关于对好题分享(41)比较从句中what 用法的分析

比较从句 what 用法

首先感谢Alex 119 K同学两位网友的参与和解答。我和大家交流一下我的理解,如有不妥之处,欢迎指正和讨论。问题请参见https://www.cpsenglish.com/question/57423

就问题句而言,what应该保留,这是因为动名词短语assigning these rankings to various usages的语义决定的,what 仅指代了主语的一部分rankings. 现在我们忽略这个语义,把句子主语再改一下:These rankings are much more helpful than what one finds in existing usage guides. 这时what 变为可有可无。这其实我出本题的目的。我看到最近几个网友提问,发现有些网友对than what 的用法似乎没有把握,所以我以此句开头,和网友交流一下我的理解。

这个句子属于比较部分为形容词作表语的句型,改后的句子比较主体为rankings what 指代的就是这个,这种情形what属于可有可无。通常省略what 更为正式。


1. The variety of cultures and economic systems in India may be greater than one finds in all of Europe. (省略what)

出处:Comparative Economic Studies, 2005p. 574

2. Our wild fruits are far more delicious than what one finds growing wild in the tropics. (保留what)

出处:R Chambers著:The Firing Line p.120, 2018

另例:I suspect it is more extensive than what one finds in most parishes. (what)



Alex 119 网友提供了一些省略what的例句,我借用这几个例句分享一下我的理解,不对的地方,欢迎指正。我所提供的例句,均为英语国家图书出版物,因篇幅所限,涉及到的相关类型,仅提供两个供参考:


It is a far more spacious and genteel environment than one finds on a commuter train.(The New York Times)

我的理解:此句属于比较部分为名词短语作表语,即 a far more spacious and genteel environment. 在这种句型中,通常what 可有可无,请看两个含what的例句。


1. This is a more promising approach than what one finds in epistemology today.

Robert Pasnau: After Certainty 2017, p. 9

2. It is far better than what one finds in most 300 Early Christianity.


There are more words to read than previously, but not many, and certainly far fewer than one finds on Mail Online.(The Guardian)

我的理解:此句属于比较部分为there be 结构的主语,这里的what 可有可无。

例如:1. There may not be a better example of the hiatus between theory and reality than what one finds in the definition of tribe and its existential order.

The Eastern Anthropologist2003, p166

2. There is nothing in the imagination more ideal than what one finds in life and character.


“Manga covers an enormous range of topics, genres and styles of story, far more diverse than one finds in western comics, or on the animated side western television,” said Palmer. (The Guardian)

我的理解:这属于比较主体为宾语比较项修饰语后置类型, what可有可无。


例如:Schwager does advance a soteriology more nuanced than what one finds in Girard. 这里的比较宾语并不长,仅为一个单词soteriology,但形容词仍然后置,目的是起强调作用。

Benjamin J. Burkholder Bloodless Atonement?  2017 p. 29

另例:We have probably kept a burglary rate lower than what one finds in some European nations.

网友例句4和例句2 属于同一类型,分析如上。


网友例句6 和例句3 属于同一类型,分析如上。





例如:I have more money than he does. 这里不能说than what he has.

比较主体是我和他,比较对象为money. 两人平行比较。

又例:She apparently liked it more than {what} we did. (出自《剑桥语法》)

此句比较主体为she we, 比较对象为like it,所以句中的what 应该去掉。


例:He earns more than what he can. He为同一人。

另外提示,既然what 通常指代物,因此,当比较对象是人时,一般要避免使用what,除非指代和人相关的品行,特征等

  • 发表于 2022-04-27 21:13
  • 阅读 ( 2937 )
  • 分类:句法问题

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