关于until now用法和译法的问答

Until now I have always lived alone一句只能理解为“此后不再是一个人独自生活了”,而不能理解为“此后依然还是一个人独自生活”或“此后或许还是一个人独自生活”吗?

关于until now用法和译法的问答





微信公众号满胜语法新思维2018-10-08)《until now你理解对了吗?》一文认为:Until now I have always lived alone一句只能理解为此后不再是一个人独自生活了,而不能理解为此后依然还是一个人独自生活此后或许还是一个人独自生活

该文同时批评道:牛津词典(应该指英汉双解版-笔者注)把Until now I have always lived alone译成直到现在,我一直独自生活没有准确传达出英文原句的意思,很容易让学习者误读。因为这句英文明确地表示我现在以及今后不是独居了。相当于说:I have always up to now lived alone but now have someone living with me. 因此,建议大家以后看到until now就把它理解成此前,这样就蕴含了今昔对比。

until now你理解对了吗?》的上述观点有道理吗?



例如,Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary(以下简称CALD)多个版本在until词条下的Common Learner Errors 中都有如下告诫:

Use 'until now' to talk about a situation that existed, but has just ended:

• The weather was lovely until now. I hope the rain stops soon.

To talk about a situation that still exists and may continue to exist, don't say 'until now', say so far:

The weather has been lovely until now. I hope it will continue.

• The weather has been lovely so far. I hope it will continue

同样地,第五版Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English(以下简称LDOCE5) until词条下的Grammar板块中,对until now so far做了如下比较:

Until now is usually used to say that a situation has just ended or changed:

▪ Until now I had no one to tell things to (=I now have someone to tell things to).

Do not use until now when the situation has not changed. Use so far:

▪ So far no one has claimed responsibility for the bombs.

有的英语语法参考书也有类似的观点。这说明关于until now表示情况已经发生变化的说法并非空穴来风。






第一,学界对until now这一状语存在如下两种不同的诠释:

诠释Auntil now只能表示此前一直存在,但现在已经结束(或改变)的情况。

诠释Buntil now既可表示存在至今,但现已结束(改变)的情况,也可表示现在仍在继续,但(预期)将要结束(改变)的情况。


但其它一些辞书和语法专著则支持诠释B。它们认为until now既可以表示某种状态直到现在才有了变化,也可能表示到现在还没有变化,仍在继续。也就是说,单纯的until now (或up till now, up until now, up to now - 以下同)本身并不明确表示某种状态至此是否已经结束。

例如,English for Research: Usage, Style, and Grammar一书对until now的这种不确定性有明确的提示。该书指出:Until now and so far both mean ‘from a certain point in the past up to the present moment and possibly in the near future too

Longman Language Activator2002)是专事诠释英语同义词和近义词的英文词典杰作,其对up to now/until now的释义和例句如下(例句序号为本文作者所加):


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