可以说I cannot answer to your question吗

《薄冰英语惯用法词典》说可以用I cannot answer to your question,你信吗?

可以说I cannot answer to your question




《薄冰英语惯用法词典》(商务印书馆国际有限公司2009)第64页在辨析answerreply的区别时指出:answerreply答复(以行动)回答解时往往可换用。例如I cannot answer (reply) to your question. 我不能回答你的问题。但不可以说* I'm sorry that I didn’t answer to your letter earlier but I have been very busy.(“回信answer是及物动词,应该把to去掉)  

难道后接letteranswer是及物的,接question时就不及物了吗?我们在什么地方见过answer to someone’s question这种用法呢?


幸好一些案头英文工具书对此是有提醒的。例如The Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary(2007)指出: Note that you answer a person, question or letter, not answer to them, but you reply to somebody or something: I'm writing to answer your questions. I'm writing to reply to your questions. I'm writing to answer to your questions.

Longman Dictionary of Common Errors(1996)给出了如下错误句和正确句的对照组:

It has taken them almost two months to answer to my letter.

√ It has taken them almost two months to answer my letter.

I couldn't answer to the last two questions.

√ I couldn't answer the last two questions.

My job involves cooking, cleaning and answering to the door bell.

√ My job involves cooking, cleaning and answering the door bell.

该书然后指出:answer sb/sth (WITHOUT to): 'Have you answered their letter yet?'    至于answer a question/ the question/your question之间不用to的正面例句则俯拾皆是,应该不必再罗列了。

因此,《薄冰英语惯用法词典》例句I cannot answer to your question是错误的,应该把to删除。

  • 发表于 2021-02-26 12:19
  • 阅读 ( 3408 )
  • 分类:动词用法


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