
内行自然知道我这个原创产品的性价比(何况冒着被盗版的风险)。高考英语考纲词汇“一词多义一句连” ,解决许多考生老是记不住单词多种含义的痛点。



1. He was wild with joy when he came to the wild. 当他来到旷野时欣喜若

2. He signed me to sign my name on the sign. 示意我把名字招牌上。

3. A river divides our village from theirs, and our village is divided into three teams. 一条河流把我们村和他们村隔开,我们村分为三个队。

4. If neither of you wants to go, neither will I. 如果你们俩都不想去,那我也不去。

5. We can’t turn a blind eye to the fact that the blind need care. 我们不能对盲人需要关怀这一事实视而不见

6. She has been away for quite a few days, and it’s quite impossible for her to return. 她已离开多天,完全不可能返回了。

7. A bright boy is studying in a bright room on a bright morning, and he has a bright future. 在一个晴朗的上午,一个聪慧的男孩在一间明亮的房间里学习,他前途光明

8. They stood in a line along the railroad line, reading the lines together. 他们沿着铁


9. That’s why I didn’t tell him the reason why I had left.这就是我为什么不告诉他我离开的原因

10. I find my son finding reading interesting.发现我的儿子正觉得阅读有趣味。

11. The coach came here by coach to coach our soccer team. 这位教练长途汽车来这儿训练我们的足球队。

12. After reading the want ad posted on the lamp post, she decided to apply for a post in the post office. 看完在路灯上的招聘广告之后,她决定申请邮政局的一个职位

13. It threw me completely when my son began to throw up.当我儿子开始呕吐的时候我不知所措

14. It’s easy to catch a cold on such a cold day.这么冷的天容易感冒

15. Supposing you are in the wrong, you’re supposed to apologize, I suppose. 假如是你的错,我认为你就应该道歉。

16. The news came as a blow and he kept on blowing the balloon until it blew. 这消息对他是个打击他不断地气球直到气球爆炸

17. I decide to grow a beard until the tree I grew grows taller than him. 我决定胡子一直留到我的树到比我高为止。

18. I hold that the opening ceremony be held in the main hall, which can hold 5000 people. 认为开幕式应该在可容纳5000人的大礼堂举行

19. He built a house between the publishing house and the opera house. 他在出版和歌剧之间建了一栋房子

20. In the first round, he didn’t take the initiative but just kept circling round the round fellow. 第一回合他没有主动攻击而只是绕着那个圆胖胖的家伙转圈圈。 


1. She was upset about her son upsetting the oil bottle. 她因儿子打翻了油瓶而不快

2. According to the news update, the state grid network has been updated. 根据最新报道国家电网已经更新

3. The doctor gave him specific instructions on the specifics. 医生就那个特效药给出了明确的指导。

4. I take the position that he is not fit for his position. 我的立场是他不适合所担任的职位

5. Please deliver the speech draft to the director, who is going to deliver a speech today. 请把这份演讲稿送到主任处他今天要发表演讲。

6. She not only has a good figure but also has a head for figures, so she is equal to this job, I figure. 她不但身材而且有计算头脑。因此我认为她能胜任这个工作。

7. “Keep your distance!” he shouted over the loudspeaker in the distance. “保持距离他通过扬声器在远处大声叫喊道。

8. There is nothing beyond an old bike beyond the garden and it is beyond repair. 园子的另一边除了一辆旧自行车,什么都没有,该自行车已经坏得没法修了。

9. He is having a conference with them in the conference room. 他同他们在会议室商谈

10. “The rule was made in response to the citizens’ demand,” was his response. “这条规则是市民的要求制定的。这是他的回答

11. They were gathered together and then were told to go there to gather information respectively. 他们被聚集在一起,然后被要求去那里各自收集信息。

12. He is anxious to go home because he is anxious about her safety. 因为担心她的安全,他急于要回家。

13. A survey was conducted into the conduct of the police. 对警方行为进行了一次调查。

14. In its current state, the electric current must be cut off. 目前的情况来看,必须切断电

15. I wanted to see him, but he was otherwise engaged, otherwise he will see me. 我想见他,但他在忙别的事,否则他是愿意见我的。

16. In summary, this is a summary decision. 总的来说,这是一个草草的决定。

17. With respect to Jack, I respect him and I should learn from him in many respects. 至于杰克,我尊重他,在很多方面我都应向他学习。

18. In the event of rain, the following events will be put off. 万一下雨,接下来的比赛项目将被推迟。

19. He takes regular exercise and has a medical examination on a regular basis. 经常锻炼,定期体检。

20. The unemployed benefit from unemployment benefit. 失业者失业救济金中受益


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