protect the plants.


中文说给室内植物阳光和空气确实没毛病,但直译成英文,毛病就大了。我们可以说give sth to sb,也可以说give sb sth,何曾听说give sthplantssthsunshine&fresh air)?当然,林子大了,什么鸟都有,英语演变/发展/推广/难用/滥用至今,很难说某个表达一定没有,只能说少见/罕见,只能说受过良好的教育的人很少用give sth sth。打开朗文词典官网,give下的所有条目解释,每条都涉及有人

另外,inside plants也很搞笑。从语意可知,句子想表达的是室内植物,表示建筑物的内部是indoor=inside a building),所以室内植物是indoor plants;而inside表示某个东西的里面,所以inside plants不是室内植物,而是在植物的里面。玩笑开大了。所以我经常告诫学生,如果不养成勤查英英的习惯,而是依赖英汉词典,那么英语即使学到顶层,迟早会因基本功不牢,根基不稳,而在用词方面遭到英文单词的反噬。




The SilkRouteGarden surrounding the Glasshouse invites visitors on a 12-step journey through a landscape influenced by the ancient trading route between Asia and Europe where commodities such as silk were exchanged and, along which many plants species, were brought back to Britain for the first time, such as rosemary, lavender and fennel.

Further, the SilkRouteGarden around the greenhouse walks visitors through a journey influenced by the ancient Silk Road. The trading routes between Asia and Europe brought silk and spices as well as many plant species to Britain for the first time. These plants included modern Western favorites such as rosemary, lavender and fennel.

Further, the SilkRouteGarden around the greenhouse walks visitors through a journey influenced by the ancient Silk Road, by which silk as well as many plant species came to Britain for the first time. These plants included modern Western favourites such as rosemary, lavender and fennel.

白讲:这里再次出现用词错误。 walk sb through sth其实和walk无关,它是一条固定表达,向某人详细解释某事,很耐心,很细致的一步步教某人做某事的意思。所以这里改写成walks visitors through a journey容易引起歧义。


另外,These plants指的应该是前面提到的传统plant,但这里画蛇添足地加上一个modern,容易让人误会这些植物是现代栽培品种,而不是历史引种,但原文讨论的植物都是历史引种啊,所以胡乱更改导致读起来极易思维错乱!要改,也宜用traditional来替换modern Western。当然,这里高考改题人也是直接套娃。


A winding path allows visitors to move through over 300 species and 12 distinct regions of the Silk Road.

The garden also contains a winding path that guides visitors through the twelve regions of the Silk Road. The path offers over 300 plant species for visitors to see, too.

The garden also contains a winding path that guides visitors through the twelve regions of the Silk Road. The path offers over 300 plant species for visitors to see, too

白讲:李鬼山寨句的“also contains”纯属多余。因为garden本来就包括有pathplantflower或其它自然元素,所以你要说这个花园还包含一条path,就正应验了那句歇后语:脱了***——多此一举!就好像你介绍某套三室两厅的商品房时说,这三室两厅的房子还包括两个客厅哦!话,是可以这么说,大不了说你小学没毕业,但文章可不能这么写。所以话,人人可说,但文章并非人人都能写。

而且后一句的for visitors to see也属冗余:花园本就是为visitors的欣赏/观赏而设计的,再重申for visitors to see,除了让句子变长,并未让句子语意因此增强,所以多余。试比较:

The garden has beautiful flowers and offers over 300 plant species for visitors to see, too.【冗余à劣】

The garden has beautiful flowers and offers over 300 plant species. 【无冗余à佳】

有童鞋可能会说,为什么要这么简化?唉,有效写作的3C原则忘了吗?其中的1C就是指Be Concise 表述要简洁。很多网友谈起写作也是头头是道,3C原则更是微不足道,但是真正面对一篇文章时,又全都丢到九霄云外。无他,坐得太久,走得太少!


所以,从遣词,到造句,从写作的角度而言,李鬼山寨文可以说是一无是处。当然,连give sth sth都看不出,同时相信玻璃+铝可以制造刚的高考出题人,自然也看不出这里遣词造句的问题,所以也是直接套娃。


It stands as a crowning achievement in contemporary design, to house the flora of subtropical south west China at the end of a path retracing the steps along the Silk Route, from temperate Europe and across mountains, arid lands, and high pastures, that brought the plants from their native habitat in Asia to come to define much of the richness and glory of gardening in England.

“It stands as a crowning achievement in contemporary design, to house the flora of sub-tropical south-west China at the end of a path retracing the steps along the Silk Route, from temperate Europe and across mountains, arid lands and high pastures that brought the plants from their native habitat in Asia to come to define much of the richness and glory of gardening in England”, Mark Woodruff adds

The Glasshouse stands as a great achievement in contemporary design, to house the plants of the southwestern part of China at the end of a path retracing the steps along the Silk Route that brought the plants from their native habitat in Asia to come to define much of the richness of gardening in England.

.白讲:这就是那句让人抓狂的“that先行词是谁的热搜句。其实你仔细看李逵原文,那个that前面是有个逗号的,那么把逗号间的插入语“from temperate Europe and across mountains, arid lands, and high pastures”去掉,that指代谁就水落石出了。这里高考出题人也许有主角光环,这里又阴差阳错地直接删掉了插入语。所以that的先行词就落在前面的“a path retracing the steps along the Silk Route”了。因为对于名词的划分早就习惯于按NP(名词片语)的概念进行(这样省去了不少不必要的麻烦),所以对我而言,a path retracing the steps along the Silk Route就是一个NP(核心词为a path),等同于一个名词,所以that的先行词对我而言就是“a path retracing the steps along the Silk Route”。但是传统上,先行词应该是一个名词(而非名词片语)充当,所以要细扣pathstepsSilk Route究竟是哪个,诸君随意,哈。这里只指出一个常见误区:很多童鞋把文中的retracing the steps视为一个整体,固定结构,真是错得粗心,错得可惜,哈哈哈。查字典,看看是不是固定结构,大家对比下牛津、朗文和韦氏:


所以,retrace the steps不是idiomretrace one’s steps才是idiom。这叫差之毫厘谬以千里!勤查英英,可不是口里随便说说。












  • 发表于 2024-08-14 19:33
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