从Both children had on a new suit一句看“分离性并列”

以Both children had on a new suit为例,了解一下“分离性并列”。

Both children had on a new suit有没有错



费致德先生所著《现代英语惯用法词典》(商务印书馆1981)认为:Both children had on a new suit 明显是错的,因为 both 意为两个都each 才表示两个或多个中的一个。所以句中的 Both children 应改为 Each child   

《现代英语惯用法词典》的所谓明显是错的究竟指什么,该书似乎语焉不详。但从其把Both children改为Each child,并指出“both意为两个都each才表示两个或多个中的一个”的描述来看,我猜作者似乎认为both childrena new suit不匹配:前者是复数概念,后者是单数概念,难道两人共穿一套新衣?



事实上,Both children had on a new suit这句话完全正确,无论在语法上还是在语义逻辑上都不存在任何问题。其意思也很明确,那就是:两个孩子各自都穿着新衣。不能(也不会)被理解为两个孩子共穿一套新衣

例如,Collins Cobuild English Dictionary for Advanced Learners (19952001)有这样一个例句: 

Both birds had a dark blue crest.

这句话当然不是说两只鸟共享一撮羽冠,而显然是各有其冠。因为此处的 both实际上有each of the two之意。

GCECGOEL均明确指出:John and Mary have won a prize这个句子是有歧义的:既可能是两人各自获得了一个奖,也可能是两人合作获得了一项奖。在缺乏上下文语境时,通常被理解为第二个意思。


原因在于both(以及eachrespectiverespectively等)是分离性并列(segregatory coordination)的标记。

所谓分离性并列,就是指两个(以上)并列的人物或事物具有各自之意。因此,Both John and Mary have won a prizeJohn and Mary each have won a prize意思相同,均表示两人各自获得了一个奖

下面几个句子均含有分离性并列标志词botheach,所以毫无疑问地都表示两人各自获得了一项奖,亦即一共获得了两个奖(two prizes were won):

Both John and Mary have won a prize. ( = Both of them have won a prize.)GCE

John and Mary both have won a prize.

John and Mary have both won a prize.

John and Mary each have won a prize. (=Each of them has won a prize.)

John and Mary have each won a prize.

John and Mary have won a prize each.

PEU也有类似的论述,指出:Both means “each of two” 。所以,如果我的两个哥哥一起把钢琴抬上楼,就说My two brothers carried the piano upstairs,而不是Both my brothers carried the piano upstairs。因为后者用了分离性并列标志词both,这意味着两人各自分别把钢琴搬上楼。

CGEL也明确指出:Both students bought a present for the teacher意味着两个学生各自给老师买了一件礼物,所以two presents were bought for the teacher

由此可知,《现代英语惯用法词典》的相关说法没有依据。Both children had on a new suit是完全正确的句子,意思与Each of the two children had on a new suit相同,无须做任何修改。

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