
从各种资料整理出关于as well as 后可否接用动词限定形式的观点,附带简述一些相关用法和个人总结。

        关于as well as ,《张道真英语用法》P.78中例句似源于Swan 《Practical English Usage》,但他对“She works in television as well as writes children’s books.她在电视台工作 ,还写儿童读物。”的看法却与Swan“ She works in television as well as writing children’s books.”用动名词不同。张作为中国一个时代的语法家,其观点和和享誉世界的Swan先生相左,何去何从呢?初学者总希望任何问题都有一个明确的答案,但事实经是常众说纷纭,莫衷一是,且看国内外各种语法著作的观点吧,焦点就是as well as 能不能跟限定动词形式。


        国内第一本惯用法作者葛传槼先生的解释:as well as 是连接词,不是介词,如不可说He advised me as well as answering my question. 应该把answering 改作answeredHe is a painter, engineer and poet as well as being a sculptor.里的being 该删去。both...as well as... 是错误的,绝对不可用。(这里要说明的是,葛老作为英语界的泰斗,靠自学成为传奇,曾因发函指出著名语法学者Fowler 英语惯用法的错误而名动一时。而Fowler正是提出as well as 用平行结构的首倡者,其惯用法著作至今盛行不衰,所以葛老当时受其影响有此观点实属正常。时移世易,百年流逝,用法出现一些变化,他的有些观点可能不再适应语言现实,是自然之事。)

        陈用仪《英语常用词疑难用法手册》2010“as well as(1)一般都熟知 as well as 常常用于并列多个概念(这些概念可以表现为名词、代词、形容词、副词、介词短语,甚至谓语动词,as well as 后面的一个概念通常是已知的或是作为衬托的,重点往往在前一个概念上)... He designs as well as makes fashionable dresses.他既裁制时装,也设计时装。

        徐广联《当代高级英语语法》2015as well as 用作并列连词相当于not only...but alsono less...than,not only...but also 侧重在后项as well asno less...than侧重在前项。//......as well as 连接的通常是等立成分,可以连接名词,代词,形容词,动词,介词短语,谓语动词,非谓语动词和从句She advised me as well as answered my questions.她回答了我的问题,还给我提了一些建议。//...as well as偶尔可以连接结构不同(非等立)的两个部分。例:In doing so,we can protect the environment, as well as providing a natural habitat for a lot of wildlife.这样做,我们就能保护环境,同时也为许多野生生物提供了栖息地。//在否定句中,as well as 的位置不同而不是不同的含义。在not...as well as结构中,not后面的词表示否定,as well as后面的词表示肯定,这恰好同not...and相反。Heas well as shewill not come.他将不来,她也将不来。He will not come as well as she.她将来,但他将不来。(否定前者,肯定后者)//as well as用作介词时表示除了......,相当于besidesin addition to,可放在句首,句中或句子后部。He taught Chinese literature at universityas well as writing novels.  // as well as连接的并列成分并非在意义上都有所侧重,有时 as well as只表示意义上的增补和引申,与and意思相同,表示,以及”,可以同 both连用      例:Love, as well as good play is what the children need most.爱和玩耍一样,是儿童最需要的。//Air, as well as water and sunlight, is needed to make plants grow.空气与水和阳光一样,是植物生长不可缺的。  //He set an example in being practical as well as far-sighted.他是实事求是的模范,又是具有远见卓识的模范。       (该书成书于2015,所以分析讲解比较全面。但关于as well as用在否定句的情况,有语法书认为一般很少出现,So, in negative sentences:Use neither / nor instead of also, as well as, too. Little is known about what truly matters in searching for information, nor what strategies users exploit. NotLittle is known about what truly matters in searching for information, as well as what strategies users exploit.

        国外辞书观点,首先引用福勒修订版《现代英语惯用法》观点:In most circumstances as well as may be idiomatically followed by an -ing form, e.g. (the first example cited by Jespersen) as you’re a Trinity scholar as well as being captain of the eleven—E. F. Benson, 1916; . Fowler (1926) argued, however, that in certain circumstances the -ing form is better replaced by a verb form that parallels the verb form used in the introductory clause. He cited several examples (with suggested improvements) including this one: ‘His death leaves a gap as well as creating a by-election in Ross and Cromarty (Read creates).’ This construction still occurs, typically when an auxiliary or modal verb such as have and will precedes: I’m sure the children will learn a lot from the project as well as enjoy themselves getting stuck in to the mud and planting the bulbs—Bolton Evening News, 2003). So there is room for disagreement in sentences containing as well as followed by an -ing form. Each case must be judged on its merits. <<Fowler’s Dictionary of Modern English Usage>>686-687 /2015这段话讲述了历史和现状,注意用词in certain circumstances 在某种情况下-ing形式最好用与前面动词平行的动词形式代替。举了例子却未讲原则,所以后面说as well as 后跟-ing形式是有讨论空间的,要看各自的具体情况来判断。 但其实福勒最早是坚持把as well as 看作连词而非介词的,在某种情况下是后来编著修订者的评定。福勒认为as well as的意思严格讲是not only 不是besides,但是时至今日,介词(besides之义)已经是正常用法之一。

