






I will pay you at the price you ask. 我愿意照你要求的价钱付款。

I offered Jimmy some milk, but he wouldn’t drink it. 我让吉米喝牛奶,但他不肯喝。


Days later, my brother called to say he was all right, but ______ say where he was.

A. mustn’t       B. shouldn’t    C. wouldn’t      D. mightn’t



If you would wait a minute, I’ll see if he’s free. 你若愿等一下,那我就去看看他是否有空。

If you would come this way, I’ll take you to the manager’s office. 请你从这边走,我带你去经理办公室。




1. can’tmay not

(1) can’t有两个主要用法:一是表示不能(指没有能力或未得到许可等),二是表示不可能(指没有可能性)。如:

I can’t pay you today. Can you wait till tomorrow? 今天我不能付你钱,你可以等到明天吗?

It can’t be the postman at the door. It’s only seven o’clock. 门外不可能是邮递员,才刚7点呀。

(2) may not也有两个主要用法:一是表示不可以(指不允许),二是表示可能不(指把握不大的否定推测)。如:

Adolescents under the age of 18 may not work in jobs that require them to drive. 18岁以下的青少年不可以从事需要开车的工作。

Working women, especially if they have children, may not have time for community activities. 上班的女性,特别是有孩子的女性,就可能没时间参加社区活动。

注意:不要误用may not 来表示不可能,表示不可能要用can’t


Just be patient. You ______ expect the world to change so soon.

A. can’t                 B. needn’t             C. may not            D. will not

【分析思路】答案为A。比较四个选项:can’t意为不能needn’t意为不必may not意为不准”“可能不will not意为将不”“不愿。显然只有can’t的意思最符合句子语境。

【知识拓展】may not 在表推测时,也可以说might not,只是后者的语气较委婉。

2. needn’tmustn’t

(1) needn’t的意思是不必”“没有必要。如:

You needn’t worry — I’m not going to mention it to anyone. 你不必担心,我不会对任何人提起此事的。

It’s a wonderful way of getting to see Italy, and it needn’t cost very much. 这是一个看意大利的绝好方法,而且不必花太多钱。

(2) mustn’t的意思是不可以”“不允许。如:

You really mustn’t say things like that in front of your mother. 你可不能在你母亲面前那样说话。

You mustn’t leave your car unlocked. This place is full of thieves. 你千万不能不锁车门就离开。这地方遍地是小偷。


You mustn’t drive fast. There is a speed limit here. 你不能开快车,这地方有速度限制。

You needn’t drive fast. We’ve plenty of time. 你不必开得快,我们有足够的时间。


1. It’s quite warm here; we ______ turn the heating on yet.

A. couldn’t          B. mustn’t              C. needn’t            D. wouldn’t

2. We ______ have bought so much food now that Suzie won’t be with us for dinner.

A. may not            B. needn’t             C. can’t                  D. mustn’t

3. I _______ use a clock to wake me up because at six o’clock each morning the train comes by my house.

A. couldn’t         B. mustn’t              C. shouldn’t          D. needn’t

4. The new law states that people ______ drive after drinking alcohol.

A. wouldn’t          B. needn’t             C. won’t                 D. mustn’t

上面四道题的答案:1. C  2. B  3. D  4. D




We ______ the difficulty together, but why didn’t you tell me?

A. should face    B. might face       C. could have faced     D. must have faced

【分析思路】答案选C。根据句中的 didn’t 可知,这里谈论的是过去的情况,故应选情态动词+动词完成式的结构,可排除AB。从句意上看,C项表示本来可以面对D项表示一定已经面对,显然只有C与句子后面的 but why didn’t you tell me 相吻合。句意为:我们本来可以共同面对困难的,但你为什么不告诉我呢?


Tom could have taken the money; he was here alone yesterday. 有可能是汤姆把钱拿走了,昨天他单独一个人在这里待过。

Be careful with that stick — it could have gone in my eye! 注意那根棍子,差点戳到我的眼睛了。

Why did you throw the bottle out of the window? Somebody could have been hurt. 你为什么把瓶子扔出窗外呢? 好在没有砸伤人。

“Welcome back” was all they said. I could have kissed them! 他们就只说了句欢迎回来,我原本还想亲他们一下的。

You needn’t have walked up; you could have taken the lift. 你没必要走着上去,你本来可以乘电梯的。

I waited ages for you — you could have said that you weren’t coming! 我等了你好久,你应该告诉我一声你不来了!

This point cannot be overemphasized. 这一点无论怎样强调也不过分。



  • 发表于 2020-12-07 00:31
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