如何把握 a place to live后是否加in

a place to live 惯用法

如何把握 a place to live后是否加in

■王汝涛 (新西兰)


            近日,在柯帕斯英语网看到黎反修老师的“place to live in中的介词不能省略吗?一文(https://www.cpsenglish.com/article/169


            首先,从现代英语应用实践来看,a place to live的使用频率远远高于a place to live in. 国内外的学者普遍认为 a place to live后的in可以加也可以不加。我国已故英语专家许孟雄教授曾在上个世纪80年代在他的《英语难题研究一千例》一书中提出,加in是比较正式的用法,在非正式文体中不加In。这一认知虽说难以找出非常有说服力的论据,但也符合国外一些语法学家的观点。很多语法学家不喜欢以介词结尾的句子,但也认为介词结尾的句子是正式文体的规则。请看国外英语学习网站的一位老师的发言: English grammarians hate sentences ending in a preposition. But this is one of those formal English rules that derive ultimately from there being a history of deciding that English should work like Latin, therefore anything wrong in Latin is wrong in English, and ultimately this just doesn't reflect the way English works. 而且此人还推荐了一个权威网站的一篇相关文章https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/



1. There are still a lot of places we have to go.

2. There are still a lot of places we have to go to.


        有一位老师这样回答:So logically, the relative form should be "There are places we have to go to." But language is language, not logic, and what people say is what matters. "There are places we have to go" is idiomatic; and appears to be more common than "There are places we have to go to”从道理上讲,应该带to.可语言归语言,道理归道理,重要是看应用。不带to的用法已经形成惯用法,而且更普遍。请参见:https://ell.stackexchange.com/questions/214879/there-are-still-a-lot-of-places-we-have-to-go-go-to

        现在回到a place to live,也是同样道理。正如赵振才教授所指出的,place这个词比较特殊。其他的名词就不能这样,如:a room to sleep in, a chair to sit on等,这里的介词是不能省的。

        曹荣禄老师在评论中,引用《剑桥英语语法》的一些论点,认为placegood修饰,且a good place作表语,则其后的不定式必须为悬空不定式。因此,Our town is a good place to live in.这个句子中,介词in是不能省略的,即地名+ is a good/nice/pleasant/wonderful place to live inin是不能省略的。但我们在英语实践中看到的情况并非如此,请看英美报刊或网站的例句:a cheap / pleasant /unique/ safe/dangerous/decent/affordable place to live这些用法都存在,既有褒义也有贬义的,由此可以得出和good这个词是否做修饰语没有关系,也和所谓的不定式补足形容词的语义没关系。再看如下句子:

1.Vancouver is not only the best place to live in Canada but is actually the best city in the world to live in.

2. Arvin is one of three California cities in the Bakersfield metro area to rank among the worst places to live.

3. Is this town a pretty good place to live?

            这些都是地名做主语,而句尾省略了in的例子。当然也有不省略的:How can we make our town a better place to live in? 不省略的反而少见。

            另外,如果把place改成其他名词,如countrycity,人们普遍认为不定式后的介词不能省略。如:Changsha is a nice city to live in. 的确是这样。但现代英语实践证明,这也不是绝对的,在某些语境中是可以省略的。比较下面的例句:

1. These are the 15 cheapest and most expensive countries to live in 2020.

2. Venezuela was named the most dangerous country to live for the second year in a row

3. Zurich, Paris, and Hong Kong have been revealed as the most expensive cities to live in the world

4. Here are the 11 best countries to live in around the world.

5.Click or scroll through to find out the most expensive countries to live in in 2020.

         以上这几个句子,前三句省略了in, 后两句没有省略in。而且省略的例子更多见。这说明,虽然从语法角度,应该用in, 但习惯上有的句子又可以省略,如果我们进一步观察,省略in的都是因为后面的状语带in,如果不省略,两个in就“撞车”了。也许是为了避免重复,这个in省略了。当然也有不省略的,如句5. 但这是比较罕见的。当然,如果没有重复,那么in是不能省略的,如句4

         我们现在回到a place to live这个短语。在学习中,笔者还发现,如果不定式由若干不及物动词构成的话,特别是两个以上,那么这个介词一般要省略。例句:1. What makes a town a great place to live and work?  2.It is a place to live, work, stay and play. 这样的句子,如果加上in,即使语法上没有错,但不符合惯用,应该是错的。

         总之,我们不妨可以认为:a place to live 后的in, 是可有可无的,但现代英语倾向省略in。由此看来place 这个词是一个带有副词倾向的名词,很像somewhere。作为英语为非母语的人,在学习英语的过程中,应该先模仿后分析,多观察,本着不唯上,不唯书,只唯实的态度,这样才有可能透过现象看到本质,摸索出语言规律来。学习是积累的过程,也是与时俱进的过程。否则,会不知不觉地落入中式英语的陷阱。

  • 发表于 2021-01-03 15:35
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  • 分类:惯用法

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