         As well as:It may also be followed by a verbal noun, ending in -ing especially when it is put at the beginning of a sentence: As well as being highly collectable…they make surprisingly roomy containers for all sorts of items—Daily Telegraph, 1980. Here usage has largely overtaken Fowler’s preference in principle for a form of the verb that matches the verb used earlier in the sentence (e.g. His death leaves a gap as well as creates a by-election). This construction still occurs, typically when an auxiliary or modal verb such as have or will precedes (I’m sure the children will learn a lot from the project as well as enjoy themselves getting stuck in to the mud and planting the bulbs—Bolton Evening News, 2003). Fowler’s Concise Dictionary of Modern English Usage2016   福勒惯用法这个总结,是说根据惯用法使用ing形式的情况大大超过平行结构,但个人认为,使用几率的多寡不说明用法的正误。超过不是取代。  

        As well as, As a preposition, it is usually followed by a gerund <as well as serving as chief counsel, Jim is the group's treasurer>. The most common use of the phrase, however, is as a conjunction. It joins verbs <she drove as well as navigated> .<<WEBSTER’S New Explorer Guide to English Usage>> P.39-40/2004 韦氏惯用法认为作为连词之用法最为常见。

        It can also mean‘in addition to’: You’ll have to pay as well as Peter,You’ll have to pay as well as help(or helping) with the tea.Be careful not to create confusion between these two meanings of the phrase.The women swim as well as the men may mean that they also swim,or that they swim equally well. <<Guide to English Usage>>Sidney Greenbaum P.766/1993 大家对as well as 作为连词后接动词的其它非限定性形式平行结构没有异议,但改为用不平行的动名词在语法上也没有不妥,只是as well as 不是连词而是介词。                                                  

        1985夸克等《英语语法大全》是一部公认的语法经典:几个我们可以称为准并列连词(QUASI-COORDINATORS)的连接词,因为它们有时候像并列连词,其他时候又像从属连词或介词。当中最突出的词显然是那些比较形式 as well as, as much as, rather than, more than...准并列连词不引导分句或名词短语。它们和并列连词一样,能连接不同的语法成分:He [publishes] as well as [prints] his own books.

然而,在其他句子中,它们显然具有介词或从属连词的作用,而且有状语的流动性,因为它们能放在句首或句末位置上: As well as printing the books, he publishes them. // He publishes the books, as well as printing them.//As well as visiting Niagara Falls, we spent a day in Toronto.

[c]从属关系通常(当然并不总是)从语法形式上指明这一部分在信息上处于从属地位。同样,当用 likeas well as代替and 来连接短语时,其结果通常使它们后面的短语降格,暗示该短语已经处于已知信息的地位。夸克《英语语法大全》1985这里明确指出几种形式的正确性,可转换性及其区别。   

        另一部语法经典Rodney HuddlestonGeoffrey K. Pullum<<The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language>>P.1316-1317/2002也有详细解说,限于篇幅,择要列出:                                                                                          i a. She[means what she says] [as well as says what she means].          i c. [Both increasing ewe liveweight,][as well as liveweight at mating,] influence ovulation rate and lambing performance.     ii d. She[has experience in management], [as well as being an actor of talent].

