five-months-old, five-feet-long等的理论依据

a five-year-old boy the four-months-old child a four-months-long winter an eighteen-months'-old child a three-thousand-feet-high fjeld.




其实关于薄冰老师的观点国内有多本语法著作和用法词典提及过,而且薄冰老师自己也在多本语法著作中提及过two-months-old, four-months-old, four-months-long, five-feet-long之类的用法,除《高级英语语法》外,薄冰老师至少还在以下书中有过类似说法:


数词+名词+old, long, high等形容词,如:

a five-year-old child (year用单形,但a two-months-old child需用复形months)

a four-months-long winter

a three-hundred-feet-high buildingo


a two-hours walk (也可以用 two hour’stwo-hours 或较为文气的 two-hour)

a five-year plan


这里可用 months  feet 吗?

有读者问:《英语沙龙》一期中举例有a two-months-old baby  a three-hundred-feet-high building, 皆用复形 months  feet, 不知何故?

这种结构中的度量名词一般皆应用单形。但也有例外,如 a four-months-long winter, 再如 a three-feet-long stick。美国口语似乎也用 a two-months-old baby




a five-year-old boy一个5岁的男孩

an eighteen-month-old child一个一岁半的孩子

her three-year-old son她的3岁的儿子


a six-years’-old child 一个6岁的孩子

her six-years-old child 她的6岁的孩子

a three-months-old baby 一个3个月的婴儿

a three-days’-old newspaper 一张已出版3天的报纸

如不用 old, 而代之以其它的形容词,month  year 则多用复数形式:

a our-months-long winter 一个历时4个月的冬天

seven years dead 死了7


these twenty-year-olds 这些20岁的年轻人




Poutsma在其1914年的著作“A Grammar of Late Modern English - Part 2 - The Parts of Speech 1, A - Nouns, Adjectives and Articles”以及1926年的著作“A grammar of late modern English Part 2, the parts of speech. 2, The verb and the particles”中都有详细介绍,如果有兴趣可以去看看!


A Grammar of Late Modern English - Part 2 - The Parts of Speech 1, A - Nouns, Adjectives and Articles1914年)的P270-271

a five-year-old boy

the four-months-old child

a four-months-long winter

an eighteen-months'-old child

a three-thousand-feet-high fjeld.

大家看看是不是和薄冰老师列举的例子很吻合,甚至是一模一样。只是在这本书中Poutsma对于这些现象进行了总结和举例,但是泛泛而谈。但是在1926年的著作“A grammar of late modern English Part 2, the parts of speech. 2, The verb and the particlesP563就进行了较为完整系统的论述,我们可以看看:


Observe also that seven-league boots varies with seven-leagued boots. It may be added that about the form of adnominal combinations consisting of definite numeral + name of measure (+ adjective) the language has not come to an established system. This is not the place to discuss the subject at length. Suffice it to say that, judging from the numerous examples that have come to hand,

a) in the combination consisting of definite numeral + name of measure of time the plural is rather more frequent than the singular, and is often furnished with the apostrophe. Thus a four-years (or a four years') course seems to be mostly preferred to a four-year course.

b) in the combination consisting of definite numeral + name of another measure than one of time the singular is far more frequent than the plural, which is sometimes furnished with the apostrophe. Thus a ten-mile walk is distinctly the ordinary form, not a ten-miles (or a ten-miles') walk.

c) in the combination consisting of definite numeral + name of measure of time + adjective (mostly old) the singular is preferred to the plural, so far as the noun year is concerned, other names of measure being mostly placed in the plural, which is more often than not furnished with the apostrophe. Thus a two-year old sheep (O.E.D.) is more common than a two-years (or two years') old sheep; conversely a six months (or six-months') old child is more frequent than a six-month-old child.

Names of other measures than one of time in similar combinations feet excepted) are almost regularly kept in the singular, thus a two-mile-long footpath, but a two-thousand-feet-high mountain.






  • 发表于 2021-08-04 18:59
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