



Writing an essay is a difficult process for most people. However, the process can be made easier if you learn to practice three simple techniques.



First of all, lean the technique of nonstop writing. When you are first trying to think of ideas for an essay, put your pen to your paper and write nonstop for ten or fifteen minutes without letting your pen leave the paper. Stay loose and free. Let your pen follow the waves of thought. Don’t worry about grammar or spelling. Even though this technique won’t work for everyone, it helps many people get a good store of ideas to draw on.



The next technique is to write your draft rapidly without worrying about being perfect. Too many writers try to get their drafts right the first time. Yet, by learning to live with imperfection, you will save yourself headaches and a wastepaper basket full of crumpled (弄皱) paper. Think of your first draft as a path cut out of the jungle—as part of an exploration, not as a complete highway.



The third technique is to try printing out a triple-spaced (三倍行距) copy to allow space for revision. Many beginning writers don’t leave enough space to revise. As a result, these writers never get in the habit of crossing out chunks (大块) of their draft and writing revisions in the blank space. After you have revised your draft until it is too messy to work from anymore, you can enter your changes into your word processor. Then you can print out a fresh draft, again setting your text on triple-space. The resulting blank space invites you to revise.



A. Make sure your handwriting is neat. 确保你的书写整洁。

B. Let your pen follow the waves of thought. 让你的笔跟随思想的步调。

C. The second draft of the essay should be better. 文章的第二稿应该会更好。

D. First of all, lean the technique of nonstop writing. 首先,学习不间断写作的技巧。

E. Too many writers try to get their drafts right the first time. 太多写作的人都试图第一次就把草稿写好。

F. Many beginning writers don’t leave enough space to revise. 许多刚学写作的人都不会留下足够的空间来修改。

G. Then you can print out a fresh draft, again setting your text on triple-space. 然后你可以打印一份新的草稿,同样将文本设置为三倍行距。



  • 发表于 2022-10-11 20:18
  • 阅读 ( 6561 )
  • 分类:高考英语



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