       In [i] as well as behaves like the coordinator and. In [i a] it links two finite VPs, a property characteristic of coordinators: cf. property(c) of§2.1. Note in this connection that while She plays the piano as well as the violin (with paired NPs) is ambiguous between a literal meaning (“as proficiently”) and the idiomatic one (“and”), She plays the piano as well as sings lieder (with paired finite VPs) has only the idiomatic meaning. And in [ic] we have not only such plural agreement, but also a correlative pairing of both with as well as instead of the usual and. ...And in [iid] the bracketed constituents are syntactically unlike, the first being a finite VP the second a gerund-participial, contrary to coordinator property(b).Note that order reversal is possible in [iid] (As well as being an actor of talent she has experience of management), but not in [ia] (*As well as says what she means, she means what she says). ...As a coordinator, as well as is restricted to subclausal coordination: She plays the piano as well as she sings lieder, for example, has only the literal comparative interpretation. 这里明确可以跟限定动词形式,作为并列连词时只局限于子句的并列。举例否认了both不能和as well as连用的惯例,(认为某些情况下as well as短语的句法作用是附加状语而不是并列成分,而as well as 本身不构成一个成分,其实福勒新版也有观点认为as well as 短语在有逗号分开的时候有插入语性质,这样解释有利于理解连接主语时不用考虑as well as短语,伍德博士也持有该观点As well as does not co-ordinate the two nouns: it introduces a parenthesis. 这和in addition toalong with, together with,等引出的短语作状语起增补说明作用同理,That is, the phrase as well as introduces an aside. It doesn’t function like the coordinating conjunction and to create a compound subject.<<The Chicago Guide to Grammar, Usage, and Punctuation>>

        企鹅美国惯用法词典的讲解:The phrase as well as has primarily meant and not only. Though forced to bear the extra sense of and in addition, it has not fully adapted itself to that role. Classified as a conjunction, it is considerably weaker than the conjunction and.

A dictionary’s sole example is “skillful as well as strong,” which illustrates the newer use, that of simple addition. The phrase becomes merely a drawn-out replacement for and. Sometimes one cannot tell which meaning was intended. / When as well as is put between two verbs, the verb form is the same. In this sentence, from a biography, one word could well be changed: In the three days they covered at least fifty miles as well as climbing two mountains of around 3000 feet.  To match covered, change “climbing” to climbed. Besides would go with climbing.  

The grammarian H. W. Fowler took it on himself to “come to the rescue of the phrase as well as [a conjunction] . . . being cruelly treated” like the preposition besides. Among examples: “His death leaves a gap as well as creating a by-election in Ross”—make “creating” creates, or replace “as well as” with besides. “You were there as well as me”—make “me” I. (<<Penguin Dictionary of American English Usage and Style>>P.25-26 /2000出版,2002  e-book )这个总结承接福勒观点,加之当代用法,似更体现用法现状。尤其第二段描述,说明该词现在有时只是and的一个冗长的替代品,有时甚至讲不清具体何意。整体看,徐广联语法应该是借鉴了此书观点。


...who acted the role as well as sang it -Leighton Kerner, Village Voice, 28 Feb.1968    <<Webster's Dictionary of English Usage>>1989

hammer drill: electric hand drill that hammers as well as rotatesP.699<<Dictionary of Automotive Terms>>

Yet this philosopher has given it as his opinion, "that we really think by signs as well as speak by them." <<The Grammar of English Grammars >>P. 1336/ 2004

hammer drill: electric hand drill that hammers as well as rotatesP.699<<Dictionary of Automotive Terms>>

        再看持反对观点的著作:  Frederick T. Wood  1961出版的Current English Usage

        But when as well as has the force of a compound conjunction, meaning `in addition to', and joins two verbal forms, it cannot be followed by a finite verb. The following is therefore incorrect: * He spent all his money, as well as wasted his time...If the first verb is a simple tense form, as it is here, then as well as must be followed by a gerund (as well as wasting his time). This can be seen if we imagine it transferred to the beginning of the sentence: As well as wasting his time, he spent all his money.   伍德认为,当起复合连词作用的as well as意义为in addition to时,连接两个动词形式,而第一个动词是一般时态(一般现在时、一般过去时),as well as后面必须使用动名词结构。                                                                  

        《更简句法》It is similar to and not and but not: all three can be followed by NP, tense-less VP, CP, AP and PP (86), but not by tensed VP or IP (87). (87) a. *Harriet drinks scotch as well as/and not/but not eats key lime pie. [tensed VP]   (<<simpler Syntax>>P.280/2005)认为其后不能接限定动词形式,但我未理解,为什么与and not but not 类似(未看全书),然后因为and not/but not后不能接限定动词形式,就把它们的特性转嫁到as well as上。

        柯林斯英语惯用法持明确反对态度:You can use as well as in a similar way to link clauses.However,the second clause must be a non-finite clause beginning with an '-ing' form.  She was an individual as well as being the airport manager's wife .  She negotiates the licences as well as ordering the equipment.  

