可以后跟v-ing形式的动词(短语)(十二 完) ——以《朗文当代高级英语辞典》(第6版)为蓝本

221. sting(P2545)作“if you are stung by a remark, it makes you feel upset 【言论】刺激,伤害”解时,构成“be stung into doing something”。例如:Besides, I thought it might sting yo...

221. stingP2545)作“if you are stung by a remark, it makes you feel upset 【言论】刺激,伤害解时,构成“be stung into doing something”。例如:

Besides, I thought it might sting you into giving me something on the Mallenders. 摘自Longman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishCorpus

222. stoop to somethingP2551)作“to do something bad or morally wrong, which you do not normally do 堕落【卑鄙】到去做……”解时,构成“stoop to doing something”。例如:

I didn’t expect you to stoop to lying.我没料到你竟然卑鄙到会撒谎。

223. stopP2551

1)作“”to not continue, or to make someone or something not continue (使)停止,(使)终止解时,构成stop somebody doing something。例如:

I couldn’t stop her crying.我无法让她停止哭泣。

2)作“if you stop doing something, you do not continue to do it 停止,停下解时,构成“stop doing something”。例如:

I stopped digging and looked at him.我停下来不再挖,看着他。

3)作“to prevent someone from doing something or something from happening 防止,阻止,阻挡解时,

(i) 构成“stop somebody/something (from) doing something”。例如:

Lay the carpet on paper to stop it sticking to the floor. 把地毯铺在纸上,以免粘住地板。

 The rain didn’t stop us from enjoying the trip.那场雨没有妨碍我们享受旅游的乐趣。

ii)构成“stop yourself (from) doing something”。例如:

I couldn’t stop myself laughing.我忍不住大笑起来。

She grabbed the rail to stop herself from falling.她抓住扶手以免摔倒。

   iii)构成“there’s nothing to stop somebody (from) doing something”。例如:There’s nothing to stop you applying for the job yourself. 你完全可以自己去申请这份工作。

 4stop short of (doing) something“to almost do something but then decide not to do it 决定不做,不愿做【错误或危险的事情】解。例如:

They accused the president of incompetence, but stopped short of calling for his resignation.(摘自 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English在线词典)

224.1succeed (P2589)“to do what you tried or wanted to do 成功,达成解时,构成“succeed in doing something”。例如:

Scientists claim they have succeeded in finding a cure for cancer.科学家声称他们发现了一种治疗癌症的方法。

 Very few people succeed in losing weight and keeping it off.很少有人能减肥成功不反弹的。

2only succeed in doing something “used when someone does the opposite of what they intended to do 反倒做了某事解。例如:

It seems I’ve only succeeded in upsetting you.看起来我反倒让你伤心了。

225.suggestP2594)作“o tell someone your ideas about what they should do, where they should go etc 建议,提议解时,构成“suggest doing something”。例如:

Tracey suggested meeting for a drink after work.特雷西提议下班后一起喝一杯。


1)作“to say that you agree with an idea, group, or person, and usually to help them because you want them to succeed 支持;赞成;拥护解时,构成“support somebody in doing something”。例如:

Did he succeed in (passing) the examination? (摘自简清国《外研社建宏英汉多功能词典》外语教学与研究出版社19971月第1P1494

2)作“to provide enough money for someone to pay for all the things they need 供养,抚养解时,构成“support somebody by doing something”。例如:

She supports her family by teaching evening classes.她靠教夜课养家。

227.suspectP2616)作“to think that someone is probably guilty of a crime 怀疑【某人】有罪,认为【某人】由犯罪嫌疑解时,构成“suspect somebody of doing something”。例如:

Pilcher was suspected of giving away government secrets to the enemy.皮尔彻被怀疑向敌人透露政府机密。

228.take toP2642)作“to start doing something regularly养成……的习惯,开始定期做解时,构成“take to doing something”。例如:

Dee’s taken to getting up at 6 and going jogging.迪伊养成了六点起床去慢跑的习惯。

229.task (P2651)“to give someone the responsibility for doing something 交给【某人】任务;派给【某人】工作解时,构成“be tasked with doing something”。例如:

We were tasked with completing the job by the end of 2006.我们接到任务,要在2006年年底之前完成这项工作。

230. tell sb offP2667)作“if someone in authority tells you off, they speak to you angrily about something wrong that you have done 斥责,责骂,训斥解时,构成“tell somebody off for doing something”。例如:

My dad told me off for swearing.我爸爸因为我说脏话而训斥我。


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