both与alike、each other、together能否连用

《当代英美语惯用法词典》认为:有both的句子中,其动词用来强调“两个”作为一起看待的相同的“人”或“物”,也即将两个“人”或“物”作为一个“人”或“物”看待。因此both不能与alike, together, each other连用。但实际上这是对both深层词义和用法的严重误解。

bothalike, each other, together能否连用



《当代英美语惯用法词典》(江希和著,上海外语教育出版社 2001)认为:both的句子中,其动词用来强调两个作为一起看待的相同的,也即将两个作为一个看待。下列句子属于不当:

*They are both very much alike.

*They both appeared together.

*Both of them accused each other.

《当代英美语惯用法词典》得出上述结论的理由是:因为既然both只指一个,就不能相像(alike)、不能一块儿出现(appear together)、也不能互相谴责(accused each other),否则逻辑不通。因此,第一、二句均应删除both,第三句的Both of them应改为They



恰恰相反,作为分离性并列的标志,both的作用就是表明两者各自 的意思(Both means “each of two”)。例如:

Both of them have won a prize.

这个句子表示两人各自获得了一个奖,而不是作为一个组合(整体)获得一个奖。(详见本人《Both children had on a suit有没有错?》一文)

江教授对both词义的误解导致其得出了不恰当的结论。从英语的实际使用情况看,bothalike, each othertogether连用是符合逻辑的正常用法,并无不当。例如:

Both copies were alike.

They both spoke together

They both started speaking together.

We’re just trying to reach a point where both sides will sit down together and talk.

Both sides blamed each other for the breakdown of talks. 

Both communities have to trust each other.

We both liked each other right off the bat.

  both一样,甚至each也可能与alike配合使用。如按照《当代英美语惯用法词典》的观点,这似乎更不合逻辑。毕竟eachboth更接近“一个”的概念,与alike更为冲突。但在经过实践验证的现代英语惯用法看来,这却是成熟(well established)的用法 例如:

Each copy was alike. 




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