WARNING: You do not use a finite clause after as well as. You do not say, for example, ‘She negotiates the licences as well as she orders the equipment.’  (<<Collins Cobuild English Usage >>P.47/2004)这里说,连接分句时as well as后必须是以-ing开始的非限定分句.(除了连接表示本意的比较分句,以及并列的名词性从属分句之外,as well as 本来也不能引导并列分句,所以必须改用其它形式,而柯林斯肯定-ing分句形式的替代,否定平行结构)

        《剑桥口语写作用法惯用法》When as well as links a finite clause to another clause, the as well as clause has its main verb in the -ing form: I am the press officer as well as being the person that has a link in with all of those other communications issues.(*I am the press officer as well as I am the person that …)

As well as working out a post-war settlement, the Paris Peace Conference also gave birth to the League of Nations, which was designed to create a completely new framework of international relations. (*As well as it worked out a post-war settlement, …)<<Cambridge Grammar of English  A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE Spoken and Written English Grammar and Usage>>P.42

        根据以上资料,as well as 用法约可概述如下: 1. 最早是as 用作从属连词,和as well连用引导比较状语从句,这是其基本的字面意义as proficiently as2. 用作复合并列连词,一般表示not only...but alsoboth...and,或弱and的意义,连接两个相同的语法成分,所谓相同的语法成分,可以主语宾语表语定语状语谓语动词等等,担任这些成分的往往是相同的结构比如名词,代词,形容词,介词短语,限定、非限定动词(短语),甚至是从句(一定是从属分句)。It is important to know how people perceive themselves as well as how other people perceive them.重要的是要了解人们如何看待自己,以及其他人又如何看待他们。(并列宾语从句)This might well be true, but again we are faced with the problem of understanding how gestural language came to be supplanted by vocal language, as well as when and why this might have happened.(并列宾语从句) The contracted forms of `be' are used when `be' is a main verb as well as when it is an auxiliary.(并列状语从句), 但是有时候也会有结构不相同的情况,比如前面一个名词(短语)或介词短语,as well as后跟一个从句,但句法作用上要有相似性,如This teaches them to value the effort as well as what it achieves. 这让他们学会了重视努力以及所取得的成果。同做宾语。This is a two-faced word, much like the meanings it carries. It refers both to the imposter and his/her deceptive talk as well as what is perceived as nonsense. 再如前面为谓语动词的非限定性成分,后面为动名词形式,如徐广联例In doing so,we can protect the environment, as well as providing a natural habitat for a lot of wildlife.这样做,我们就能保护环境,同时也为许多野生生物提供了栖息地。(此时,是介词宾语表示in addition to之意。)3. 对于夸克所说暗示该短语处于已知信息的地位,我认为并不尽然,因为情况并不总是所认为的那样处于已知信息的状态,讲话者或作者经常并不知道受众是否已知相关信息,两个信息可能都是新信息,只是as well as使其后短语降格到从属背景地位,不是表达的中心,而另外的对应成分则得以突出。4.在现代英语里,A as well as B并不是任何情况下都用来在语义上突出A的,有时候也表示AB同样重要。此时as well as 相当于and and also 1. Electronic computers can add and subtract as well as multiply and divide电子计算机能够加减,也能乘除。2. In recent years scientific and technological developments have changed human life on our planet as well as our views both of ourselves as individuals in society and of the universe as a whole.(PSSC,Physics) 近几年来,科学技术上的新成就,改变了人类在地球上的生活,也改变了我们对于社会中的个人以及整个宇宙的看法。These winter bees have fatter abdomens compared to summer bees, as well as a longer lifespan.与夏蜂相比 冬蜂腹部更大,寿命也更长。A as well as B这个结构究竟是在语意上强调A,还是表示AB同等重要,这是需要对句意和上下文进行具体分析之后,才能确定的。5. 托福考试,一般来讲,对语言的正规性和严谨性要求更为严格,比如a kind of 后接名词问题,强调只接不带冠词的可数名词不可数名词,而在as well as 这个问题上,托福考试肯定了使用平行的限定形式谓语动词的正确性,否认了动名词的正确性,完全可以说明该用法的合理性。(赵振才175-Thomas was a real friend, for he advised me as well as helping me with my Arabic.错误,应将helping改为helped平行结构。TOEFL6. 作为介词意为besidesin addition to ,有时可能有是连词还是介词的歧义。 as well as 放句首时,是介词用法,只能使用动名词形式,因为如果是并列连词,根据传统用法,是不可以放句首的,因不符合逻辑。比如and,虽然随着时间推移,现在有很多放句首的例子也有相应被认可的说法,但此时的and一般是在篇章句中,类似语气词用法。7. 用并列的平行结构形式还是动名词形式,个人认为应从其本源出发理解和体会A作连词,用平行并列的谓语限定动词形式,强调动作行为本身,罗列的内容范畴和形式有可比性,往往是意义上具有明显的对照或递进关系。B: 看作介词是in addition to besides的意思,后跟动名词表示行为的抽象性质意义。C而表语前用不用being也主要看意义以及结构上的关系是否并行不悖。试看几个词典例子:She was an individual as well as being the airport manager's wife .  'Are you a singer as well as an actress?'—'No, I'm not a singer at all.' )同样是表语表身份,为何前面《柯林斯惯用法》里用了being结构,而《柯林斯语法》未用,这其实是语义问题造成的不同,每个人都是事实上的个体,独立的个体和作为机场经理的妻子语义内涵有重合关系,另外一个类指一个专指,不是同一层面的对照类比。又比如 She is a talented musician as well as being a photographer.她不但是个摄影师而且还是个天才的音乐家。少一个形容词而结构不同,语义也不对称,所以不用平行结构。对比下面例句:He is a paradoxical aesthete as well as a paradoxical moralist. 他是一个矛盾的唯美主义者,同时他更是一个矛盾的道德家。I am the press officer as well as being the person that has a link in with all of those other communications issues.(*I am the press officer as well as I am the person that …) 下面例句连接两个宾语,虽然形式不同,但意义同是可类比的抽象概念This teaches them to value the effort as well as what it achieves. 这将教会他们珍惜付出的努力以及所取得的成果。 BBC 纪录片《文明》:That this is a young woman who works as a prostitute as well as selling drinks.这名年轻的女性既卖酒也做妓女。这是对莫奈的一幅名画的解读,画里有一位卖酒女郎正侧身与客人交谈,大师通过各种手法暗示:这位年轻女郎除了卖酒,还做妓女。这种暗示不是要着重对照介绍这位女郎的这两种行为,而是强调在当时的社会状况下,一切都可以商品化职业化的丑恶现象。再看几个专业性文章例句:Adverbs cover a wide range of semantic categories. The following discussion identifies seven main categories, as well as discussing other less common meanings.这里的as well as不是in addition to的意思,倒是and also表示增补之意。//Water plants are a source of food for fish, water snails, and other aquatic animals which are, in turn, eaten by man <…>. In addition, aquatic vegetation provides shelter and breeding grounds for fish as well as oxygenating the water and absorbing compounds from the water. 科普文章,理论性叙述,一般不需要强调行为过程,尤其是抽象行为,只作一般性地叙述,所以多用介词加动名词形式,。个人觉得,比如在做实物讲解,图片讲解或具体生动描述等情况下,如果意义上平行,逻辑不矛盾,内涵不交叉,讲话者想要强调、对比、对照时,可以使用平行结构。//The risorius and the buccinator muscles assist in the retraction of the lips, as well as support entrapment of air within the oral cavity. 笑肌和颊肌帮助唇的收缩,也支撑了整个口腔的气体流通。// A sense of impotency shackled her spirit as well as lamed her tongue.// They purify as well as disturb the atmosphere. //So this humbling experience actually helped me a great deal in my future career, as well as helped me put things in perspective. 所以这个令人羞辱的经历对我后来的生活有很大帮助,也帮助我正确对待事情。哈佛大学《幸福课》。再看看换用的例句:夸克He [publishes] as well as [prints] his own books. // He publishes the books, as well as printing them.//As well as printing the books, he publishes them. 剑桥语法She plays the piano as well as sings lieder 比较Swan例句:She sings as well as playing the piano. 回到张道真和Swan的分歧,个人赞同二者皆可的观点。She works in television as well as writes children’s books. She works in television as well as writing children’s books. 8. 历史和现状表明,否认使用限定动词形式的正确性是不合适的,原因有A:作为并列连词,as well as 能连接各种成分,独独否认限定形式的谓语动词是不合逻辑的,也不符合实际情况。B:用所谓现代或当代惯用法来解释太过牵强和草率,因为并未有所谓的数据支撑,而使用的多寡也不说明语法上的正误,而且,过多过滥的使用,使得该词有时成了and的一个冗长的替代品,有时甚至讲不清具体何意。所以,一个变化中的语言现象,一个尚在使用的语言现象,连这些母语专家都尚无定论的问题,我们不必急于下断语。9. 题外话:虽然剑桥语法承认了both as well as 连用的正确性,但也有语法学者持反对态度。如<<GARNER'S MODERN AMERICAN USAGE>> 2003 P.109B. Both...as well as. This construction is incorrect for both . . . and. //<<Penguin Dictionary of American English Usage and Style>>2002 Both should not go with as well as.


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